Leave Out All The Rest...

The weekend beckons to us once more...
I feel the need to sit in my happiness bubble and make fun of the rest of the world. Ever get the feeling that some people deliberately go out of their way to be insulted; annoyed, aggravated, astounded, ashamed, angered and downright bat-shit, spitting with foam? More foam than any nonsten can make up in 5mins of talking about; shewhoshouldnotbenamedbecausesheappearswherewedontwanthertobe

Priorities people please!

So the silly little girls with their silly little agendas, have got snapped up by Eejit! (pronounced ee-jit)News, to give a tell all about meeting Rob and Kristen at a place near their home (one apparently is a photographer in the making i.e. she will be the next roach to the stars in a year or so) as they apparently 'hounded, pestered, wouldn't leave alone' Rob, to get a photo with him. Which he eventually albeit reluctantly gave, with Kristen laughing good naturedly (hold the press, she laughs, she smiles OMG!!!) calling her loved one an 'asshole' like that's a bad thing? You should hear what i call my significant other of 20+ yrs!

Though and behold, cue the fandom meltdown;
'How dare they do that, how dare they sell Rob and Kristen up the river. How could they do this to them, don't they know that it will ruin every other fan's joy in getting a photo with either of them ever again!?!'

First off, some people need to cool their jets, honestly. Like you didn't see this happening? Two girls making a huge deal out of seeing Rob and Kristen; tweeting it and sharing their photo online, knowing that every media outlet will have snapped up the re-tweeted, hundreds of times photo? And have it on their front pages as the first sign, this young and much talked about Hollyweird couple are...duh duh duhhhhhhh - back together/reunited in their on again/off again romance. *forever rolling my eyes*
Come on, i thought some of you actually used your brains? The girls have sold their 'brief encounter' to the likes of People, to E! News and basically to anyone who will listen to their story, which if i may add, is getting more elaborate by the minute.

It screamed 'can't keep this to myself, i need the money' much like anything that gets sold to the media these days, it comes at a price. And the price is a little bit of privacy Rob and Kristen had that night, until the little fame hungry girls can on the scene. C'est la Vie!
They've been through this before, they kind of know the drill. As soon as someone recognises them and asks for a photo to be taken. Sure as their names are BOB and CHUCK, oh wait lol...it will be all over the internet and the greedy little media will want it's pound of flesh from it. So stop getting your knickers in a twist and just accept, that with the righteous amongst the fandom who claim they would 'never do that' somebody out there always will.

Move on, get over it, take a deep breath and let it go...

Birthday party celebrations, you know we all love them. A little soiree of people nearest and dearest, head off to another area of California (not geographically knowledgeable, but Santa Barbara is further up the coast from L.A???) For a friends birthday celebrations - cue the bubbling hysteria once more...
*grainy image*

I kind of get the hysteria surrounding this photo, let's face it, E! Oh wonderfully public and unashamed E! News (remember Ee-Jit - an Irish slang/colloquialism word for stupid, idiot or fool) had to put it immediately up on their site as soon as this image and the few seconds of a video of the party, of none other than Katy Perry's assistant Tamra Natisin was leaked. Mainly because well, it featured the assistant, who has been seen out and about with Kristen earlier this month while Rob was still in Oz, not to mention Katy was there herself to sing her birthday wishes to her friend. But of course the highlight came in the form of Kristen, seen leaning over the table to snap a photo/video of either the birthday girl or her beau - Rob.

One, two, three....awwwww <3

It does my heart good to see this couple enjoying some time amongst people they care about and trust. People who are both protective of the private lives of their friends, but at the same time, know they are just as much into having fun as the rest of the human race.
All is right with the world (i didn't know there was anything wrong with it?) Rob and Kristen are still together (i didn't know they were apart?) Friends are giving us some wonderful goodies, we should be thankful (yes you bloody well should be!)

BUT, underneath the current of happiness, lurks the trolls under the bridge, making their usual pitiful, whiny noises; PR contracts are nearly up, smelly cheese (ode de Brie) is trying to back peddle from her previous bullshitting story of why Rob and Kristen are contractually obligated to be together until...(insert new date here)

Ruth (Kristen's assistant) was at the party also, therefore it's all work and no play; just another 'public appearance' for this 'contracted to the hilt' no wait, contractually bound only together and not created through an agency or Summit Entertainment - Ruth Bernstein is owned by Summit E until her contract runs out in (insert new date here)

Hmm let me think...
You really don't understand the level of crazy i have to work with here!
As one splendid person did point out to everyone last night, while i sat snickering out loud at the latest shit to come out of some people's 'super sekrit, no wait they are fairly public, because they change their name so many times, but still manage to make their information public' online account - if this is a contract that is binding and was set up by the individuals who are named in said contract - Rob and Kristen. And that this contract was not drawn up by any other party; Agencies, Studios or hired dumb as rocks Lawyers, who are paid to PR the ever living hell out of celebrities lives...then this must mean only one thing...


You see a marital contract is between two people and only two people. Two willing participants i might add, who enter into the agreement and place their signatures along the bottom of said contract. Which is binding in the eyes of the law and of course the Lord as these type of contracts are settled over a small but intimate service. Conducted by, for all intents and purposes a witness to oversee this binding contract between these two individuals. There may be others who can be present as witnesses to this mutual agreement, but not always the case. And once the signatures are written and the ink is dry - this contract is then forever binding and never to be broken.
OH MY, could this mean?

You see, i laugh at the idiots and their silly little games. Their half-brained theories and bullshitting lies. I don't get angry or upset, i just rub my hands together with glee, roll back my sleeves, crack my knuckles and smile as i get to work making fun of their pathetic attempts at attention seeking.

They are stupid - absolutely!
They like making up lies - the truth is too taxing on their brains, for them to understand.
They try and make out they have insider knowledge - the only inside knowledge they know is how to open up a word document and begin writing a fairy story.

The rest...
is just noise, a noise that is pathetic as it clings to any attention it gets. It's a noise that's aggravating but if you tune it out, then it simply fades into the background.
Remember only this - Rob is happy and Kristen is happy.

Have a lovely weekend and don't wade in the bullshit too much!
Tempest x
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