Eternal Stupidity of the Hate-filled Minds...

Welcome to the wonderful world of armchair criticism...
Gorgeous on the Oscar red Carpet...
Well now, yesterday was interesting...
Claws are now retracted (on some people) others are still bitter, because they don't know any other emotion. The rest are like the purple smurf (sorry, i mean Kelly Osbourne) her bitter jealousy shows all the time. But then again, with a mother like Sharon, the apple never falls far from the poisonous tree.

Tears, tantrums and that was just Elton John being his normal self, but i am talking about the armchair critics (you know who you are) those quick to condemn, quick to criticise, quick to bitch and bullshit. I guess you have to get your kicks out of something right?
When Bella met Katniss...
The 'JLaw' fans; those who believe the young actress from THG's and Oscar winner for the 'Silver Linings Playbook' is making a play for Robert Pattinson. (Which includes ludicrous suggestions from the lying media) was seen not only talking to Kristen on the Oscar Red Carpet, but they hugged as well...


"Jennifer Lawrence doesn't like Kristen, they hate each other. Jennifer is better suited for Rob, she's young and gifted and a fantastic actress - there is no way she is friends with her!! They passed each other that's all, it's all for PR purposes."

The fact the young actress spoke about asking Kristen what happened to her, why she walked part of the RC on crutches? Not at all deterring Kristen from looking simply lovely, in a champagne colour Reem Arca gown after cutting her foot badly on glass - that wasn't important. What is important is this 'fictitious feud' between the actresses with Rob caught in the middle (the media still peddling this idea that there is trouble in their relationship, the distance it's created, because he is working in Australia) and of course other actresses making a bee line for him.

Nothing spells desperation than trying to link a young actor with anyone remotely different than Kristen Stewart eh?
Anne and Kristen exchange smiles...
Anne Hathaway, has been the brunt of many a cruel joke. Namely the gown with it's revealing and 'pointed' design at the front (media again paying too much attention to lewd ideas and not enough to the fact that she won 'best supporting actress) and happened to stop for a minute, still on her high from her win and chat with Kristen as she hobbled around back stage on her crutches. The fact that the young actress had nothing but good things to say about Kristen and indeed Jennifer Lawrence - suggests so much about the negative attitude the media and indeed some bitter harpies have, regarding this young actress.
Eddie and Kristen...
Kristen and Eddie Redmayne, hugging on the Red Carpet...

"OMG, what was she thinking, what on earth is she doing. Why is she hugging and kissing him - poor Rob when he sees this!!"


First of all, what age are these numb-nuts? Secondly, LMAO because really, this is the borderline idiocy of the stupid minded people.
Eddie, darling Eddie, is the epitome of the kind hearted friend of a boyfriend and one time co-star (The Yellow Handkerchief) He was seen hugging and grinning with Rob, as they made their way to the bar at the Golden Globes. Knew Rob from years back 'before' he worked with Kristen on TYH, so it's not surprising he stopped to chat with Kristen and yes hugged her - what's the big deal?


"Rumours will start you will see, the media will make something out of this. They will say she is hooking up with Eddie behind Rob's back, i can't take that kind of bullshit again."

I doubt Eddie gives two shits what the media writes up about this one. I think you will find he is familiar with the crud that is spewed about his 'two friends' therefore, will just chalk it up to the 'press being idiots' once again. Oh and bitter over-active naysayers, who love to make something out of nothing.

My personal favourite of the night...
You're a wizard Harry, You're a vampire Bella...
Harry Potter meets Bella Swan...
Two of the most well-known young actors from successful movie franchises, took to the stage to present an award. The fandom explosion could be heard far and wide - WTF!!

Silly little book nerds took to the net in disgust, because Daniel Radcliffe shared the stage with Kristen, thus bringing together Harry Potter and Twilight (not the first time that has happened)

Little could their tiny brains comprehend, that this was an absolute 'must' publicity wise; two heroes of book/movie franchises, that have had major successes on both sides of the world. The young Heroine turned vampire - Bella Swan and the iconic wizard turned hero - Harry Potter. Dan and Kristen looked both youthful and graceful as they stood and presented and how Daniel commented afterwards, that he felt terrible for Kristen who was suffering a foot injury; "I felt so bad, I just wanted to pick her up, put her in my arms and carry her on-stage."

Cue the raging bullshit...

The media is possibly salivating at this little piece of information, look out for their spin on this one - 'Dan Rad, cosying up with Kristen, while his one time co-star is shooting a movie 'down under'?' I mean they have already drawn the stupid card by suggesting Kristen went 'solo deliberately to the Oscars' they can't even draw a conclusion that 'Rob is shooting a movie' right now on the other side of the world. Oh but remember a few weeks ago? Rob was 'apparently' going to attend the Oscars with - Jennifer Lawrence!

Setting my giggles aside, Dan believes that their 'meeting and presenting' was about time; "I felt that this was a long time coming, i feel like we've been meant to meet."
Well it's no surprising really, after all Kristen has already met several times his co-star of 7 movies, Emma Watson (Hermione) and she has been with his other co-star in Goblet of Fire, for nearly 4 yrs - Rob.
Dan and Kristen presenting...
He is as charming as he is humble and he is as much a gentleman as his fellow 'Brit Actor' Robert is.

It was a lovely night for Kristen; she struggled through with panache and grace, even with a foot injury. The critics are simply those too lazy to actually say anything nice at all. And that includes head troll Kelly Osbourne, who's jealousy shows as colourfully as her purple hair. But then again, when you are trying to model yourself as the 'new' Joan Rivers and bitch about a 22 yr old, because she walked the RC with her crutches. That you had to be overrode by E! News head boy - Ryan Seacrest, who possibly believed your 'crossed the line' in your bitch mode. But then again, when you claim you are friends with Liberty Ross and met Rob Pattinson 'once' at a're trying too hard in my book.

Success is measured on what you achieve for yourself, and not by riding on the successes of your fathers one time rock career. Or your mother's inept need to 'bitch and snark' at anything and anyone, because she believes she managed Ozzy's career successfully as a la Kris Jenner - allowing a no holes barred insight into the first dysfunctional family of E!

As for the haters and the media mind fucks...
Graceful and beautiful...
Stalking Kristen's friends on Instagram and posting photos up all over the place. Remarking snarkily that one of her friends is wearing a 't-shirt' that was given to Rob by a fan. Bitching about 'their' home and how much of a famewhore she is, to allow her friends to post up photos of the interior and 'poor Rob's privacy is being violated!' Spew crap about his friends being her friends now and ticking off your 'Kristen is not allowed to be friends with' list of all those who have moved to the 'famewhore side' including Marcus Foster and his musician friend Jack.

Sitting in your lonely homes, on armchairs and criticising a girl you know nothing about, other than the lies and hate you spew...
An Oldie but a goodie...
Remember one very important thing...
Kristen has Rob and you don't. I'd say that gives her something to smile about 'All.The.Time' and what have you got to be happy about?

tempest x
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