Grab the Mops and Buckets and get the Troll spray ready...

I see the trolls have kept themselves busy while i was gone?
LOL you can't keep stupid down for too long, before it rears it's smelly head and starts vomiting idiocy all over the place.

YES, i am back from my vacation with my family and boy does it feel good to get a break from the internet, lunacy asylum. The place where the not so bright, are let loose from their restraints and gnaw their way through the computer cables, to gain access to the outside world - snarling and growling at the very bright light of the sun, that blinds them.
Yallingup Beach - Margaret River - South West Australia...
Instead - with coastal waters and plenty of wineries to explore, i found myself constantly bewildered by the bullshit and fuckery, that some idiots were passing off as fact. Including *laughing my head off* jealous little haters trying to sell stories of; *wheezing* Kristen bowling with Rupert Sanders *panting* Rob having a date with Sarah Gadon in Toronto, when he was still in LA *gasping* having another affair with the director of Camp X-Ray *snorting* Bernadette (love that name) and Bear being looked after by the OG, because Rob and Kristen abandoned them *guffawing* Rob apparently getting all cosy with the model in the new Dior photos *giggling* and finally mother of Rob in a photo, getting all kinds of friendly with Riley's aunt - apparently that's code for 'getting happy with the potential in-laws!?!

Did i leave anything out? I might have, considering i tend to let a lot of hater drudge slide, because it's just too pathetic to even give it my undivided *giggling* attention. So called one time insiders have created a harem of idiots all believing a word they say when even Gossip Cop doesn't know what's going on anymore and spends most of his time filling his poor excuse of 'busting bad dish' site with gossip, some mediocre investigating - i.e pleads with reps of stars to give him something and collecting the hits and hates on his comment section. (I guess that's why Nick Frenkel doesn't talk to him code to code anymore) eh?
Kristen on the set of Camp X-Ray...
That's some big assed shorts on that tiny body of Kristen's - namely big assed 'male shorts' the kind of shorts someone would wear who does a lot of 'body boarding, surf boarding' kind of thing?
Warrant Officer (no sorry, strike that) Private first class Cole...
This seems to have caused a bit of a useless stir amongst the fandom - what exact rank does Kristen play in the movie she is currently shooting?
Shopping for necessities...
The look on Rob's face says it all, it says 'WTF do you want?'
Even going shopping seems to be something of a 'personal interest' for the roaches these days; let's see what's in the 'Shopping Cart of the Rich and Famous' should be a new MTV reality show, because lord, how fucking boring. What would they have done if they spied a packet of Tampax amongst the things he bought that day? Assumed they were for; Riley Keough, Suzie, blonde model 1, 2 and 3. His mum, Camille Rowe, Sarah Gadon, his maid 1, 2 and 3 anyone matching a description of 'red head with glasses' or maybe its 'blonde model with big tits'?

Of course the most obscene excuse out of all the nonnie/ninnie excuses, came in the form of 'secret dinner in Toronto with co-star Sarah Gadon' yeah i know...hold me back from busting a stitch!
Rob at LAX 'days after reportedly having dinner with Sarah G in TO'
So, let's get some thing's straight! Rob apparently had dinner with his co star in Toronto, but then days later was seen in LAX heading to Toronto!?! What, did he fly to Toronto had a cosy tĂȘte et tĂȘte with Sarah, hop on a plane and fly back to LA - only to turn around and hop on the plane BACK to Toronto?!?

Call me crazy, but even that's too bizarre to pass up as an excusable reason behind any gossip headline. But of course, the likes of Bonnie Fuller from Hollywood Life sees this as a given and would happily peddle this as the newest 'hook up of the century'
You're shitting me, right?
Crazies will be crazies and they seemed to be in their element, these passed few months. Of course the very fact that; glasses, caps, shirts - even shorts. Polka-dot backpacks (very metro-sexual...not!) Big assed ring, that wasn't bought by Kristen, her parents, her friends, her assistant, her bodyguard. Her dog or even her cat (who doesn't live with them) but by only one person...
all geared up and still wearing the bling...
Kristen does love wearing that ring doesn't she?
Well i guess i unclogged the shit that's been filling everyone's minds over the past 2 weeks - colonic irrigation is something trolls really need to look into getting done, because boy there is ever a clogged shit-pipe that needs looking at.

If you are going to invent mindless drivel, at least give me something that's of interest - the same monotonous script, revised and rehashed has become dull and well...boring. If you are going to believe the rants of; Brie (smelly cheese) Anny Packer (one nugget short of a happy meal) poopscoop (the name does exactly what it says on the tin) and any other half-wit who needs to be committed, because boy 'the lights are on but nobody's home' then you too need some time away from the internet, divine intervention or at the very least, vacation time in a dark room with padded walls.

Rob and Kristen meanwhile...working on both their movies, doing their own thing, that's the kind of happiness i like to long as the daily roach/parasite/soul taker/stalker (including the not so very stable Cybermelli in Toronto) photos don't flood the net, making the movies seem less interesting when they eventually do come out.

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