Six Times The Charm, In 'Spite' Of It All...

Isn't this the funniest thing; that one girl can cause so much ridiculous, mind-boggling stupidity in one fandom? How people 'if you can call them that' go out of their way every single day; spreading their hate or their delusional fantasies, just because 'they' get off being 'insanely' jealous.

It was Kristen's birthday on Tuesday and in case you didn't know, she turned 23. A far cry since her humbly, shy 18th - back in 2008. Six years have gone passed since that birthday celebration, on the first movie set of the 'twilight' series. That strange little franchise, about a young girl meeting a strange, shy and unusually pale boy and falling hopelessly in love.
A pretty special birthday, where Kristen shared it with members of the twilight cast as well as crew in Oregon. A birthday that marks a young woman leaving her childhood behind and embracing adulthood. A stunning cake was baked and everyone marked this special occasion by wishing her well. Her contract via the rules pertaining to (AEA) were extended, which meant Kristen could do longer hours, night shoots, oh and actually kiss her co-star on a purpose made bed (Bella's bedroom) because her director at the time, was a bit weird about allowing the kind of kiss, that drew everyone in on the first movie. Because it was a little NC-17 for a young girl to be doing with a 20 something man. (director's handbook for twilight)

Oh and let's not forget this;
"Rob gave me a guitar, that is simply only beautiful and magnificent..." - Kristen, when asked what she got for her 18th birthday during a twilight interview - 2008.
6 yrs and 6 birthdays later - some things still remain the same. Rob has shared every single birthday moment with Kristen, both his and hers. I guess that's why there is so much bitter foam floating about? Oh yes, the usual suspects of desperate, clingy haters; wanting everyone to know that 'Rob was not with Kristen' while she kicked off her 23rd with her friends. They wanted their delusional followers to believe that Kristen was still road tripping with her friends; apparently those who stalk Kristen and Rob's friends instagrams (you know who you are) can confirm that, as they spent most of the weekend and Monday giving updates on the whereabouts of Kristen's friends and IF Kristen was with them...

*delusional is thy name and invested way too much in a couple's lives, is thy nature*
There is this disturbing pattern of behaviour of some people, who are the first to criticise and ridicule those Rob super fans and Kristen haters, for being all kind of stalkerish and yet, they clearly do the exact same thing. Call me a Debbie Downer if you must, i am all for fans who want to know what their favourite celebrity is doing. But going to lengths of befriending Kristen's and Rob's friends and then posting comments like 'oh please can Rob and Kristen go out tonight and get papped?' To then complain when the photog roaches are all up in their faces and they get a not so happy couple, being stalked and then photographed/videoed, just for fandom entertainment. You can't have it both ways people. Either you agree with the slime on the street, that Rob and Kristen are fair game and that hanging out in places where they will be hounded; radioing in to each other, that the 'targets are on the move' is acceptable.

Or you don't think it's acceptable and stop the bloody pleading, that you haven't seen them in a week and it's about time they showed their faces to the paps, who are stalking them!


Each birthday they have celebrated - they have celebrated together with close friends. Each year is just as important as the last, because they have always been there for each other, no matter the thousands of miles apart. I guess that's is why the bitterness is so hysterically funny. The desperate means people go to, when they can't or won't face the truth. And the truth is that no matter what their delusion, Rob and Kristen are always together.
Dinner with friends at a restaurant - sorted!
Partying at a club with friends - sorted!
Being papped for the pleasure of nosy media sites and twitchy, worried nervous-nellies - unfortunately sorted!

And still the bullshit goes on;

"They didn't celebrate it together, Rob was at the No Vacancy club, along with his ex Nikki Reed"

Excuse me while I...


"Kristen went out with her friends, Rob wasn't there, they are not together anymore. How many times are you clinging shippers going to be fooled by the media until you open your eyes and see the big picture?"

(these are just some of the hilarious, side splitting emails, i got LOL)

I see Rob and I see Kristen - getting out of a SUV, that they travelled in - T.O.G.E.T.H.E.R

As i said, the smell of desperation is ever so apparent, when the stupid haters have to justify themselves until photos come out, showing a certain 'happy, normal couple' doing happy, normal things. The PR contract is still standing apparently and birthdays have also been included in this twilight charade. Yes, because nothing shouts 'PR' than two people out with friends, some actual well known celebs from all walks of the entertainment industry. Or that they apparently kicked off the 'birthday' celebrations, by attending a Rhianna concert - but *gasp, shock, horror* were not papped!?!

Concert, Road trip, Rob out with Vince Vaughan and Joaquin Phoenix. Dinner and then dancing...sounds like a jammed packed, fun weekend and birthday for a very special, much loved and adored by many - woman, don't you think?
Whatever your feelings it doesn't matter, because this couple will continue doing what 'they' want to do. Festering with hate or worrying unnecessarily about what happens next, does nothing to their lives - only yours. YOU are the one with the headache, believing everything the parasite media prints up and excuses for actual reporting. And as for the haters LOL...stay pressed lovvies, stay pressed!!
(Shits and giggles was brought to you today by @GingerwaSoul Rob and Kristen love by @UnpaidPrivEye)

Tempest x
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