In the Land of Make Believe...

So...we had a birthday...
We had a lot of silly fans worrying about where and with whom he would spend his 27th birthday with (my but doesn't time fly...i met him a long time ago when he was 19...sheesh!!)

We had the same drivel with delirious sites and even more drivel from delirious fans/haters/nonnies/nonberts and fair-weathered freaks...
We had a confirmed but not confirmed tweet of the list of celebs who will be attending Cannes this year (with or without Rob and his lovely lady Kristen)
*more panic over that*

Did i leave anything out?
Oh yeah the stupidity of some photogs *cough, X-17, cough* who 'doctor' the dates of their photographs and then spill a ridiculous story to go with their dodgy photographs (really...they would do a thing such as that?!?!?)
Not to mention the delirium of HollywoodLies who 'exclusively' confirm that Rob was seen out 'drinking' with the nonstens favourite spin girlfriend - Katy Perry, until 2.30pm at CM in LA.

Coming out all kinds of drunk, thanks to the hilarious (sarcasm) inaccuracy of E! News Marc Malkin, who needs to hop along to the nearest optician at get his eyes and facts checked (once again!) Oh wait, he's like the rest of the hilariously funny gossip hacks, takes his information from the hat in the middle of the table, with everyone's gossipy, twisted little pieces of paper, sitting in it.
Ah, where would we be without the drama in this fandom...possibly in a far better place mentality wise, that's for sure.

Gossip is gossip; stupid, inaccurate, unethical and full of holes, never mind lies. Twisted around for our own selfish entertainment. Those who disapprove, complain (like me) and those that approve, complain anyway, because it's not written the way they want it written. It's been proven time and time again that the media loves to stir up trouble, drama and bullshit. And most of it's bullshit is written by high school kids, with nothing better to do with themselves than gain attention by spreading lies. Or disgruntled housewives, with lust filled gazes fixated on a 27 yr old man, who will never fulfil their fantasies, because he wouldn't touch any of them with a ten foot barge-pole!

It's the land of make believe folks; people fantasizing over something that will never happen, even if they try to 'make it happen' it won't.
The fanbase of hate is so consumed with it's daily rant on a relationship they obsess more about, than their next meal, feed the media their fan fiction stories. And if you don't believe that, i have the Sydney Opera House i would like to sell you (honestly i do and at a very good price!)
If people insist on believing all this make believe hogwash, then clearly there is no cure for stupid and 'y'all' find yourselves sitting alone one day and wondering 'where the hell did my life go?'

Rob has spent his most recent birthday, with the same person he has spent his previous 5 birthday's with - the one the 'obsessors' love to hate.
*and you thought i was just putting up Rob photos LOL*

It doesn't matter where it was held, who was in attendance, did he get a cake (we all know Kristen most likely baked a special one for him), did he blow out the candles and make a wish. Did he get drunk, did he have a good time and was it better than his previous birthdays - it was HIS birthday people, much like it was Kristen's birthday, a matter of weeks ago.

Some need to sit back and chillax and stop concerning yourselves over someone's birthday celebrations.
*Ah Cannes 2012 - how do i love thee?*
And with Tom Sturridge there as co-star and moral supporter for both, it was even better =)

They both attended last year and it was pretty fucking awesome for the fandom. But let's not loose the shit now, if only one goes this time - okay?

(even though there have been sketchy unconfirmed/confirmed, does anyone know anything these days reports!)

Rob is Rob and Kristen is Kristen and without the media and stupid haters breathing down their necks, always do things their way and no one else's.

Unlike some of the people in this fandom, they don't live in the Land of Make Believe, they live in Reality Road; where real people have real lives and live them just fine.

tempest x
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