You Know Nothing Of Kristen Stewart's Life...

I have never been known for not speaking my mind; some even call my opinion unwelcome. Others believe, that i force it down their throats and that i should just allow fans 'to form their own opinions' hey, i am not stopping you. You don't have to read my 'drivel' and then get highly offended with it, because it doesn't fit in with your opinion in life...

But when it comes to this ever increasing bat-shit crazy fandom of Rob and Kristen, there are some people who have stepped onto the crazy train, held onto the over head handles and shouted 'the runaway train went over the hill and she blew, she blew!'

I get it. People are passionate when it comes to all things Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Some even have formed their own obsessive groups, when it comes to discussing everything that is a 26 yr old from London - including some really disturbing beliefs. We have the same 'die hard' Kristen fans, who believe that she is Queen Badass and will take down any MO who disagrees with them. They are just as obsessive as the Rob fans, with the exception, that like the fans of Robert and his smirk, his laugh, his giggles, his strut, his looks good in anything but we prefer him with nothing on at all' support group of disturbing women...the Kristen fans are mostly women, who believe that Kristen is being mistreated by many a delusional flock of mother hens - like Rob or girls who think that the sun shines out of her ass and she should never let anyone put her down and that includes her 'wimp of a boyfriend'

But i digress...
the point i am trying to convey in my feelings, that have escalated as the week has gone on. Oh i try and avoid reading the nonsensical tirades of some people on twitter, but it's like a moth being teased by a naked flame...i just can't help myself. I have weaned myself off a lot of social places/message boards and have sat quietly back and watched the many a twisted drama, unfold.
The basis of all this drama?

The split that may or may not have happened, the timing of such a split. The rumours surrounding the reason of the split, the truck full of garbage bags hastily tied together, two bikes, one male and one female and let's not forget the flung to the side suitcase and the two dogs. Then the Kristen out on her own, Rob out on his own. Malibu together or apart - Katy Perry sticking her friendly nose in, sightings and more sightings and fans...the lovely, passionate fans, who are looking at one and other in dismay, because no one is telling them a thing. OH, yes the media is telling us everything, right down to an actual transcribe of the 'phone call break up' the break down of a relationship (throwing good old July 2012 just for shits and giggles) and basically Kristen's so called meltdown, ending with a 'tattoo' on her road trip to get away from it all, to solidify her new found freedom with an inking to 'mark the occasion'

Have i left anything out?
Oh yes, and to top all this off, many of what i have just written, has also come from the objective point of view of the 'fans' and i use that word loosely - not haters, they're too busy slobbering over the new Dior photos to bother about Kristen's mental state of health. The self-appointed, self-righteous text book psychiatrists, who believe Kristen has had some kind of 'toxic episode' that she is not eating, not sleeping, on the road and partying as if her life is about to end. Throwing all caution to the wind, because her relationship with a man, that has spanned 4 yrs is equivocally over and this is her reaction to it all.

*takes a deep measured breath*

We can all 'analyse to death' the breakdown or nicely played drama, until the cows come home (figure of speech from Blighty) it's not doing anyone any good. We can all theorise and speculate and conspiracy debunk until we are crossed eyed and we still won't be any closer to the truth. People believe in their own theories and publicise them, yet dislike anyone who disagrees, because there is no 'evidence to support it'

I like how so many assume that Kristen and her posse of friends, have abandoned LA and have joined some 'caravan of free souls' the 'sisterhood (not excusing CJ) of travelling hobos' all living it large and letting fans know 'cryptically' that Rob has lost out on something so special, so unattainable' because he had a fight with her and won't back down. The whole 'fix it' mantra of people, who know absolutely nothing. Why, because the two people in the centre of this all. The two people who are, yes are, in a relationship that is far more secure, far more important than the flighty beliefs of their fans. If the media is doing nothing but speculating on the relationship, it's because no one is saying a thing from either teams and it doesn't matter what your job description entails - PR or otherwise, when there is radio silence, it's for a very good reason.

The fandom is full of insiders, but no one is actually in the relationship, just spectators to the fall - whispered words, passed down, second hand.
No one knows a thing about Kristen Stewart's life, but just like last year, there is a throng of opinionated people, who believe they do. Opinions on a public platform just like here, are opinions. Except i am not diagnosing Kristen with some kind of 'psychotic or deviant behavioural problem' regardless of my professional background - i would never do that and neither should anyone, who doesn't have years of training in the profession, do either.

People may think they are just 'worried' about the 'status of their relationship' but allowing the media to see your opinions, makes for interesting reading in the next days daily bullshit, from the infamous gossip sites. Or, maybe that's why it is done? So many condemn the media/gossip for their 'hurtful lies' written about Rob and Kristen and yet...most of the dialogue can be lifted from anyone's 'open' twitter account, facebook page or message board. Tumblr or the latest in keeping up to date with the world - Instagram. The gossip blogs contact the owner of the latest 'sightings' and ask them to follow them - why? So they can pick their brains, find out what happened and then spin their little tale in the next 'exclusive of Rob and Kristen' it's like a twisted version of 'Days of our Lives' only the melodrama is two 'REAL' peoples pain, happiness and emotion and not some actors; hamming it up in front of a camera, in a ply wood held together set, on a sound stage.

You don't know Kristen's life, yet you believe you have the right to express your opinion about how she is running it - you don't.
You don't know Robert's life, yet you believe you have the right to dictate his happiness - you don't.

The only people who have that right is each other and being a fan does not over rule that privilege, regardless of your dedication and sympathetic beliefs.

You may not agree to everything i have said here, that's your right you have your own opinion and i respect that. Just as you should respect i have an opinion also. I am not trying to run Kristen's life; i respect her for who she is, she is an individual and should be respected that way. Regardless of what she may or may not be going through emotionally - that's not for me to decide or disagree upon - that's what parents and loved ones, including friends are there for.

The same can and will be said about Rob; that crazy fandom of females, who believe they can do so much more for him than what Kristen can ever do, have no right to worry, concern or indeed hope, that he will come to his senses and believe that he is free at last...single minded hypocrisy, never did anyone any good.

I conclude this post with a simple request;

Stop reading the garbage, that the media peddles as stories; they know they are writing rubbish and are obliged to print it, regardless if it's true or not. Stop leaning on so many conspiracy theorists, who lead you on in believing they know something when they are as clueless as the next person - Nick Frenkel and Ruth Bernstein have been speaking to no one, or the powers that be, will have had all the answers to all of your questions by now - but they don't, they are speculating, just like the rest of us.

I have never had a unwavering faith in two people; i feel with all my heart, who found each other like most do, when they fall hopelessly in love. They have gone through so much together; weathered a very mixed and crazy following of people and had to deal with misinformation about their 'relationship' since the beginning of twilight in 2008. Their relationship has been pulled apart, analysed to death, subjected to nasty ungrateful opinions and that also includes some crazed fans, threatening their lives. The result has made them dig their heels in and power through - that kind of commitment deserves a freaking medal - not opinionated fans pointing the finger of blame.

Tempest (gathering the storm)
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