Anal-ysing That!...

Well now...
It's been an interesting couple of days; the bipolar fandom of Rob, Kristen and anything Pattinson, Stewart and twilight related is still intact i see?

Good, good.
You can always rely on a good old dose of idiocy and bat-shit crazy to kick off your weekend. From worrying that Kristen seems to be out and about 'enjoying herself' while Rob is away working. To blind items, blind gossip and pretty much anything blind and stupid, circles the media like Sharks looking for Nemo...

So does the fans as they pick over the gossip with their usual way of ignore the obvious and believe the stupid.
Kristen seems to be the topic on everyone's mind still. She simply can't go out and have some relaxing time with her friends, without it turning into an over-analysing situation of 'why is she still not working. Surely she should be meeting with producers and studios for her newest movie project?' not to mention 'why is her friends not in work either, do none of them work anymore?' Of course, most of this comes from those who are attending college/university and have an abundance of time on their hands between courses. Or desperate housewives who don't seem to do much in way of 'looking after the home and doing school runs for their kids, because they are all currently sitting behind their computers and complaining about Kristen and her 'downtime'

Let's stop with the over-analysing things that have zero to do with us. If Kristen wants to go out with her friends, hang around at a batting cage in LA and play ball for a few hours with Taylor Lautner - so what? Does that make the most judging in this fandom feel special, that they have to drag the old 'oh here come the Taylor and Kristen rumours...' because it's beginning to feel like the Spring of 2009 - rumours, rumours and even more rumours. They are friends, i think it's been established in oh, half a dozen or more video interviews and from the horse's mouth - that they are friends. In fact Taylor is friends with BOTH Rob and Kristen, so why can't he hang out with one of his buddies. Does that have to make the bat-shit looney in this fandom, think that Kristen is now hooking up with 'shark boy'?

Beware pap photo courtesy of popsugar (gossipy media site)
Kristen out and about wearing Rob's shirt he wore at Comic Con 2009 and all is well with the world...
Yes it seems that many were shocked at STILL seeing Kristen in LA. Not only that but hobbling about with some of her friends (yes including Taylor) and sporting one of her boyfriends shirts and it becomes such a huge deal. Not if you take into context that Kristen has 'always' done this. She has admitted to 'loving his smell/scent' so, i don't see any reason why she can't be wearing something of his.

The CSI amongst the fans are quick to point and put up, that she 'must be missing her boyfriend' because she has been seen increasingly in his clothing since he left 2 months ago. I get the loyalty and understand the uber cuteness of it all. It's lovely to see her out with people she is close to and wearing something of Rob's close to her skin. The hate/fringe brigade believe that this is one more PR stunt towards the 'exit strategy!' Soon there will be an announcement that will end this charade (fanfare at the ready) as once again they move the goal posts of when this doomed split will take place.
This is a man who is not going anywhere ladies. Despite the desperate need to prove otherwise. Despite the ridiculous claims he is getting bored or doesn't trust or basically anything that comes out of the hate camp called nonsten. With added flair from the media's gossip hags, who would rather troll the twitters and tumblrs of the hate brigade than actually (laughing) write a truthful piece themselves. So many are turning to people for advice, what will happen when Rob hot foots it from Oz; after spending 2 months working solidly on what is looking to be a fantastic, gritty drama :) when he is enclosed protectively and lovingly in Kristen's arms - what will your excuses be then?

More PR, more contract renewals, more need to promote careers, images?
If you think Rob is contractually obligated to be Kristen's boyfriend. To have no life of his own, to have no say in the matter regarding his own feelings and emotions. That he would wilfully enter into an agreement to be with someone; live with them, take holidays with them, set up home with them and generally do all the things a man in love does when he is with the woman he loves...purely for entertainment, purely for promotion and purely for the sake of his career and a movie franchise...
Oh and the crazy train is that way --------->

When loonies are not excessively worrying about that, they have their rotting teeth stuck in something nervous nellies worry about even more...blind advice. It seems a queen gossip (Lainey) has put the cat amongst the pigeons with her little piece of "Lohan and daughter 2.0"

Opting for not putting any names into her article, she cleverly spun a story about sour grapes and jealousy of living under a franchise shadow. A shadow that has made her daughter very famous and yes, very rich indeed. The story read as fictitious as most, with the exception that the narrator has never been known to hit off the mark in her reporting. Needless to say it stirred up some mistrust; could she be talking about Kristen and her mum - Jules, surely not?

