Cold Hearts, Judgemental Minds...

It seems the cold hard whip of reality, still hasn't stung the stupidity out of some people...
I have sat back this last past week and witnessed/observed so many people in the fandom of twilight/Rob and Kristen. Or should that read, i have sat back and observed the Rob-obsessed fans, with their twitterings and happy mumblings, that Rob is 'all alone' in NYC - Kristen is nowhere to be seen. BUT look, super secret blondie makes an 'sudden' appearance, once again. Could she be Sarah Gadon; his soon to be co-star in 'Maps to the Stars'? Could she be Carey Mulligan again for 'Hold Onto Me'? She did have dinner with him the week before and regardless of the fact she is married... Could it even be Emilie de Ravin of 'Remember Me' fame? I hear she's been talking a pretty picture about her 'handsome co-star' she tried to tie her star onto, when they made a movie together in 2009?

Could it simply be his UK Agents, over to have a business dinner with him, discussing the up and coming projects he still has to do. Or just simply 'touch base' with their overseas commodity. Their business is his business, if you catch my drift? Regardless there have been the wringing of hands, the worried lip bite - as more and more re-tweeted their concerns over the 'mystery blondes' Rob has been seen out with, while Kristen had a little mishap in LA. Oh goody, she's still in LA...or is she?
You always know when things are about to go bad for the obsessed. They become even more twitchy, louder than normal and the foam, crikey, but the foam gets everywhere. Kristen flits in and out without being seen. Then she appears, then disappears.

The MET Gala is fast approaching so...Rob, go boy! Head back home to your dog Bear (they still can't say the other dog's name, because that one belongs to Kristen and she (the dog) lives with Kristen in the 'her' home) and look after him. Or why don't you slip away back home to London. Sure you haven't seen your parents for a while and they miss you, terribly so (even though flights from London to LA actually exist and since Rob's Mum and Dad are retired and could come and go whenever they please...without being seen) <wink>

We now have 'airport watch' because now that is seems Kristen could possibly be in NYC for the Met Gala; she is after all on the attendees list, Rob should hopefully now be heading home. Because both in the same city spells danger for the Rob-Obsessed. It means they could possibly be together the same hotel, the same room...oh god, no, no, no, no-oooo-ooo-ooooooooo!!!
If you are one of those people, who insists in obsessing more about an actors love life, than his work; i.e movies, then you are way more invested in living vicariously or should i say obsessively through his eyes, fantasizing about being with him and that my dear, delusional fans, is not healthy at all.

People like that will never accept reality for what it really is. That this man lives his life to his choosing, not his fans. His career is what he puts across to the public; his movies he works hard on and gives back to the fans who follow him - not his personal life - THAT'S his own.

It doesn't matter if you dislike his choice, the person he wants to be with. The person who has always been there for him during the shit-crazy moments so far in his life. Your dislike, cyber-attentive-bullying and stalking of one individual, doesn't affect him one bit. He knows you are out there, he is fully aware of some not so sane individuals, who take to their 'personal social mediums' daily to rant and rave and spew hate, from their cold hearted, judgemental minds.
Well, obsess about this;
It doesn't matter what you write up, spew up and invent about the one person, you are more obsessed about than the actor, who takes over most of your lust filled minds. He's not going to change his mind, because you can't have him.

Kristen Stewart, despite the hate that is thrown in her direction, is a highly respected and well thought of young actress, in Hollywood. Respected by her peers and talked about with such admiration from people, who have been in the business a very, very long time. Anyone who meets her has said the same thing; strong, independent, shy, intelligent and determined young actress, with a willingness to learn and a heart filled with compassion for anyone who knows her and fans who respect her.

A far cry from the hate spilled from narcissistic gossip columnists, who have nothing better to do with themselves than invent stories to cause a bit of drama or string a story for salacious entertainment. Or hate from people who don't know her, but have nothing better to do with themselves than obsess about her; because hate is just another word for obsess. To hate someone means; you spend all your time filling your every waking moment with the need, the addictive obsession to want to ruin someone's life. By hating someone; the passion your feel from that fills the void where compassion should be and the obsession turns into a greater sense of purpose in your life (text book Psychosis)

And in this case, it's a person they don't actually know, but feel they have to dislike, because....oh wait for it, she has the one thing they don't have. The one person they want more than anything else in their lonely, secluded online lives - Rob.

It's nothing personal, because she hasn't done anything to them, it's just the fact that she is with Rob and they don't like it.
Plain, ugly, boring, saturnine, doesn't smile, doesn't laugh, sullen. Looks like a boy, dresses like a boy, doesn't know how to act. These are the painfully thin excuses as to why, some people dislike this young, gifted must really suck to live inside their minds. And that includes some people, who have been masquerading around pretending to like her. When really its been all about Rob-Obsessing.

Miles don't matter, work doesn't matter, different countries don't even matter. This guy has everything he wants. A steady and uprising career, people around him who still look at him the same way they did, before he was launched into the spotlight. A family who are still very protective of him. A bank balance that now balances quite happily on its own and a home (bases) that is filled with love and happiness. Two dogs he cares very much for...and someone who knows him and LOVES him, better than anyone else.

Cold hearts and judgemental minds do nothing to penetrate his happiness, it's just their lives they are making bitter.

Tempest x

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