To ALL Cyber-bullies, Trolls and Stalking Media Sites...

RL really kicks you in the proverbial nuts when you least expect it to...
...but then sometimes when you log onto your favourite 'social' places...the world is a far better place, than being surrounded by malicious idiots with nothing better to do than to troll, lie, spread rumours, because they have no life of their own.
I have so many thoughts running around my head right now. After the stupidity that was the complete lunacy of some people in this fandom; posting to online lying sites, just for shits and giggles - bitterness is all around us, bitter hags with jealous twitches, posting lies about Kristen, Rob and anyone associated with them. And please don't get me started over the whole 'Kristen is meeting up with Rugpug' because i will be forced to hunt you down and kill you...slowly.
The problem, as i see it, is that there are far too many who have invested way too much of their lives on a man they can't and never will have. They believe that by doing all of this; lying and posting their bullshit to trash sites and other haters just like them, they can somehow feel that they are important in life. When they are clearly just a full bag of bat-shit crazy, in need of a time out. With their faces pressed up against the wall in the naughty corner, where they permanently belong.

I could sugar coat it but why should I?
They feel that by annoying the fans of two people they fill their entire day investing about, they will somehow feel vindicated. When all they are really doing is showing just how desperate and conniving, never mind how completely disgusting, their minds really are. Is it any wonder they have never experienced what a 'real life' relationship actual is and if they are in one, god help the poor soul who is with them. Because they don't know just how nasty, twisted and vile, never mind suffering from a split personality, the person they are living with has.
It's not a game anymore, it's absolutely serious. People with self-entitlement views tend to piss me off, but it's the absolute haters that drive the crazy train, over the tracks that do it for me. If this past week has proved anything, then this is it. When the media decides to add itself into their stupid game, that's when things just go from 'fandom crazy' to 'loonies who need to have their internet privileges taken away' and that includes stalking paparazzi who sell their photos - changing the dates and adding a little blurb about what they discovered/saw going down (remind anyone of July 2012?)

When all else fails - concoct a story, one that is sensationalised, because it's a celebrity and they have done something in the past that warrants (in the trash sites, and Kristen haters opinion) to be dragged over the coals, each and every time. Insinuate that when her boyfriend leaves for a few days to go to NYC - that she is heartbroken and lonely and therefore, will fall willingly into the arms of anyone who will listen to her. Oh, that's right, it has to be the one man that haters and trash sites both like using to nauseam. The one person who they still to this day use constantly, because their own shallow lives can't stand the fact, that the celebrity in question and her boyfriend they obsess about - ARE STILL TOGETHER!!
It really must suck to be a troll; a person with very little imagination or intelligence. Except when it comes to talking trash about a couple; PR excuses, imaginary blonde secret girlfriends. Hook ups with past directors and the worst of all...stalking their friends on instagram and twitter and having the gall to call them out or spread their green eyed jealous bull-crap, all over it - why? Once again 'they have no life!'

It's so easy to be offended by this, so easy to cry and complain. But really at the end of the day, if you are not one of these 'not so bright' haters who are doing all of this; emailing trash sites and spreading bullshit - then class yourself as sane and you have a brain and let the poor little temper tantrum children, get on with it.
The couple in the centre of this - don't give a fuck!

Because they know that no matter what is written about them - it's bullshit. Annoying bullshit, but still bullshit.
They also know there are people out there who hate either one of them, but you can't please everyone so they just deal with it. 
Tabloids, as much as they stink like shit and write up the same amount of smelly diarrhoea - that's all they are good at. Inventing stories for slight minded people to believe in. When the real truth is nothing like the sensationalised drip fed nonsense they put up.

If you are going to get annoyed at every single piece of crap that is written, you are only doing your health damage, so stop it!

Haters look like this ---->
They believe that by hiding behind several anonymous' they can get away with posting up vile and disgusting hatred, on one woman. Those that do show their faces, do so because 'they believe' in their own drivel and want to own it. Until they get found out and then claim they never said the things they are being accused of.

IP addresses can be obtained, even behind locked accounts or trackers put in place to drop or hide your IP. They believe they can get away with it, because Rob and Kristen are just celebrities - 'they' are not hurting anyone, 'they' are not threatening to kill anyone (keep telling yourselves that!)

'THEY' are in fact a bunch of mindless idiots, with an axe to grind against a woman, who has the man 'they' want for themselves, in her life, in her home she shares with him and Oops IN HER BED!

Which brings me nicely to this;
No matter how much you try, all you're doing is keeping him firmly and happy in the arms of the woman he loves. If you think that by being horrible, nasty hags; surrounding yourself with idiots of the same personality, will somehow change that...

keep believing in your delusion, because it's the only thing you can believe in, while you surround yourself with bitterness.

It has got worse (the fandom hatred) i believe, mainly because fear makes people do stupid things (more stupid than what they are currently doing) fear of being made look like fools for lying to their minions all along. You see the haters on both sides believe in their 'self-righteous' dogma and as Rob or Kristen constantly prove them wrong; constantly make them feel the need to make more excuses as to why the couple in question have been seen out together, seen living together and seen happy their little 'PR excuses and iron clad contract', looks exactly like it's meant to look - fabricating hogs-wallop, dripped in twisted jealousy and topped with hate sprinkles.
Meanwhile, this is still happening...always.


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