Queen Of Hollywood...

Long assed post, you have been warned. But first...a song...
Kristen Stewart - Rocking it in Paris for Chanel...
 She drove a long way through the night,
from an urban neighbourhood.
She left her mother in a fight,
for a dream misunderstood.
And her friends they talk on corners,
they could never comprehend.

But there was always something different,
In the way she held a stare.
And the pictures that she painted,
where of glamour and of flair.
And her boyfriend though he loved her,
he could never meet her there.

She's never gonna be like the one before.
She read it in her stars that there's something more.
No matter what it takes, no matter how she breaks,
She'll be the Queen of Hollywood.

And the cynics they will wonder,
What's the difference with this dream?
And the dreams of countless others,
all believing in TV.
They see their handprints in the sidewalk,
Flashing cameras on the scene,
And a shinning Limousine.

Rpt CH

She's believing in a dream,
it's a loaded fantasy (yeah)

Now her mother collects cut-outs, 
And the pictures make her smile.
But if she saw behind the curtains,
it would only make her cry.
She's got hand-prints on her body,
sad moonbeams in her eyes,
not so innocent a child...

She's never gonna be like the one before.
She read it in her stars that there's something more.
No matter what it takes, no matter how she breaks,
she'll be the Queen of Hollywood.
Ahhh...gotta love Hollywood. All it's glitz, all it's glamour, all those lies, all that hate...
I thought i would put that song up from a wonderful Irish band called 'The Corrs'
Kind of a hidden deep meaning in the song, about the glamorous or not so glamorous world of Hollywood and how it can eat you literally alive. Of course with a strong backbone and even stronger grit, you can pile drive through all it's spectacular shit and survive - and Kristen knows all about surviving and keeping her head in the game :-)

Others would let you believe she is struggling under her fame. Of twilight and how much she should be thankful to the fans, who have put her there. The same fans who have this altar built and she better not do anything to upset their ideology of what she is meant to do in her life - ooops.
That also goes for the people who believe they can control her; operate her mind like a switch and tell her who she is meant to be, who she is meant to fall in love with, who she is meant to not fight with etc...if she does, then clearly there is something wrong with her mind and it needs...retuning.

I have seen a lot of things over the past few days, months, even years. I have witnessed so many build some kind of shrine to Kristen and Rob for that matter. (but that shrine is way scarier than Kristen's) I've been un-followed because of my views (oh boo hoo) and yet i am still here and still have an opinion for it all.

So many cynics and not enough straight jackets to put them in.

If you choose to believe it was or was not Kristen in the truck; that stupid grainy image in which everyone seems to be the person sitting next to Rob...except the obvious that is. Oh but i can't say that, i can't mention that dreaded name can i, for fear of being excommunicated from the flock of sheep. Who will listen to a higher power, because they have better knowledge than say...common sense?

It seems the fandom is spiralling out of control, it's not good enough anymore to believe in something. If it doesn't fit in anyone else's agenda - then clearly you are delusional and in denial. Well...i am happy in my corner, it's nice here. I have everything i want and everything i need. I don't need red arrows and lines drawn to make me believe in what i see or what i don't see. I have enough faith in 2 people who have been together for 4 yrs and work at their relationship rather than fake it. 

Spilt up...really and who said?

I have recently debated this with like minded people - if they split up, where is the proof, where is the confirmation, where is the evidence to support this theory? Oh yes, it came from the tabloids *smack my head* therefore it must be true. 
Someone says, can confirm via a source that...
yeah in other words bullshit, because if you need a source to confirm anything, then clearly you have invested way too much time in other people's points of view and can't think for yourself anymore. And what is a source anyway? A friend of a friend who knew Moby Dick?
That's some bling there Ms. Stewart, i wonder who it came from?
The fandom of Rob and Kristen has saddened me and i feel nothing but despair for those, so hell bent in debunking everything...until it's actually debunked and their debunking is proved it's way off the mark (reads that back, looks at the way i typed it...hell i have a caffeine high - worked a 9 hr shift - give me an effing break!!) Yet no-one...except behind closed doors has bothered really mentioning the bling ring. Yes, that big shiny rose coloured gold and diamond design. The kind of ring that is meant to be noticed. The kind that looks one of a kind. The kind that 'very well might be' a replacement for the gold band Kristen has worn since 2010?

