You Just Can't Fix Stupid!

Well now...
It's been an interesting week to say the least; so many sightings, so many good things for the fandom to fawn and swoon over. Date nights, Teen Choice Award's, where Kristen shone with giddy happiness, meeting up at Château Marmont after the TCA's with her main squeeze Rob, who was waiting for Kristen, along with Katy Perry (we got all the gossip Sun/Mon)
More interesting comments about Golfing together, apparently looking happy and relaxed as they hit 'balls' on the driving range.

And then we have the crazy; more hysteria over an ad campaign, that may or may not be true with 'OMG it says Rob is naked in it!!' Will Smith may or may not be working with Kristen in the movie 'Focus.' Some unknown drama over friends of Rob's not speaking to each other!! Gossip, blind or otherwise, entertaining those, who have already been restrained into straight jackets; the understated lunacy from those, who continuously discredit the media and yet, bloody well believe it to the point of spreading it around like wildfire.
Yeah, if you are going to poke fun at the crazy and delusional, at least don't be gullible enough to post it up and then pick it apart, as if by some strange turn of events, you are going to find the meaning of life in the remnants of the drivel.
I have been delightfully entertained as the week has gone on. People, who i can see, clearly invest WAY too much time on a couple's lives. The need to sit on the internet practically all day, tends to worry me as i find it the worse place to get offended on.

PR Contracts have been given a new date?
...Desperation clings like a cloud of methane gas from a recycling dump. In other words - same shit, different day with dates changed in order to tie in with their bat-shit agenda.
People who believe in everything gossip blogs/sites/columns and inches try to sell, are no more dumb than the haters who make their own shit up and the media sites, who also try to sell their shit - as truth.

Bottom line; when the two people who are known celebrities, do absolutely nothing. They don't party, they don't hang out in infamous clubs or bars. They don't attend any 'well publicised and photographed Movie Première's, night club openings, restaurant inauguration's' They don't tweet self photographs of themselves and when one attends some 'fancy awards show' the other is too busy PR themselves by either attending for the spotlight or show up at the after party, in a grand display of 'look at me' entrance.

Instead, they sit at home with each other and their dogs. Have friends around for cosy meals to chat and catch up. They go out with each other under the illusion that late at night, surely the soul takers are too busy at an other area of LA to care about them?

It's that time again (which seems to be all the time) when idiots invent gossip about them just to stir up the ever present drama, that seems to follow people around in this fandom like a bad smell! (Methane gas)
Gossip sells, because stupid people read it. Half of it is made up fiction from those, too lazy to do any kind of investigative digging to disprove it. Gullible people are a dime a dozen as the saying goes. Try as they might to pretend they don't read it, but they do and then go off on a hysterical moment complaining about it. It's the same for those complaining about this 'supposed' Dior campaign and how 'disgusted' they are over half naked Rob kissing other women who are not Kristen (12 yr olds run this fandom!!)

If you don't like the gossip (blind, bent and completely bullshit) - DON'T READ IT!
If you don't agree with this so called 'explicit' campaign (breaking advertising standards in all religions) - DON'T WATCH IT!
As far as i am concerned, some people go out of their way to be offended. Oh who am i kidding, not some, ALL. Mental health issues are a worry when you read what is written about, thought about, shouted about and wailed from every corner of cyberspace.

The latest seems to have got everyone's girly knickers in a twist - Lindsay Lohan hanging out with Kristen and Rob...


Remember when i said 'gossip sells?'
'Is it true, please don't tell it's true? She's a train wreck!'

First of all, it's a little hard to disprove or approve anything, until all facts are checked first. Certainly, certain gossip bloggers have gone to town over it, citing it's worse than the drama of last summer of 'you know what!'

Personally speaking...i tend to think Hollywood believes 'good' gossip doesn't harm anyone. Especially someone as 'troubled' as Lindsay Lohan, were trouble seems to be her middle name. Citing she has visited the home that Rob and Kristen share, in fact she 'apparently' indeed was there with a few other people, makes me uncomfortable. Simply because anyone she associates with are there solely for the purpose of 'she' needs the publicity 'good publicity' that is. But then again...dear old 'mother of a troubled child star' needs to create a diversion from all the negativity surrounding her daughter of late. And what better way than to 'invent' a story to shed some 'good light' on the mess that has been created. You know 'child stars unite' and all that?
Of course, it hasn't helped the Psychotic of the fandom, who believe absolutely everything that shows 'Dear gullible, stupid and her bullshit radar is on the fritz again Kristen'

THEY believe this is all falling into their laps nicely. Kristen and train wreck Lindsay are so alike. Both child stars, both high profile, both stupid and have made mistakes...although how they can compare the two, God only knows? Oh wait, because their fiction is truth and everything about Kristen and her life is simply PR!

A gossip page on a broad sheet is still a gossip page. And that means i would take what is written with a shed load of salt. Surely, predictable behaviour of one very conflicted and confused young lady has shown in the past, that if it was true and this indeed had taken place - photos would have surfaced of Lohan sitting all happy and delusionally pretty next to Rob and Kristen. But then again, it's right up there with Lohan out partying with Rob last year, while Kristen was away promoting Snow White and the Huntsman isn't it?

Sometimes you simply can't fix stupid, even with duct tape. The Lunatic Brigade seems to have follows of both sides, who believe in their bent theories. The well known hierarchy of the bat-shit stupid, continue to feed their trolls with more lies. As confused and conflicted drama llamas shakily worry and complain about something - anything, that allows them some kind of importance in the grand scheme of things.

There is a girl and there is a boy and they don't give a shit.
The fandom around them implodes Gossip sites try and invent stress where there is none. Haters try and invent trouble where there is none.

Rob and Kristen - just keep walking, just keep tuning the noise out as they wander through their lives unaffected, because they don't let the bat-shit crazy in.

Have a lovely Easter break with your families. Spend time with them and less time worrying about a couple, whose lives should not affect your own - 24/7!
Tempest xx

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