Because You Are Beautiful...

*cough, cough* taps the microphone and adjusts her weight on the soapbox
(being accused of spreading my opinion about, makes me snicker with devilish delight)

I have struggled over the last couple of days, biting my tongue. Resulting in sticking my fist in my mouth so that i won't say something offensive through my fingertips, as they speed across my keyboard.
The plethora of offended fans, mediocre responses from the trash-toids and general bitching from the bottom feeders list of celebrities.

One woman seems to be the brunt of every vapid female, who classes themselves as famous; from her hair to her dress to her having to limp around on crutches, because she cut her foot. When it's not the transparency of the 'want to be famous but, still not quite famous enough!' It's the turn of the so called fans, who want to make a whole big deal out of her co-presenter not helping her on stage and assisting, as she limped gamely to present the award in the category they were given.

Really, we have come down to this?
The complaints have become even more vocal as each day passes. As the supermarket daily absorption of 'lives of the rich and famous' filter through the subconscious of every bored and harassed housewife - so has the need to join the masses in either attacking or defending - one woman.
Let's get this bit out of the way first!
Jennifer Lawrence (22) is now the darling of Hollywood. Having successfully won an well deserved Oscar for her role in 'Silver Linings Playbook' stumbling up the steps when collecting her award. Having the shock of the legendary ladies man Jack Nicholson congratulating her, to asserting the middle finger up to the press in the press room - this girl seems to be able to do no wrong.

Cut to...
Kristen (22) has been acting since she was a very small girl and has successfully held a career spanning her childhood to young adulthood, with style and driven independence. She has grown up relatively 'protected' within the industry, with both parents trying to shield her from the harsh world. But Kristen is an independent woman and has always tried to step out from underneath that 'protection' and just be herself. She has been criticised for being who she is; shy, awkward in front of the press, nervous, clumsy, despondent at the obsession of the media gawking at her and generally showing just how 'normal' she is.

She is no Disney darling, nor is she an up and coming 'look cute' for her age starlet. And yet, she is the butt of every 'bitch' in the industry, who enjoy trying to take her down. From her look, which they feel is 'ordinary, dull, plain, boring' to the clothes she wears; 'asexual, unappealing, unattractive' and not keeping with her 'Hollywood actress' title she doesn't deserve to hold, while she looks like a hobo who has just slept on the streets.

While Jennifer Lawrence is seen as the next greatest thing; she will go far, she has done well, she gave the press the middle finger, but that's so endearing of her...
While Kristen has been shown doing the exact same thing; how dare she do that, how rude of her. That's just showing how ill-mannered she is, doesn't she know this is not creating a good image in front of the peers, who have made her famous?

Two sides of Hollywood; one that is as vapid as some of the actresses they put up on a pedestal, only to take them down just as quickly. The other is one that will take a person down, simply for being themselves. Who ridicule and dissect everything she does from work to clothing choice, simply out of disrespect.

An interesting comment i saw on twitter - thanks to @Thia2
"The entertainment industry eats its young. Give birth to a darling, nurse it to fame. Slay it when it hits market saturation. Rinse and repeat."
Jennifer can hold onto her coveted title for a little while. But the moment she stops smiling. The minute she comes out of somewhere looking rough in dressed down clothing or gets involved with some sought after Hollywood hunk - be prepared to be slain by Hollywood at its centennial that protects it - the media.

Not to mention the very vocal fans, who believe they have a stake in YOUR life. Have an opinion that needs to be heard and a disagreement in how YOU conduct YOUR life.

Kristen Stewart can do nothing right. She is constantly the brunt of every webloid and tabloid fantasy. Ludicrous suggestions that she suffers from depression, does drugs, never smiles. Always angry, always sullen - the list goes on and on. Her movies are forever open to criticism, because the unintelligent amongst us all, believe she shows no emotion in her work - like a robot. When they are not doing that, they are attacking her personal life (take note Jennifer) with fan fiction stories and ridiculous made up rubbish (Hollywood Life being the cream of the crop) why? Because in the age of 'too lazy to research and actually do my job' those that run such 'entertainment' news desks, rely heavily on stealing rumours from insipid teenagers with an agenda of their own - Robert Pattinson.
Ah yes, the festering thorn in all hot-blooded women's side. It's bad enough Kristen is successful in her career; has a string of movies to her belt and every A-Lister in Hollywood saying such sweet things about her. She has been able to market a book/movie franchise since 2008 and see it right through to the end.
She also holds the heart of the man, a man who has been smitten with her since auditioning for the same successful franchise, that ultimately 're-launched' his acting career.

