True Love Ways...

There...i made it through the week without killing someone, i would say my people skills are improving, don't you?

On the other hand, i have had to bite both hands from replying to some outrageous, bat-shit crazy theories, thoughts. Not to mention hysterical, nervous and eye-twitching assumptions - based on their own warped beliefs.

That being said...
There have been some fantastic moments this week (for the fandom of Rob and Kristen) and some painful and tragic moments, that have stolen your breath and made you stop and appreciate the precious people who are in your life. I am not going to beat a dead horse about politics, nor am i going to stand on my soap box and condemn nor condone. My thoughts are with the families affected, the cities that have bore the brunt of such tragedies and know that you are all in my heart and in my prayers.

The rest...

They say Rob and Kristen are done.
They keep moving the goal posts of when this 'iron clad' contract for PR purposes - the date is now July (how ironic?)
They say they did not go to Coachella together, that Rob no longer feels comfortable with Kristen, hence why he always invites her friends.
They say Kristen lives in LF#2 and Rob lives in LF#1 - yeah they have even taken to labelling the houses 'they' both own and then make excuses as to who lives where!!
They say that Kristen can't get work, not since last year when she 'publicly' humiliated 'their' darling Rob - no one wants to work with her.
They say Rob has taken back his jewellery; necklaces, watches, bracelets and rings - yeah we are on Jewelwatch - a bit like Crimewatch only with more stalking.
They say his friends and her friends don't like each other, and like the extendible PR contract, his and hers have to show up together to prove a united front for the media and of course the sheep that follow their fandom.

They say, they say, they say...
His hand he was told to place there, that they knew someone behind them was taking photographs, courtesy of Summit and their legal representatives.

The latest from the lunatic wing of the Fringe Hospital, suggests that last weekend's 'epic' PDA from Coachella, was all staged. Fixed to make it look like Rob and Kristen were all loved up. That his annoyance was 'not' because of the paparazzi all over the place like a bad smell, but because Kristen was being 'too clingy' and allowing the roaches to take photos of her and Rob as she slyly slipped her hand around his (hence his clenched fist) and held on fast, even when he didn't want to be seen with her...
The never ending bull-shit would be easy to live with, if there wasn't so many gullible people out there, questioning these stories and looking for authentication. Turning to the saner in the fandom to quell their nervous diarrhoea as they panic and worry unnecessarily. Even going so far as to make it out that they are sane and stable minded, when of course their woe of worrying and knee knocking under the table, becomes so apparently crystal clear!
There are far too many in this fandom, who feel entitled to know absolutely everything that goes on in Rob and Kristen's lives. And that includes the worrying trend of be-friending their friends on instagram and twitter. They scan the tweets and photos every day, looking for a clue as to where Rob and Kristen are and what they are doing. Knowing full well that there are some very sleazy people disguised as distinguishable media outlets, watching everyone's 'public tweets' for the sole purpose of inventing stories or stalking out the celebs in question.

It's never accepted that the few moments that Rob and Kristen accept are going to be 'out there' about their personal lives, no the greedy fandom wants more and more - not just a half-pint of their blood, but only a full couple of litres will do!
People just can't be happy with what they get, the moments that have more than made up for the 'fandom drought' while Rob was filming in Australia - it's always 'when will the next event be, let's hope we see a bit more. Please let them go out this weekend so that they can be papped!' AND then they complain when the sleazerazzi stalk and haunt them everywhere, including outside the home they both live in and it doesn't matter WHICH bloody house they just so happen to crash in, that night!
'Rob sold himself out for a PR romance' yeah you keep telling yourselves that - keep pressed on the idea that Robert Pattinson is living a controlled life, where he gets told what to do, dates who he is told to date, goes places he is told to go to and lives with someone he has zero interest in.
Add that to the growing list, that for 5 yrs he has only been seen with ONE person. Has holidays with people he has known 'before' he was famous and ONE person. Has home(s) and shares 2 dogs with ONE person. Visits the sets that ONE person is on, when she is working. Flies thousands of miles across the ocean, when that ONE person has to be at an fashion event and then spend a weekend in one of the most romantic cities in the world - Paris.

Keep telling yourself his life is controlled and dictated on how it is meant to be lived, keep suggesting that Rob is not his 'own' man and that he foolishly agrees to these terms, because money talks and he needs the money.
I mentioned a few years back, that an angry Rob you don't want to get on the wrong side of. That he was humble enough in the beginning, to put up with the bull-shit and ignore the crap that was written about him, claiming that because he doesn't do anything, the media can't pin any of their stories on him, therefore it's just idle gossip and stupidity.

Few years down the line and the continuous crap continues, only its just tedious and ignorant and insulting and downright disgusting. Rob has let it be known, since the summer of last year, just how disgusted he is with the media and their sleazy and slanderous ways they use, to get gossip to sell. Call it a growing up phase, a shock into reality, but i really do feel that Rob and Kristen have had enough of the lies and insults from both the media and 'his' super fans. They're not willing to put up with it anymore - especially Rob. He knows the crap Kristen has had to endure from the self-righteous 'how dare she' people, and has watched her personally battle through and come out the other side. DO you really think he stands by and allows the level of hate to come between them? Look at the photo above and what do you see?

I see a 'very' protective Rob, walking in front of 'his' girl. His posture is precise  and determined, his face a mask of blank boredom and annoyance at the persistent pap, snapping photos of them as they walk hand in hand (no optical illusion there @extraTV)

The lunatic fringe believe in fairy stories of hate and boredom and no relationship there. They get off annoying people with their lies and make believe, because it's better than accepting the truth. 5 yrs kind of looks silly if you are still hiding a relationship that EVERYONE knows about, so why try? The 'they're not hiding it anymore, they are just going out there and doing their own thing' well, like duh!
They are a couple, they are together - they both have successful careers and they have and still do weather a storm of bullshit and fuckery.
Panic because Kristen's 'movie career' is or is not being announced - OMG Snow White and the Huntsman 2 is announced for 2015 - hold tight and keep rocking, because you lot make a mountain out of something, that had zero to do with you last year. A successful movie with a sequel is about the movie, not about someone's personal life, so get off your high horse there pal!
Kristen is out but Will Smith is in for Focus - OMG maybe he doesn't want to work with Kristen, maybe he thinks she will try and destroy his marriage - rumours. Lug-nuts will always be lug-nuts and loonies will find any excuse as to why a girl can decide that the movie was not to her liking after careful thought and negotiations.

Rob has been confirmed for 'Maps to the Stars' and OMG Sarah Gadon will be working with him again, oh no! Personal beliefs aside, actors are actors and work with each other whether there is a personal connection or not, it's called 'work' people and it happens all the time. Those making something out of it are the same people who can't go a day without having to know everything there is to know and force their opinions down other people's throats. Once more keep rocking and hold on tight.

Rob and Kristen - their careers, their personal lives, their homes and friends are...theirs and not the fans, media, paps or anyone else who stalk the cyberspace because they are nosey and are self-entitled.

Their love, their way...their true love ways.

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