Talk On Corners...

Well now...
seems we have ourselves in a pickle don't we?
My dear mother always said 'gossip is the devil's work' and boy, is she right about that!!
I dislike idle gossip of any nature. It doesn't matter what source is feeding the tabloids with their innate bullshit - gossip is gossip and doesn't account for any truth - the sources say; you know what, the sources know jack shit.

I have seen this fandom turn on it's head, turn on each other and gossip behind each other's backs. I have seen people jumping up and immediately cry 'fake' at a sighting, because they have given up any kind of hope. They have 'dealt with and excepted' 'moved on and not believing anything anymore, unless there are  receipts, proper photos, actual proof as in up close and personal proof, that the people peddling that Rob and Kristen are 'still' together 'know' they are still together. What happens next? Everyone in the fandom has to pass some kind of CSI lie-detector - or a body language specialist has to sit and observe for micro expressions, that will give the game away (i could do it, but then i could be lying too :P)

Crock of shit! (my new Aussie expression for the fandom and it's loose wheels on the shopping cart)

Gossip from this source, that source, any kind of source. Fandom famous names hinting with cryptic messages and twitlongers, that make no sense at all...people leaving, fans turning to haters, because apparently, haters know their stuff. General discontent - yep the tabloids have done it again, the entertainment market is booming and all because of hysterical worry-worts and sometimes fans, getting their knickers in a twist...
That's a nice little bit of bling you have on your finger Kristen - who on earth gave you that? Forgive me for not going down the route of 'Is that Kristen in the truck with Rob-gate?' Because quite frankly, i have said all i am going to say. The tabs would want you to believe it's a new mystery woman - Kristen Stewart like female in his truck as they drive towards the gated community of LF2, with a ping pong ball table in the back (beats 2 bikes, garbage bags and a busted suitcase) To me the drama comes from those who are so eager to de-bunk any kind of positivity amongst like minded fans, who simply want to see these young people live happily ever after. But alas there are always idiots stirring the pot and making people chose sides in this situation.

My side?
Right were i have always been - in the middle, supporting both. Kristen has never, ever been the underdog. She has the balls to chew a person out, she has the mind to act instinctively and kick your ass and she has the attitude to never let anyone walk all over her. True, her instincts aren't always spot on, but then whose are? She is a giving and nurturing person, not someone who allows you to wipe your feet on her as you walk through the door - so if underdogs come up fighting and winning in the end? True, then i guess the bullshit she had to endure of people's crack assed attitudes of last July; clawing her way back, because the same idiots who called her names then are the same idiots who called her names in May - this year, including her 'fragile, weakened state of mind' believe she has the need to be an underdog.

It's gossip central in this fandom, with everyone believing their opinion needs to be heard, about a couple's relationship status. Friends giving fans the wrong ideas - fans sighting two people, but are called trolls, because they just so happen to mention it. Oh and this latest piece of manure stems from sex tapes to friends in trucks, bling rings and tattoos with 4 lines...

Believe what you want to believe folks, the story will change tomorrow with something else to get bent out of shape over. I prefer the quiet corner, where i can sit, relax and watch the world go around. Is Kristen going to Paris and if so why isn't Rob going too - he's the new face of Dior? Is Kristen going to some other place in the US for boot camp training for her new movie - could be, but why isn't Rob doing the same?

Whatever happens, the eyes of the fandom will be glued until they get proof one way or the other. Either way, my mantra is - let gossip talk itself out. Kristen is still wearing articles of clothing belonging to Rob - so a break up seems more and more unlikely to me (been around a long time and seen a lot of break ups. You don't wear clothing your other half used/still wears - too painful, either from sadness or anger)

As for the rest...i will leave it up to the two people involved - they know what they are doing and it ain't standing around talking on corners...

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