"Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies..."

Staying deliberately off the internet has worked wonders for my patience, never mind my sanity. When in this day and age of nervous nellies and twitching harpies - there are not enough hitmen in the world to get rid of the insane lunacy, that seems to depart from the brainless and clueless of this fandom.

Of course i could be wrong, but when you have a deluge of 'believers' who insist everything that comes out of webloids; suspicious drivel from gossip sites such as blind or bent or buck-shy stupid. Or better still, every trash magazine known to man, i have to continuously ask myself 'is there intelligent life out there?'
Those that believe in gossip, are no more intelligent than the brainless people who invent it. And by invent it i mean, interview a celebrity and because he/she didn't give you the answers you wanted to your questions - tweak the interview in such a way, that everything he/she said in the interview is not valid anymore and then suggest that you did this, simply to get people to 'read your work'

There are other's that do this so easily; names of gossip blogs many of you are aware of and time and time again, their drivel gets shot down with hilarious consistency. This is not new, this is the age of webloid journalism - Hollywood needs to make a killing and celebrities are just pawns in their little game.

Gossip sites, gossip pages, entertainment shows, all have one thing and one thing in mind - sell, sell, sell. Sell an image, invent a story and if the story is not true, add 'a source says' because everyone knows that when you add 'source' to the end of each fan fiction cock up - you are not held accountable for your piece of unworthy trash, you call a story.
The crazy people in this fandom see everything as some PR coup. That everything that two people, who were lucky enough to find each other during the making of a movie do, has some agenda attached to it. What's worse is that they make their feelings loudly known on the internet in their little blogs and tumblrs; hate the young woman, because 'boo hoo' she is with him. Hate her movies, because they can't see beyond their green with jealousy noses, that she is an extraordinarily talented actress. Try and bring down his career and his intelligence by suggesting he has sold his life for over 4 yrs now, to living a PR relationship for the sake of a movie franchise. A franchise that is over now; Edward and Bella will forever live happily ever after, the DVD's are now released, so really what is keeping him with her?

But that doesn't fit into their agenda, their little stories that help them sleep at night, help them cope with their dull and dreary lives. They want to believe Rob is just another pawn that can be manipulated to suit a studio, moulded by his management and essentially do what he is told, like a nice little robot. They don't believe he should have a brain of his own, have an idea of what he wants to do with his life, except to expose himself in movies for their perversion and stand and pout like a runway supermodel.

As for Kristen...
She simply won't go away.
They have waited patiently for the news they desperately want to hear; the long distance relationship has not been able to work out. Rob has not been able to go away for 2 months and trust Kristen to not run off with the first male to catch her attention. (Despite some desperate tabloids fabricating a fictitious rumour she was in the arms of a tall, dark stranger, who just so happened to be a long time friend of hers) A long time 'gay' friend of hers that is.

Or that she has not been able to cope with Rob working in Australia, with all those 'Sheila's' running around trying to get his attention; camping outside his hotel and blogging their antics of trying to get into the room he is staying in. He shot that one down because the production company moved to an area that not too many people can get too. Unless you are willing to go off-road for a few hours and ingest the red dust into your lungs and clothing to get to him.

Week after week - cabin fever has hit so many of this twisted and bizarre fandom. The drought has caused people to see mirages or go completely stir-crazy with the need to want the 'couple' reunited and back together again. Proving that there are quite a few who 'desperately cling' to living vicariously through Rob and Kristen's personal relationship.
This 'image' has never changed and quite frankly i believe, it never will.
People worrying over Kristen and her lack of work - relax and inhale, because i am pretty sure all the chemicals you're spraying on your hair, is affecting your brains ability to think logically. She is for the first time in a long time - relaxing and enjoying her life. She is acting like any normal 22 yr old and that is spending time with her friends, enjoying her downtime and being happy. Those who stalk her friends on instagram and twitter - STOP you are bordering on bat-shit crazy and you need to stop inserting yourselves into their lives. It doesn't matter what she is doing or when she is due to begin her next movie - Kristen is being who she is and who she is, is happy about it.

There is no rift between herself and her boyfriend; Australia was a long time coming and they would have prepared themselves for it. Trust me, they will have been communicating quite well and with no need for their 'fans' to dwell on whether they are happy or not. The more you complain about the media and it's gossiping journalistic excuse for reporting the truth, the more i see people getting themselves riled up about it. If you don't believe it why complain about it in the first place? - Ignore!

"That whole system of internet journalists, where no one is called to account, is almost entirely about hate. All these people get away with doing it because they have no responsibility to anyone...there are so many little nerds behind their computers, on their little blogs..." - Rob.
With many, many thanks to 1redsoc, ateofie and UnpaidPrivEye xx you gals ROCK!!

Nerdy bloggers, hate filled minds, tenacious tumblr addicts and insane instagram stalkers - they're all out there and they all most likely look like this.

They have all the gossip sites on book-marked pages or tabs - permanently open, so that they don't miss a thing. They believe everything that is written, if they are not writing it themselves that is. They fill their days hating Kristen and writing long winded posts about why they hate her to their gaggle of equally insane online friends, because actually having a real life friend would require them turning off their computers and going out...who agree in everything they post. Thus making them feel important and of course, there is the good old adage of every equally stupid article that is published online about Rob or Kristen, there in lies the equally stupid comment section. A haven of disturbed pre-teens and overbearing desperate housewives, who meet each day just to try and bring Kristen Stewart down.
Twilight is over, it has been for some time now. They finished and wrapped the movie franchise 2 yrs ago. They won't be going to the MTV Movie Awards this year - they're not nominated for anything so there is no need to the PR excuse to be whipped out once again. If they are the PR couple the haters believe they are, then for 4 yrs they have been doing it so very wrong and should not have been paid for the privilege.

I mean, contracts believed to be signed and witnessed, are stories that not even the best fan fiction writers would include in their work - because it smells of desperate shit. Clinging, desperate, delusional and the insane work amongst us. Spill their drivel to anyone who will listen - mostly the online journalists, who haven't actually graduated media training yet, but believe if they can string one sentence into another, that makes them a journalist.

Lies, lies and more sweet little lies as Fleetwood Mac sing so poetically. Instead of getting yourself worked up over the latest instalment of 'Desperation of a bored and lonely Robert Pattinson fan...' ignore it, you will be happier and healthier (in the mind) that you did it.

Tempest x
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