Slobbering over Rob Pattinson...

Q: This is your third post this week?
A: Why yes, yes it is...
with your wonky legs and uncoordinated body - don't do it!!
It seems i have missed a lot, including the mops and buckets (again) for the slobber-fest that is RobDior (yeah i know that's what it's being labelled as *rolls eyes*)

Maybe it's just my age (married and all that)
Maybe it's because the fragrance (Dior) is as old as time.
Maybe it's because i don't believe the sun shines out of Rob's ass (a fine ass it is but..)
Maybe, just maybe i am not someone who fawns and slobbers over men with a pulse, think that the new fragrance with Rob helming the campaign is a good concept, but that is that. Maybe i don't believe that;
a) he is having an affair with the model/actress Camille Rowe (yawn)
b) it is the most sexy, alluring, audacious, hypnotic fragrance, that i just have to go out and buy it when it hits the shops and spray it all over my pillow. Believing it's Rob I'm sleeping beside (husband might be a bit ticked off that i'm sharing the bed with him and my imaginary friend :-/)
c) maybe i just see it as a fragrance, a celebrity fragrance for men and the fact that the campaign features Rob is a good way of advertising Dior's new Pour Homme - nothing more, nothing less.
The face behind the new Dior Fragrance...
Apparently; if you are not suffering exploding ovaries at the sight of this man's face, then you are not a Robert Pattinson fan...

Hold it one minute, am i to believe that i cannot possibly be a fan of Rob's if i don't fawn and slobber all over this campaign; any photo of him in any magazine, any movie he has ever made or any photo shoot he has done? Half of the people who are currently calling themselves 'Rob angels' don't even remember him when he first came onto the scene all those years ago in Harry Potter, so sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up. Thank god i don't represent the majority of people seen as crack-pot, nut jobs. Completely and utterly under the watchful eye of the team behind Rob (are you getting this annie packer, poopscoopstew, brie the smelly cheese and every other psycho out there?) because they are the very reason this so called fandom is currently running on bullshit power. That, and the other side of loonies who have completely lost the plot and are currently BFF's with those nut-jobs.

It's just an Ad campaign, it's just a model/aspiring actress filling in the role of the 'imaginary' lover in the campaign. For those who believe or are peddling the ridiculous assumption Rob is having an affair/hooking up/swapping spittle with the young actress/model - stay pressed idiots, you really are showing how slow of wit and lack of intelligence you actually have.

I was asked by some....dare i say called 'worried fans' of Rob and Kristen's; "why are you insisting all is right in their world when they haven't been seen together in months. They haven't been out together in months; Rob is always out with his friends, Kristen is always out with hers. You need to face reality, they're done!"
Look it's like this, i am not encouraging anyone to believe in anything i say. If they do, fine, if they don't, still fine. I don't follow any gossip/rag site, hoping they are suddenly going to start spouting the truth. Because personally, i will be long gone from this earth before that happens. Journalists of the entertainment industry lie - THAT'S A FACT. They are not in the business of gossip to tell you the truth, they are in the business to earn a fast buck selling snow to an Eskimo, manure to a farmer, rain fall to the tropics, it's that simple.

They couldn't care less if there is truth in the rumours, lies in the photos or even lives they ruin in the process of posting up their salacious 'it's just my opinion' nonsense. If you believe in it, then you are a bigger fool than you look. Everything since May has been subject to a) a photog called Rolando Blanco (possibly not real name or even real person, maybe he's a minion from Despicable Me?)

b) same photogs account of what apparently went down that night, a tearful worried Kristen (with photos that were out of sequence, not taken at the same  time and did not have the correct data on the photographs. Oh, No they've done it again, messed with the photos, they would surely never do a thing like that...would they?) <insert sarcastic snort>
c) sold to the idiots of Hollywood Life, who make their reports up using crayons and napkins from left over take away food - and every other outlet then copied and pasted from the same report (yeah, even the good ole reliable information tab People - wow, how the not so mighty have fallen) and hey presto, Rob and Kristen have reportedly split. Yet...inquiring minds and fast beating hearts, turned to Dan and his Gossip Cop buddies to ask 'is there any truth in all of this?'
Everyone at Gossip Cop central...
Gossip Cop's reply?
"'ll get back to you on that one."

So as you can see, what evidence, what actual announcement was made?
What member of the team gave the nod, wink and brush of the nose, to inform anyone that what X-17 Online said, was indeed true?

'Sources close to Mr. Pattinson'
'Friend close to the situation'
'Very close friend of Mr. Pattinson/Ms Stewart'
'The cook'
'The cleaner'
'The candlestick maker'

Every single one of them are fictitious, not one came forward - but every single tab/rag mag/gossip lackey could stake their claim that what they had written was true. Backed up by a hoard of nonstens/ninnies/haters and jealous little cheese smelling fans of Rob who assured the world that he's 'long gone and moved on' a-huh...

Dear little haters, i have another list for karma and your names are on it.
The louder they scream the funnier it is for me. The more the slobber over Rob, the more evidence his team has to allow a Taser gun to be administered to his bodyguard Dean.

Kristen Stewart...
This woman, owns all your asses. The journalists who hate her; Maria Estevez, (two bit journalist and slobbering cougar, who wrote a 'Dior' piece for Glamour/Spain) because they are jealous of her. The Rob fans who hate her, because she is in Rob's life. Roaches/parasites/ignorant bast**ds of the photo agency world; who are the most despicable of them all. They throw slander and ignorance in the faces of the people, who they earn their 'thirty pieces of silver' from and then have the audacity to cry 'unfair' when they get punched in the face by a celebrity for 'crossing that line'

Slobber over Rob if you must, but there is one person, one women who is head and shoulders above everyone else's. Nameless starlets, any model who so much as looks at him. Fans who happen to stumble upon him getting food, getting groceries, window shopping in an area where Kristen's mum and dad live...and where at one time they rented a property while Rob was shooting 'Water for Elephants'
You keep telling yourselves 'they're not together' even though there is so much 'evidence' that can refute that claim.

I will sit back, eat my popcorn, not slobber over Rob and his Dior Campaign, and watch the chaos unfold :-)

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