Oh but the cries of 'it was bought by Kristen herself' really? Last i checked i don't believe you would go and purchase such an individual piece of jewellery like that for yourself. But then again...roll in the cynics.
'It was from her mom, from her dad, from one of her OG friends' O-k-a-y, well first off i don't believe a mum or a dad for that matter, would roll out that amount of dosh for a ring for their daughter. True, she wore a spoon ring on her thumb that i believe her parents wore as well. So it was kind of a 'family heirloom' but this ring is more a 'statement' ring. The kind that says, this is a one of design for the person in mind wearing it.
'It was bought by....?' Yes, yes it very well might have been.

But that doesn't fit into the agenda of 'break up, split up, exes at war and no longer speaking to each other, scenario now...does it?
The cynics want you to believe they are over - pics or it didn't happen. The tabs want/need to milk this split for as much money as it is worth. So of course they are not going to try and make anything 'happy ever after' it doesn't fit their agenda. It doesn't fit the bullshit story they have been peddling since May.
Kristen's hair is kinda red here...isn't it?
Not to mention of course the 'story behind the mysterious girl' who was seen drinking and chatting with Rob at a party, that was held at house number 1 for a friend/working associate. Nor the fact that if a split occurred - why is she torturing herself with his smell on his clothing (hoodies, shirts, jackets, baseball caps, glasses etc)

Cynics once more; 'he left all his clothing at her house, he needed to escape real quick' 'i wear/wore my exes clothing all the time when we split' 

Yeah and people called me delusional????

You don't wear articles of clothing of someone you are no longer 'romantically' with. Doesn't matter what excuse you make to help you sleep at night, the fact that Kristen has been seen with multiple items of clothing belonging to Rob is either because she loves torturing herself (goes right up there with she lost her mind, is heartbroken, not eating, not sleeping and got tattoos, because she's a wild child and a rebel...) or they are still together...their way!

What is their way?
Being together, because it's their relationship - not the fans.
Living it their way, because they make the choices - not the fans.
Expressing it their way, because the media doesn't control them - they do.

You can sit on Mount Cynic and believe in doom and gloom. You can sit and listen to sources who are talking with 'assumptions and speculation' because they don't have anything to give you; Dan, Dan the Gossip Cop man; has nothing, because either team isn't saying a thing. Lainey; is a bitter hag who likes to embellish the truth with fabricated fiction. Bonnie Fuller from HWL; is so up her own arse, she can't make out truth from plastic surgery if her life depended on it. E! Online; is about as welcome as diarrhoea, because their crap is predictable. People mag; anyone who believes in a magazine, who pleads with their readers to email them celebrity sightings and trolls twitter for updates and much needed 'information' deserves a pointy hat with the letter 'D' written on it. Poopsugar, sorry typo there - Popsugar; love to cause drama they get a nice little kick out of posting shit about Rob and Kristen (must have really stung to be threatened with libel, for sending one of their 'photogs' up a tree in a urban, gated community. To take photos of someone's backyard and then post as a 'Popsugar exclusive' - feeling all proud and creepy of themselves) US Weekly; slightly put out, because they called dibs on their milk curdling display of idiocy last year...have been lagging behind with the constant 'they said that' following the flock of media sheep as they copy and paste from each other.
X-17 online...ah yes the shit site, that started it all. Yep they have had that many head turns with constant updated garbage, it's like a re-vamp of the exorcist, only more garish and slime filled, vomit producing.

So there you have it - the list of 'sources' that some people use as their daily 'go to for the truth' difference being, none of those rags/sites/media conglomorates know what the truth is anymore. Gossip sells and it sells very nicely indeed. It doesn't have to be the truth, just as long as you can embellish it enough with 'conjecture', hide with the words 'source close to' and add at the end 'its been speculated, or it's been assumed' anyone with a box of crayons and a doodle pad can write a piece of fictitious shit and pass it off as the gospel truth.

A smiling, happy Kristen always makes me smile...
A joking happy Rob (at the Beyonce concert in LA - not London as some fools tried to pass on...) always makes me smile.

Are they heartbroken, are they thin and wasting away. Are they sitting drinking and drunk dialling each other, pleading for forgiveness. Hiding mysterious 'red heads' in their trucks, as they transport a ping pong table from one end of a community to another. Going on road trips, because they need 'time to think' getting tattoos, because they need to 'mark' this occasion in their lives with ink, while they don't sleep and they don't eat?

Now that is a work of fan fiction!

Tempest x

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