A Definite O.D.C.L Syndrome Kind Of Day...

Obsessive, Delusional, Compulsive, Liar - Syndrome;

People who suffer from this condition, tend to think they're more important than life itself. They have a tendency to exaggerate and fantasize about their greater importance. Only move in circles of people suffering the same condition as they need to have a safe environment in order to share their ODCL with like minded people.

They spend most of their time sitting on social networks and blogging their poisonous views persistently; their target or obsession is someone they are extremely jealous of, hence they aim their hate in one direction. Spreading it in a form of story telling; exaggeration and compulsive negativity, usually with venomous contempt as they believe the person they hate is nothing short of a villain in the story - the very reason they suffer from this condition in the first place.

Their obsession is driven by the person's partner or someone close to the object of their hate; the need to control, to take away, to remove from the situation. They have an unhealthy obsession with the target of their hate's partner, where most of their compulsive lying comes from. There is no known cure or course of treatment that will correct this condition, other that in my mind, there needs to be less time spent behind their computers/electronic devices; internet connections need to be limited. Removal of computers/electronic devices from bedrooms where behind locked doors, those who suffer from this condition can be allowed to express their hate openly and without consequence. Extreme measures also need to be made for those, who have secretly hidden their obsession away from their family who do not share their obsession and most likely are unaware of the level of ODCL their partner/family member/parent is suffering from.

Final thoughts;
You could prescribe a drug, but no drug will work. You could prescribe some time protectively ensconced in a mental institute, but to no avail. You just need to understand that the level of hate, those who suffer from this condition, is a level you do not want to experience and that includes defending the lies and the exaggerations they produce. Including pretending they know information when they clearly do not. As for the reason behind their lies, their hate, their venomous attacks - they seek attention. It's what drives their need to produce this kind of hate. They need the attention to fuel their obsessive hate on one person, the more people attack them the more they enjoy the arousing attention they get. Don't fuel their ODCL - refuse to give them the attention they feel they deserve and trust in your own common sense.
This girl proves time and time again that she lives her life her way, and the people who are most important to her are the ones who have nothing but good things, great things to say about her. The haters, they are just noise; stupid, silly, ignorant noise. They want to disturb their happiness, hating on someone they will never be. They're jealous of her life, her body, her choices and the main hate, the main venomous need to control - her boyfriend.

They attack her friends, because they are always around - protecting her.
They attack her fans, because they are still supporting an openly honest and genuine person (unlike their obsessive, dark hearts)
They attack her boyfriend, because he is still with her. Even going so far as to try and make something out of a handful of pictures that caught a typically normal evening out. Suggesting they had been fighting, when a split second of a frame shows nothing other than a couple, walking together.

The only drama the two people supposedly display, is the drama invented in the hate filled obsessive minds. To suggest this woman and her boyfriend NEED to PR roll their relationship, is simply because they can't find any reason that fits their 'agenda' as to why Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are together, because it's the natural order of things. It's finding your partner and creating a life with them.
This woman is the only 'reason' he needs in his life. She is his centre, despite what jealous people think. He left Australia, after spending 2 months working on a movie and came straight back to her. That shows that no matter what the media will write or jealous super fans might think - Kristen is the only person he cares about. Fans of Rob - true fans, would respect his wishes, be happy his life is happy and support his career. Too many have invested way too much time on his personal life - expecting him to perform like a clown, whenever they disturb his 'quite time' for a photograph;

"I think it's strange trying to accept people taking photographs and stuff - cause i mean, because people try and sell it...and any kind of life where people are trying to sell any aspect of, and things that aren't intended to be sold - it makes me feel tacky, it makes me feel cheap. So i prefer you know, to keep the personal life personal. I try to at least." Rob Pattinson.
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