And Yet...Still Nothing...

what have we learnt?
That gossip is poison and it's sweeping the entire length and breadth of this fandom. That people who profess to not listen to idle gossip, still have their ears pinned to the insider dealings walls, hoping to pick up some juicy piece of information. That anyone who has anything to contradict the asinine report, that all is not well in Los Feliz/RobandKristen land - are fakers, because you can't report seeing someone without backing it up with photos, right?

Isn't that the very reason the fandom has gone to hell in a hand-basket and left no forwarding address?

Tabs/media/gossip sites; all have one common agenda, and that is to sell a rumour, fake a story and spread gossip. They have no actual use other than that. Oh yes, they tell a good story, add a touch of drama and back it up with a few grainy photographs - to add a little leverage, a bit of bulk to their 'less than stellar' 'suggested rumour'

They use words like; 'speculation' 'assumption' 'contradictory reports' 'sources close to' 'alleged' 'possibly' 'maybe' 'perhaps' 'appears' these words get twisted in their narrative to 'suggest' they know something,when they don't. And there has been a lot of it about -  believe me.
Remember this mantra when dealing with idle gossip. Gossip comes from one source - the person spreading it about and promoting it to be true. If you were to gather all the evidence from that date in May; when one paparazzi, sold a few prints and claimed to have seen a 'break up' of one of Hollywood's 'hottest couples' certainly a meal ticket for Mr. Blanco. Gossip spreads like Chinese whispers; whisper something into someone's ear and ask them to pass it on, and on and on and so forth. What happens? The person at the end of the whispering line gets a completely different piece of information, than was first whispered. Therefore, this is how gossip works, and it spreads from one person to another and the end result gets accepted by people, who think it's the truth.

Bottom line, no one from either Rob or Kristen's camp of friends, WORK related colleagues (including 13 yr old girls, attention seeking) so called 'pals, best friends sister, twice removed!' Cleaning ladies, who just love to tittle tattle while ironing the Egyptian cotton sheets and running the vacuum cleaner over the hard wood floors ;P

No one.

So when sightings are announced to the world via the social wall of gossip i.e. Twitter, suddenly it's 'pics or it didn't happen!'

The running synopsis is; a man walks into a shop while on his way home from work, to buy a drink and he sees this man, who he identifies as Robert Pattinson buying some cigarettes, you know, random stuff. Outside waiting in the mode of transport the guy gets into is a young woman, who he identifies as Kristen Stewart. So he gets his twitter account, logs in and tweets what he sees. Suddenly he gets hit with a wall of questions from over enthusiastic, clutching to their hopes fans, and then dubious 'I don't believe anything you say, why not take a photo of them?' To the point he locks his twitter down, with his final tweet suggesting 'I feel sorry for them' them meaning Rob and Kristen to have to put up with this level of suspicious negativity.

IF you choose to believe the ramblings of young girls who really should stop reading gossip magazines and taking things from online sites as truth, while attending a wedding where Kristen was there - go ahead. You do know that she did admit to not knowing a thing and that Kristen would not divulge her 'relationship status' to anyone, never mind a young teenager?

IF you choose to believe the friend of a friend of a co worker, who is brothers to the sister, who works for someone close to Rob, and can reveal their relationship over. Wow that's a lot of people in that great big line of bullshit going on there, isn't it?

IF you choose to believe in every 'tabloid speculation' and that is indeed what it is - speculation. Read the words that every gossip tab uses, including the 'go to'
sites like; Gossip Cop, Hollywood Life, E! Online and People, to get their fix of hysteria and misjudgement. Be my guest but i tend to favour not reading the drivel of children, old enough to know that 'lies are bad and truth is good'

The choice is yours.
Call me delusional, call me sentimental, call me a bitch with a cold heart, as long as you don't call me too early in the morning! But for me, i would rather believe that two people, who have had shit greater in size, than the Great Wall of China thrown at them over the past 4 yrs and have come out the other side, would call it a day over a squabble (suggestively, possibly, maybe, rumoured, speculatively, assumed, appears so...)

Well lets just say, i choose to be this way. Beats wallowing in self pity, and throwing myself on my sword - any day of the week.
Tempest xx

'Staying strong is a sign of strength, not weakness'

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