Slappy The Squirrel...

I'm going to introduce you to my little friend, or as my kids call her - my alter ego LOL.
Anyone remember the cartoon show from WB - Animaniacs?

NO...seriously you have got to be kidding me?

ANYWAYS, there was a section of the show called 'Slappy The Squirrel' now Slappy was an aunt to Skippy the little brown Squirrel, who she bestowed her powers of experience and words wisdom, while telling a tale that had a 'this is why you should never do this kids' ending. Of course, she was also a not so dumb New Yorker with attitude (atta-toode) always getting the best of the bad guys (dumb idiots) in her show and her punchline 'ahh shattapp!!' was something my kids can relate to, when they have finally got on the last grey hair of their mothers (I use L'Oreal)

I see Slappy as the bitch-slapper of gossip and trash from those, hell bent in spreading it.
X17 Online wanted a comment...
So what's this got to do with anything?...Well nothing lol i just wanted to show that sarcasm is the funniest form of truth, in the wonderful world of satirical cartoons. That we can either laugh or cry about the shit-storm mess, that the media loves to peddle. Or firmly stand up and believe that this crap, needs slapped down. Along with anyone else pushing their hate around cyberspace, because their lives are so empty, void of any human emotion, because they believe that everyone is in a PR/fake relationship, or that people who have an argument, automatically end the relationship - because the media says so.

Slappy doesn't agree. She believes that if a love is worth it, then it's worth fighting for it. The media is a bunch of jumped up people, in too tight pants. Sucking lemons all day long, because that's what their faces look like. Entertainment shows are filled with hosts, who couldn't cut it as an actor or model, so their bitterness spills over as they show, just how mature they are in cutting someone else down. Plastic surgery is bad at any age and dinosaurs should not be allowed to speak about anyone else's looks, if theirs is hanging together with sutures and duct tape!

Slappy believes that love is there, between two people, no matter what anyone says - because it's their relationship and no one else's - dig it?
Stop thinking with your nuts wrapped up in a tight cloth, let them lose...breathe, relax and stop getting yourself worked up over situations you have no control over.

Things have a habit of falling into place when you least expect them too.
They always do...
Shattappp! And smile damn it, this broads expensive to hold on a retainer for therapy lessons.

tempest xx
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