"Celebration Time, Come On..."

Shits and giggles here, as this seems to be the month where so many need Xanax...Prozac or any other mind numbing drug to drown out their stupidity...
this seems to be the month, where so many idiots, ninnies, nonnies, loonies, hypocrites, losers, numb-nuts and any other word, that can describe the bat-shit-crazy of this world - descend upon cyberspace, with their 'Happy R/K break up/scandal Anniversary'


Sorry i forgot to put up a banner and bunting, but really...is it necessary? The only people who find July so noteworthy are the desperate smelly clingers; those lumps of turd that stick to your skin and need a good ole 'wire brush and dettol' to loosen and allow to fall into the pot.

A nice dose of laxatives is also needed for the rag tabs; those idiots who like the smelly haters, sit behind internet accounts, making up fan fiction stories with the hope of getting the cash prize. The Pulitzer for their investigative reporting skills. Good luck with that, but have you ever considered using the talents you found in journalist school and say, take leave for seven months reporting in places like oh, i don't know - Afghanistan, where 'real reporters and journalists go?'

I thought not, because the entertainment industry is so worth the piece of crap these so called 'reporters' believe what they write is true, but is nothing more but a bad dose of the clappers on a windy day!

So i am just going to sit back and allow you lot to have a go at each other; fling stupid theories back and forth as if it is going to do any of you, any good. Instead for me, like last year when all this 'turd inducing pain' caused such a division in this so called fandom, i will say only this;
Keeping it real as always...
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart owe the fans, not a damn thing.
They don't need to announce their relationship status like a Royal protocol...

(Congratulations by the way to Prince William and his wife Catherine on the birth of their new born son <3 Proud to be British!!)

They don't need to take out a full page Ad in some paper to appease the worrying fans of whether they are together or not. Last time i checked, it takes two people to be in a relationship, the rest of the world is not included.

They don't need to drop hints or clues as to whether they see each other or not. Whether they actually communicate with one and other - it's pretty clear to anyone with a brain and common sense to see what is hiding in plain sight and i don't need a crystal ball to show me that either.

They don't need friends or family to ascertain the nature of their relationship or what happened last year or the year before or the year before that. They owe no one an explanation, no one a heads up. Family on both sides have never needed to clarify anything, with the exception of idiots with no respect.

They have never been or any member of their family or friends been a 'source' for any rag or trash site;
Hollywood (Lies) Life
X-17 (I sell bullshit for a living) Online
People (the most unreliable fact-tiod site) Magazine
US (very) Weekly
Lies (Life) & Shite (Style)
Perez (drama queen) Hilton
Gossip (does no longer bust bad dish) Cop
Radar Online
Insider.com or any other un-fact-toid site that i haven't mentioned.

SO...if you have built your little kingdom on all those sites and the lies they have written for over a year and have always written without investigating or checking facts first, you deserve the label 'dumb'

Do you know what the River of 'Denial' looks like?
Yep it looks pretty much like this. In Australia roads are flooded when the rains in winter come and become rivers - much like the River of Denial so many live along - barren, deserted, inhabitable for humans, but perfect for the cold blooded of reptiles (much like the haters and those who refuse to believe or listen)
I have always loved this photo of the two of them...
I love living in my awesome bubble of shits and giggles. I get an absolute kick out of people 'desperate' to prove I and so many like me, are wrong and they are so irrefutably right. I revel in the lunacy i see written; the absurdity of their rants and raves - it's like watching a 2 yr old having a temper tantrum - yet here in this 'fandom' they're supposedly 'adults'

Meanwhile i call it as i see it - it's my blog, my thoughts and my musings. If you don't like it - hey I'm not forcing your arm up your back to read it. Not desperate for hits like Gossip Cop seems to be and not tempting people with 'insider information' i have never been an insider, or acted like one and boy - there are so many out there, peddling that pretence!!

Instead i have faith, trust and support two people no matter what. If that makes me delusional, then bring it on! I've lived a virtual life being the 'serious' head in my real life job, delusional according to those who live there, seems like an awesome place to be :-)

tempest x
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