
I just had to put this photo here. Thank you for whoever posted this up on twitter, because it's an EPIC description of the bat-shit and numb-nuts out there!!

A twirling we shall go...sorry channelling another blogger's happiness right now!

E News!, Popsugar and basically any media outlet is going ga-ga right now, as they hold in their sweaty little palms a fan picture from last night of...

*drum roll please*
Rob and Kristen out with friends.

*gasp, shock, horror...manip, manip, manip!!!*
U-huh, yeah, right...
As i mentioned yesterday - Rob is back in L.A. Not only is he back in L.A, but back in the arms of the only person who matters to him - Kristen.
The explosion of denial was as noisy as hell, I guess they're practically catatonic right now then?

Nothing makes this fandom more happier, than photos of the two love-birds out together. I did say be respectful and don't ask for much, so i guess this is a gift from the gods as both were seen out at a bar near 'THEIR' home and not as outlets assume is just 'Kristen's'.

Here's a thought for the less than intelligent media outlets; when two people live in the same home, share the same home. Sleep in the same home and have their dogs, belongings and personal artefacts at the same home. When returning from a movie shoot, that has spanned two months in a rural area of hot as hades - known as Australia (it has been really hot!!) and straight into the arms and home of...

I guess you can say that it's 'their' home. As they 'live' together in the same 'house' and Rob has reportedly spoken of the 'home' they share, not too far away from actress and friend, Natalie Portman. Who just so happens to live not too far away from the property, that both Rob and Kristen moved into 'autumn' of last year...
But then again, that's just asking too much isn't it? While they the media like to appeal to the broader audience (Rob's super scary fans) separating the two makes a more salacious report. A more 'look fans they don't live together, so there's hope for you yet!' Considering the very public home they once lived in, lies empty and hasn't been lived in since...the media and their roach photogs put paid to that one, didn't they?
So yeah, everyone is in their happiness bubble, except haters and bullshitters and media outlets, who need to earn clicks and hits by still insisting that Rob and Kristen are on and off again. Are reuniting since the split while he went off and found himself in the Outback and came back to give their relationship another go. *rolls eyes*

We have had two months of insinuations that the 'twilight couple' yeah i know, stupid label, but there you go - are;
* having difficulties and that Rob announced he needed a break...
* They have decided to use this time to sort out their feelings for one and other and see where they are at, once he comes back.
* He doesn't want her to come out to Australia, she doesn't want to go out to Australia, he's having too good a time partying and hanging out with all his new 'Australian friends...'
* Kristen is partying it up now finally Rob is out of the picture - hanging with friends who don't like Rob and they don't like him.
* Cosying up with his 'Brit' friends while he is away, could this spell doom for their faltering relationship?

The list of bat-shit crazy theories goes on and on (i don't have enough room on this blog to put them all up, but trust me, they're just as hilarious as the ones i have)
And don't get me started with the other annoying as hell 'Robsten is Unbroken' label, that just screams 'children have thought this one up'
So while i am on the subject of Rob and Kristen, reuniting and it feels so good...let's get a few things straight, shall we? The 'leaked' Dior ad, that the British fringe of the trash-toid media posted yesterday, is all kinds of shits and giggles.
It painfully and hysterically suggests, that Rob is 'acting out a foursome' and is 'topless' most of the 'Dior clothing shoot' as he artfully 'bed-hops' from one super models bed to another. Never mind the whole 'kissing with tongues, while the ad is explicit and pushes the boundaries of what you can get away with in advertising'

*please give me a fucking break!*

I have no problem with Rob doing Dior. In fact, dress him in anything and he makes the clothes not the clothes that make him. BUT, when there is a pretty large line between an ad campaign, which sorry 'screams' of something that has come out of Nonstenville, and an actual honest to god ad campaign, which is tastefully done, i have to say 'desperation is desperation.'

IF there is an ad for Dior and it comes out with Rob acting like a 'bed hopping but looks good gigolo' it's a role people, nothing more and nothing less. Although the whole 'foursome and tongues' just screams exaggeration on the trash-toid's part and let's face it, they're all kinds of bullshit at the best of times. Never mind the fact that the leaked suggestion last year was to do with the men's cologne and NOT clothing. It makes you wonder if The Sun is digging through it's own trash cans to make this one up?
Bottom line; crazies and haters are all the same. Refuse to believe that Rob and Kristen are nothing more than a couple getting on with life and i believe, it's about time 'some' people get on with theirs. Bitterness is just bitterness - a horrible nasty taste that won't go away. Try some 'bullshitbegone' mouthwash and get that nasty taste out of your mouth. Or better still, find a man of your own or pay attention to the one you have and stop fantasizing about the one you will never, ever get!

STOP with the crayons and texters, when posting your ludicrous theories to media outlets, who have still to graduate from Kindergarten. Oh, and the shouty caps, please (giggles) stop with the shouty caps! Because shouting at me is only making me laugh even more. And a giggle a day is what keeps this Wicked Witch of the West alive!!
Acceptance, who am i kidding? Some people just can't bring themselves to accept, that last nights outing was no 'PR stunt' and that Rob and Kristen showing their adorable faces, is because they are...together. They always, always end up together.

As for anything else...
When a man looks at a woman the way Rob 'always' looks at Kristen. He doesn't give a damn what people think about his life. He doesn't care whether 'some' people agree with his decisions or not. Or worry that he will 'loose' fans because of his choices. They are HIS choices to make and no one else's. Rob chose Kristen and Kristen chose Rob - end of story!

Tempest x
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