Beautiful Chaos...

"Reunited and it feels so good..."

Yes i know, when two people are reunited, it sends the fandom into a meltdown of sappiness. It also sends the bat-shit crazies into meltdown of another kind. The kind that results in padded jackets and higher strength meds, because the last ones just didn't quite work!

Everything from trying to decipher whether Rob left prior to the reports that have been circling from not the most intelligent at E News! Who can't work out time zones if their lives depended on it....hint; when it is Sunday night your end of the world, it's Monday Morning in Australia!

The haters are still trying to work out that 2x2 equals 4 and not 8, and haven't quite moved on from crayons to pencils. So forgive me for laughing when they have been under the impression that; A) Rob has been holed out in a swanky hotel in the middle of Adelaide and not shooting in small rural towns; working in extensive heat, that would normally put a healthy man down. B) Once he finished working in said environment and location, he was then transported to Adelaide, where there was a wrap party held. Then he flew to Melbourne where he took another flight, straight to L.A.

They believe he stayed in Australia an extra couple of days, because flying back to his girlfriend straight away is inconceivable. He's been away from her 2 months, what's a couple more days away, considering their relationship is on the rocks, long distance relationships just don't work right? He has been partying it large and enjoying his new found freedom away from 'her'
I have to hand it to them, at least they're committed and consistent with their lunatic theories. I guess you have to be, to live continually along the river of Denial? Regardless of their theories, people should just sit back and smile, because despite their ranting, several reliable and credible sources made it very clear - Rob Pattinson has finished 'The Rover' and is now back, safely in the arms of the woman he loves and their two dogs. Who are most likely letting him know just how much they have missed him.
What i would ask, what i would want of this over enthusiastic fandom, is to leave them alone. Stop wasting senseless time, worrying if they will make an appearance outside their home in the next coming weeks. Stop asking for them to attend any up and coming gigs that may or may not be happening in L.A. Stop stalking their friends with the hope that they may or may not put up a cryptic tweet or a cleverly disguised photograph and then comment on every single thing they do with 'Tell Rob and Kristen i love them' PLLLLEEEAAASSSEE, it's embarrassing.

Any time they go out, they are hounded by the cockroaches that won't leave them alone. They are inundated with people turning up at the places they are seen in, just to brag and tweet their information and location. Rob (thankfully) managed to get into L.A from Australia virtually undetected, which personally i am very happy about. Fans need to understand that as much as the drought has sent most of them stir-crazy for any kind of news, being part of the three ring circus that is the media and photographer attention - is a pain in the ass for those, who just want to get off a plane, get through security, collect your bags and head home. And the same believe it or not, can be said for going out to have a meal, meeting some friends or attending a concert.
There is nothing more relevant than this photo right here. No matter how much time goes past, this right here says it all - Rob is Kristen's world and Kristen is his. Put away your obsessive hate, your desperate need to spill nonsense and create drama - you need to turn in your cards, because you have already maxed your credit limit!!

Calm things down and if they decide to come out and show their faces, then be happy with what small amount you get. It is after all, their relationship and not yours.

Tempest x
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