Love Will Find A Way...

I am not going to eat into the whole 'tabloid speculation' i will let others do that kind of divulging, in a really stupid and unreasonable manner. And i know others have most likely posted up their thoughts about all of this, rather eloquently. So here are mine...for what it's worth =)

DO NOT feed the trash-toids and their pitiful excuses; of drumming up drama and kicking a person when they are down. They are unemotional and they put across their ravings, in a very 'dead as a doornail' hypothesis. They don't waste time on the feelings of others; they are there mainly to score hits for their sites/magazines and they will print whatever rubbish they want, because hey! All's fair in love and war and all that un-touchy and un-feely crap.

So many learnt from the painful experience of last July, that the trash that goes around heavily disguised as sympathetic media sites or offering their point of view news blogs - do nothing but spin their dull and dreary lies, about a couple's 'status' purely for their own selfish gain. Others have just gone around with a different set of coloured blinkers and have fallen into the same stupid pit as they did last time.

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart DO NOT live their lives through the lens of a camera. They do not sit days on end in their disgustingly smelly car; eating take out meal after take out meal with Styrofoam coffee/tea. While training their fat, grubby digits around the trigger switch of a camera and it's lens, to weave a stupid story around a handful of photos. They don't have dull and boring lives, where they have to make money off the backs of other people's relationships or misery and constantly sell those photos to the highest bidder. Thus making yourself reviled and hated by the very people, you try and destroy with your disgusting outlook in life.

Many of these bottom of the food chain roaches, don't have any life to speak of. Marriages most likely destroyed in their quest to hunt and scavenge what information they can get; sitting around and stalking people sometimes outside their front doors. Or wading through their trash for an even more salacious spin to add to their story - which at the best and worst of times is nothing but lies.

These people feed the media sites they sell their images to. These media sites couldn't care less if it's true or not. The importance is the names attached to those photos and right now - Rob and Kristen are smoking hot, when it comes to any kind of gossip - we also learnt that from last July.

This time however, it seems so many are running around with a painfully thin story, backed up with some photos of Kristen and a few of her friends and no Rob to speak off. We have a phone call, a sad looking or worried - depending how you want to spin it, actress and all of a sudden a relationship has ended, on a break, grew apart, fighting all the time scenario - which every media with an IQ of 4 has picked up and ran and ran and ran...

Let me make something very clear to each and every one of you...
You don't just break up with someone in a few days, after spending almost 5 yrs together and had been seemingly happy days before that, heading home from New York. Where you both met up while one was there for business meetings and the other attending a pretty high brow, prestigious fashion gala in the city.
You don't just give up on a relationship when the going gets tough, not after spending so many years with that person; living with that person and all their faults and annoyances - all their quirks and funny moments. Just because friends are spending way too much time hanging around with you, or encroaching on time you would rather have with your significant other. You kick your friends politely and gently to the curb (not the other way around) and sort out your problems - your way. Behind closed doors and not advertise it to anyone else. And that includes sleazy roaches, who have been following you and your significant other for weeks to 'get' something on you.

We don't know anything of the nature or status of Rob and Kristen's relationship and that is how it should be. Oh i know, there is a pretty passionate bunch of people out there, who feel loyal to the idea that this young couple owe them something in the grand scheme of things. Those who have given up precious time of theirs to follow, support and sometimes stalk either and their friends - nosy has entered a whole new level of scary - it's called stalking in any language. But there are others who are mildly concerned, that Rob and Kristen are once again thrown under the bus of spotlight, while the media picks their 'status' apart, purely for their own sick, shits and giggles.
My resolve and support has not wavered from these two; not since July last year and certainly not since this whole 'thinner than Donald Trumps hairpiece' tabloid story, detonated in the fandom. You will see what you want to see and think what you want to think. But for me, i will remain as positive and as supportive, that these two kids can and will work things out - THEIR WAY.

No relationship is perfect - we are not talking fictional Edward and Bella here. We are talking two people, who have to endure a shit-storm of stress from the media and from the fans - good and bad. From friends being stalked and hounded by said fans, good and bad. From living under the impression, that as soon as they step out their front door - a camera is always trained on them. That kind of crap, no normal person has to deal with 24 hours in any given day and yet, have the same kind of problems just like anyone else in a relationship. So why do people think Rob and Kristen can just shake it all off and be happy, every single minute of every fucking day?

Take a step back, take a deep breath and try and stop all this hysteria, because that's what the media wants. Stop buying into their elaborate stories, stop feeding them with your fear. Stop analysing a relationship, that is not yours to analyse. Stop constantly whining about the half-cocked and full of holes stories, from the trash magazines you condemn, but then admit you subscribe to their site/magazine and read it regardless. Be what a fan is meant to be and support, but support from a safe and comfortable distance. Whatever has or has not happened, whatever has or has not been announced, confirmed or denied - this is Rob and Kristen's relationship - NOT YOURS.

Do that and remain positive. Two people, who are in love as these two most definitely are, always find their way out of the darkness. Spinning stories to suit your agenda does nothing, but show just how empty and unfulfilled your life really is.
As Kiara and Kovu sing in the Lion King 2, when faced with an uphill struggle and a love, that could not be denied - Love Will Find A Way.

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