While the media interest took even more of an obsessive interest in the shy and private actress - the fans of Rob Pattinson; those who most likely didn't even watch any of his movies prior to twilight, let their feelings be loudly known and have done so, with equal obsession.

Again - why?
When you can't have something you obsess over it even more. When you have a person who has skilfully and privately pushed her career and personal life in a direction that is 'not' Hollywood and has not wanted nor needed to be moulded into some kind of 'ditzy Barbie doll' image - you get attacked for it.

For those who criticise Kristen for being who she is, true to who she is and she makes no apologies for it. Its interesting that the only people in the entertainment industry who do attack her, are those who are not exactly sitting in a position to criticise. Fashion critics need to look towards their own style, before attacking a girl, who is comfortable in her own skin and wears what she wants. Not what some stylist tells her she should wear.

Journalists who dissect her professional and private life, do so in some kind of 'disturbing' obsession. Because she is not predictable, she is not safe - she is dangerous, challenging and because of that, they obsess even more.
Kristen Stewart does not live by Hollywood rules and she makes no apologies for who she is. Maybe that is why so many are jealous of her? The deep seeded jealousy that has spilled over from outraged fans, simply because she is with someone they want to be single and attainable, for their own fantasies.
She is put down, because she doesn't smile. I have read countless bloggers views on the Oscars and general observations about Kristen; some bitter and twisted and some intelligent and insightful. I had read people's objective views as to why they feel she gets unwarranted hate flung in her direction. And every single one of them sounds as if it came out of some playground bullying - mean girls all grown up, but they're not!

Women believe in 'girl power' and that persistent need to stand up and speak their minds. Show who is the boss and not suffer under the hands of those, who want to put them down...really?
So collectively, attacking one 22 year old actress and adulating over another is perfectly acceptable. Because one is private and shy and the other overly excitable and talkative?

That's not women standing up for each other; standing shoulder to shoulder to prove that 'we' are the stronger sex? That is bullying. Whether it be from the press, the studios, the photographers that hound your every waking moment. From hate-filled fans, who believe attacking you is making them feel better about themselves - it all amounts to the same thing.
I have a daughter and she is beautiful, both inside and out. She is at the age where life is all about discovery, about discovering yourself. She has the time for anyone who needs her help and she has such an open and loving heart.
Life will throw her many choices and challenges, she will learn and she will make mistakes. But she will grow from them, with myself looking on and watching her as she grows. I hope she doesn't feel the need to be something other than true to herself. I hope she will grow to love her own skin and not feel the need to be identified by what brand she wears or how she looks.

But more importantly, i hope she will grow up with a smile on her face and the need to make her mark on the world, for herself.

Kristen Stewart is the kind of role model i would love my daughter to look up to and believe that anything is possible. It doesn't matter the hate that is out there, or girls who will make fun of her, because they are jealous - hate stems from jealousy.
Hate teaches young girls that its alright to put down another girl for being different, for not conforming to the ideology of being the 'pretty little princess'

Kristen is beautiful both inside and out, because she is who she is. She has made mistakes and owned up to them. She has put her head down and pushed through all the hate and criticism. She has picked herself up, dusted herself down and held her head high and for that, she is stronger than any of those, who feel that she is the 'odd little girl' who needs to be taught a lesson.
You can have your pick of the Rivers and the Osbourne's of the world - today's society of the mean little girls in the playground. What they are doing is nothing new, because they are a dime to a dozen. They 'get off' criticising someone, who has not been tainted with the need of 'false perfection'. To change yourself, to conform to what 'they' believe others want. The need to be 'modified' or 're-modelled' into something else, is not being true to yourself. It's not looking at your imperfections and saying 'i am what i am. And what i am, i am happy with!'

Kristen is hated, because her beauty is not cosmetically altered or enhanced - her beauty is skin deep. She is hated, because she doesn't try and hide her faults or mistakes or imperfections. But she is loved by those around her, who know her, understand her and accept her for all of the above. And they are the only people worth worrying about what they think. The only people who understand that its 'okay to be okay'

Oh and that includes her significant other - Robert Pattinson.

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