Watching Us, Watching You, Watching Me...

Taking a deep breath, unfurling my claws and watching, distracted as they gleam, razor sharp in the sparkling sunshine...

So many fair-feathered friends, so many confused drama queens, so many believing in speculation; insiders, who know insiders, who know insiders, who know...something...

Long gone is common sense; looking at evidence, leading with faith and putting trust into understanding, that the media...when not told...knows NOTHING.
Of course, they will lead you to believe they do, hah, they wish!

So, what to do, what to do...
Well, personally speaking; if you are like me, i have the faith and understanding that two people, who have been together for 4 years, would not just simply decide one day - 'hey, we have been dating for a while, let's call it quits, what do you say?'

Then, go out with friends, looking all happy and mellow; laughing and joking around. Go to concerts, visit friends and generally act, as if nothing had happened.

The kind of fan fiction story, that people who have never been in a relationship before tell, or bitter, twisted, whiny...haters. Haters will have you believe that they never were together in the first place. It was just some crummy PR contract, they both signed and finally the pips went at the beginning of May. Courtesy of course of the pap and the media, who spun a lovely little story.
So we have conflict and we have wailing and gnashing of teeth;
"I have moved on, i don't care anymore and i won't believe anyone. But give me the name of the source, so i can verify that you are telling me the truth."
"I know they're not together anymore, i am just going to support their careers from now on in. Who was he/she seen out with again?...OH NO..."

AND as for the bullshit and fuckery, that is Rob and Katy Perry. Do yourself a favour, the exit is behind you and don't let the door hit your thick head on the way out - dumb ass. There is about as much chance of Rob tapping someone; who is friends with BOTH of them, as i have becoming the next Prime Minister of Australia - not withstanding that i still have to get my PR and i am a Pom!! (that's someone who was not born in Australia)

The ludicrous suggestions on twatter (yes it's because it's full of twats right now!) and tumblr, instagram and any other social outlet, network, loony house of information, feeds the wonderful world of 'no sources so we will make them up' tabloid media. That and just dumb asses, who are drip feeding their drivel and obsessive hate to those, who claim they are gossip, therefore they speaketh the truth...
Okay, here's the thing...

If you are one of those people, who believe that as soon as you end a pretty long (by Hollywood standards) relationship. Filled with one person in your life; sharing the biggest experience of your entire existence. Keeping your feet grounded and the fans/wolves from your door. Always there for you, both emotionally and physically - to then suddenly jump into bed with the next available, pulse breathing, warm blooded body...for shits and giggles/hook up/good time/whatever idiots call it these days. Be my guest, you're the type of person the opposite sex, should avoid at all costs!

Because life is not a 2 hour movie drama; where the couple are not real, the emotions are not real and the actors get paid pretty damn well for their 'acting' in this fictional plot and twist. The 'He's Just Not Into You' meets 'Friends With Benefits' and hooks up with 'Crazy Stupid Love' and 'The Wedding Crashers' for a good ole time.

I can't make the decisions for you, so i am not even going to try.
Do i believe Rob and Kristen are still together?
My previous ramblings several sentences above, states clearly my reasons.

You don't walk away from a fight, you turn around and fight back. You most certainly don't walk away from an argument, after 4 years together. You slug the shit out and clear the air. So what if they had some time and space? Both are hot headed, passionate and stubborn minded. Those fans who have been around a block or two since the beginning of Twilight and rumoured Rob and Kristen, know this, accept this and laugh at the narrow minded, worry-worts, who can't make a decision on a dime, never mind have common sense to respect the two people 'they' claim they are fans of.

If you want to play gossip hack against gossip hack and believe everything they say, let me just stand a bit further back, so i can take in the full impact of the train wreck that's about to happen.
Everyone wants to believe a source, an insider, someone in the know. But as soon as someone puts anything up, remotely resembling any kind of good news...they're fake, there are no insiders, just trolls and haters. Meanwhile, anyone with anything respectful and decent to say, gets bogged down with twitter hate; 'pics or it didn't happen, name your source or your fake!'

The fandom of Rob and Kristen looks like the floor of a teenage bedroom; piled high with things that have been there for goodness knows how long. Expired items you don't even want to touch without a warning sign and a hazmat suite, never mind anything else!
Meanwhile...two people are going about their lives; meeting with suites for their up and coming projects. Launching fragrances that will most likely sell out, thanks to the 'i need this in my life' fans - hey if you can, you do, right?
Being announced as having the top fragrance of the year; the smell of Kristen Stewart was an absolute sell out - congrats babe, so very proud of you!!
Stop watching the media, and just...believe.

tempest xx
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