DO NOT Trust Tabloid Bullshit!

I would normally come on with a witty line, post up a funny cartoon or two; laced in sarcasm and topped with innuendo. Ending it by posting up photos of the couple this blog is all about...but i am not going to do that.

Instead, i am getting out my bitch-slapper, dusting it down and hitting this fandom with a good ole dose of reality.

IF you choose to believe in the ramifications of minds; paid to make up stories about celebrities, because it's okay to try and ruin their lives with a piece of far-fetched fan fiction. They have the money to sue us, but at least we got a headline or two that people bought all means be my guest. Personally speaking; those who invest too heavily on the gossip tabs/magazines and entertainment shows (the irony is in the title 'entertainment') either need; divine intervention, a frontal lobotomy and or an enema. Or just a sex life and a steady relationship of your own.

Everyone is relying on other people to let them know 'it's going to be okay, hold my hand we will get through this together', but as soon as that hand is offered it gets back-slapped with a 'i can figure all of this out on my own!' All well good, but if once again, you are deluding yourself into thinking that the gossip hacks are going to give you an honest to god answer - i have several flying pigs i would like to sell you.

It all boils down to this...

Since last weekend when once again, people 'invested' heavily into a site, that has a very thin and shady veil of reality and truth pinned to its tail - all hell in a manner of speaking has broken lose. People have been metaphorically (i hope?) throwing themselves of bridges, wallowing and wailing in pain, because they feared that the tabloids (those who don't and can't handle the truth) spun a nice and neat little story. About a couple who had a fight over the telephone; a conversation 'apparently' the photographer who took the photos was closer than his zoom lens, could hear. Followed closely behind by various 'auspicious' as in once upon a time ago, outlets - reporting that the couple decided or where in the throes of deciding to call it quits.

Now...being the normal and rational person that i am, my first thoughts were; 'Where is the confirmation?' 'Where is the 10 on Gossip Cop's meter?'
(still waiting)

There has been speculation and assumptions, theories and conspiracies, surrounding a 'break up' 'needing time apart' 'have been growing apart' and all from a supposed 'close and solid pal of Rob Pattinson'


Surely any 'pal' of Rob's caught speaking to the gossip hacks, who just love to go after a piece of gossip, a smell of a break up, like a juicy bone...would no longer be a 'close and solid pal?' Furthermore, it has been repeatedly seen and claimed by both Rob and Kristen, that their friends are and have remained their 'close' friends, because they respect their 'privacy' and don't speak to anyone about the nature and closeness of their 'friends' relationship. Not during the whole 'hullabaloo' of last July and certainly not now.

Do i believe in any of this crap?

As i have said before, the media is a scary and twisted place. It makes money of the backs of other people's misery and that includes the fans of this couple. And when they are not doing it, insecure or hate filled idiots are. You see if you are going to 'suggest' that a couple has indeed parted ways for good, you need to back it up with a statement from either team/camp, to let the fans (those who have stuck with this couple through 5 movies) and the hype generated from them since 2008...know the truth, it's the least you can do. Instead we have multiple outlets all spouting the same shit as the last one, why? Because they are just copying and pasting what the other outlet has wrote. Embellishing it a little and adding a bit more volume and conjecture to theirs.

'They have split, but will get back together' - covering all bases there.
'Have been growing apart, but still will remain friends' - making sure that when they are next seen out together that they 'the tab in question' can put a spin on a 'reunion'
'They are staying together because of the dogs' o_O i am not even going to bother with a comment on that one!

As you can see, everyone has a theory and none of them know a damn thing. Sure, make up a story; back it up with a photo or two - considering both have been stalked repeatedly by a photog, who has taken it upon himself to smoke out the truth. Even though when you are told 'do not trust the tabs and the paps who stalk people and make up stories...' people still believe them.

And speaking of people as in the magazine site, that is in the forefront of going after a juicy bone...
'It was once a reputable magazine/site who always gave you the truth'...SINCE WHEN?

I have been around a block or two, with regards to not allowing the media to infiltrate lives, in my time (comes from having family in the 'entertainment industry) and once upon a time ago, the exact same tabloid/glossy entertainment magazine across the pond...was at the forefront of accusing a member of my family of being the centre of what was then, a bitter divorce between two of 'Hollywood's golden stars.'

Even to the point of 'suggesting' parenthood of a child that was 'unfortunately' miscarried. SO please do not try and fob off this tabloid as any different than the rest. It's just got more clumsy and messier as the years have gone by. After all, wasn't it proclaiming as an 'exclusive' just last week, that Beyonce Knowles and JayZ were 'happily' expecting their second child. Only to have that slapped in their face by the 'husband' no less, who denied it? You would think the husband would know if he was going to be a father again, or are they leaning with 'yet again' another angle?

The bottom line is this;
i can't tell you who to believe in or what you should or should not think. My thoughts much like last time, reflect on the positive not the negative. So much of this does not add up and if we are going to go around trying to piece the puzzle together with very little evidence - then our heads are going to explode. Rob and Kristen deserve so much privacy and respect. It is after all their lives, their relationship and their sanity, the trash and gossip sites are playing with and for that MY sympathy goes out to them.

The looney brigade will say what they want to say.
The negative and insecure will believe what they want to believe.
The faithful ones, put trust in a relationship, that has had to endure several craptastic years in the media spotlight - and still remain hopeful.
I put my trust in looking at everything that has been given to us so far and all i can see is a lot of people, running around like headless chickens or chasing their tails. BUT, i refuse to believe in any tabloid bullshit, unless it has actually come from either Kristen's management team or Rob's, that they have called it a day.

Until then, i believe in hope and i will support them both no matter what their decision is. I want them to be happy and when they are happy...i am happy.
What will be, will be.
*Okay, i lied about not putting up any funny cartoons, but come on, this fandom needs it!*

tempest xx
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