Then of course now an interview has come out with Jules speaking about living under the Twilight shadow and her daughters fame; forever known as 'Mamastew' or 'Kristen's mum'
I am not going to get into a debate of Jules vs Kristen, but i will say only this;
"A son with always be your son until he takes a wife. But a daughter will be your daughter, all your life."

I can understand the mixed feelings that Jules Mann-Stewart's article has brought people. She is after all promoting her directorial début with her movie 'K-11' and all promotion is good promotion - right?
I didn't make her say the things she has said in the article, she did it all on her own. Whether there was a post edit and the editor decided to add a few touches of their own to bump it up the press - who knows, any media outlet to me, leaves nothing to be desired when it comes to 'playing with the truth' but i feel that the words from Jules are bluntly driven home;

"Jules Stewart wants to emerge from the Twilight shadow"
"It's extremely frustrating for me, because she is 22 years old and I'm almost 60."
"In terms of life experience, hello! I have it all over her. It's not like i came out of nowhere."

Given this was possibly the interviewer's take on the situation, it still does not make for a good read. Considering that Kristen has apparently been working, much to her parents chagrin since she was a child. It was told that both her parents tried to discourage their daughter from pursuing a career in acting, but Kristen had it deep in her bones. So really why the bitter resentment that is seen evidently across the article? When it comes to the relationship between mother and daughter - no knows about it other than the two people involved. Fans may or may not revolt or agree with the situation. Given that Kristen was originally cast in the "jail house, all the colours of the twisted, drama" that is K-11 as butterfly who gets raped repeatedly in the movie...i have to think to myself...


I do feel that Jules should have made better choices in her answers, because she comes of pretty much 'Me! Me! Me!' and dropping 'Kristen, Kristen, Kristen' everywhere she goes. If she feels she won't be taken seriously as a director in her own right, that people will only know her as "Kristen's mom, or Mamastew!" I don't believe people will judge her work solely on what fame Kristen has earned on her own right. True, plotting the outline of your career from your arrival in the US from Australia, adds it's own introduction to your body of work that has been pretty successful until now. So why drag her daughter into the middle of it? Why allow the interviewer to bring up last summer - it makes no sense to me at all.
My personal views is that this battle will rage on and many people will take sides. If the mother of Kristen, Screen Supervisor and now Director of a movie, feels that the world will only ever know her as one particular title, then it's a title any mum would be proud of being remembered by. I don't think for one second Rob's mum dislikes the name 'MamaPattz' or indeed his dad as 'PapaPattz' and then of course there is 'PapaStew' which, i do believe he is very proud of being called. Yes, they are quirky little names that fans have labelled them with, but there is a touch of love and adoration for the families of a two people, equally famous in their own rights and not just because of twilight.
Lainey may not have disclosed the names, but it was very clear who she was talking about. No doubt had a draft of the interview slid across her desk, in a brown paper bag by an anonymous source in a trench coat and hat.

The writing at the end of the article said it all for me when i first read it;
"By the way, her boyfriend has been very supportive throughout all of this, certainly her most reliable source of strength."
Take from that what you will, but i feel the compassion and strength this couple has for each other, has allowed them to weather many a heavy and turbulent storm. I personally feel a sense of ownership when it comes to mothers protecting their young. Maybe because i am a mother and have a brood of three under my belt and have supported them and loved them as much as any mother could. Maybe it's the love that you only want what is best for your children and support them no matter what - shadow or no shadow.

tempest x

Oh and remember;
"I'm doing all right. No, I'm actually doing good. I'm happy." - Kristen
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