A Love That Shows...

Stepping off the 'bitch' train for a second to deliver this;
The split in the fandom - Us vs Them, gets tiring after a while. I mean, what are we really fighting about?

*Jealousy over a girl; because she happened to star in 5 movies with one actor. An actor who made his intentions 'pretty clear' that he was attracted to her?

*Legions of women lining up, hoping that this actor will take one look at them and fall helplessly in love/lust?

*Legions of men, falling over themselves, because this girl is 'hot' and anyone who is anyone, wants to work with her. Never mind bubbling over with nothing but good things to say about her strong work ethic?

BUT...mostly it's to do with him. The jealousy, the out pouring of rage. The deep seeded lust. And it's that lust, which pushes some people to become bitter, twisted harpies.

There is a love, that cannot be disguised with hate, cannot be controlled by lust. Cannot be conformed by jealousy, because it is there - written on their faces, showing in their eyes.
Right from the start a connection, an attraction and love has been present. It doesn't take a genius to see the love in his eyes; the way he looks at her with tenderness and adoration. We are not talking a Hallmark moment here, we are talking chemistry. A chemistry between two people, that can be seen through their eyes.

For all those who are quick to shoot this attraction down, they do so, because they 'don't' want to see it. It's not that they can't, they just refuse to believe it - refuse to acknowledge it exists. This is a pattern that has been seen right from the very beginning. When Rob first acknowledged and admitted he had a 'crush' on Kristen, the outcry of disbelief that poured from those, who supported the idea, that his 'working' relationship was simply that - working. And that his 'personal' involvement with his co-star, was nothing but a fantasy. Concocted by sappy women, who wanted the 'happily ever after' the characters in which they played - got.
Their personal and deeply private relationship, has been played out, because of the media's insane interest. Sure, fans who support both actors, enjoy the moments they get. Make blogs such as this, or websites dedicated to their relationship, simply out of pure 'selfless' enjoyment. They understand the complexities of their connection and while they have enjoyed the moments shared on the big screen, it's the tenderest of touches, the sly and crooked smiles they give each other and the overall admiration and support, that is both genuine and timeless.

When you watch the twilight saga; you don't just get swept away with the storyline, you get swept away watching this young couple interact and fall in love. Thanks to directors such as Catherine Hardwicke, Chris Weitz and Bill Condon; fans got an insight into what goes on behind the scenes, when making a movie. They got introduced to the actors, felt as if they knew the 'Cullen's' and 'Black's' intimately. But in all fairness, it was mainly Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, that drew the most interest.
The timeless - 'actors fall in love while making a movie' is the stuff of Hollywood History. From the icons such as Butler and Leigh, Burton and Taylor, Newman and Woodward. To modern day fairy-tales such as Pitt and Jolie and indeed Pattinson and Stewart - falling in love off-screen, is not something that is new. What is new however, is the obsession these two young actors have created, both good and bad.

The bad stems from as i addressed at the top of the post, jealousy and hatred. The obsession is about the young, unknown actor, who took to the helm as an infamous Young Adult Fiction story-book hero - the immortal and looking for love Edward. From the moment he stepped onto the screen; his character more-so than himself, made young and much older women, fall in love with the ideal romance. The romantic idea that you meet someone for the very first time and fall hopelessly and desperately in love with them. Call it forbidden, call it star-crossed, call it fate, call it what you will. But the characters from the moment they laid eyes on each other, felt a pull that could not be denied (or so Stephenie Meyer proclaimed it to be)
The acting went way beyond a page in the script, or putting on a set of golden contact lenses and pretending to be some kind of 'old soul' trapped forever at the age of 17. It went beyond your first brush with romance as a young, clumsy and deeply intellectual 17 yr old girl, on the cusp of being a woman.

It had started long before audition tapes, costume rehearsals and 'getting to know' one and other. Too many witnesses saw the birth and continuous growth of a relationship that at first, seemed to be frowned upon for many reasons. Struggling with the expectancy of a studio, whose hope for a success kept two people at arms length. The media scrutiny, the fans emotional following of a book and movie franchise, made sure both names would be forever tied to it. The nervous apprehension of success or failure, brought together it's own unique bond between them. Both young and incredibly gifted actors, found themselves a common ground, that they could centre themselves upon.
But if there is no connection to begin with but two actors; starring in a movie and reciting their lines. There is no common ground, but what is written on a script, then the movie lacks lustre and has no emotional feeling. The chemistry needs to be there and in the immortal words of the first director of twilight - Catherine Hardwicke; "Their chemistry was off the charts."

There are times when wasteful behaviour, drags it's own set of selfish complaints. Public Relationship (PR) as in promoting something that only exists for the sake of a movie, has been the brain-child of the jealous and hate filled. Those who seem to be forever locked in a battle, with those who believe in what is seen and not what is written in between the gossip pages. The Media's unhealthy obsession with the male's sexual orientation or preference, has been an ongoing source of interest. Too many wanted to label him as 'single' given the female fandom, he has at his beck and call.

A young man such as himself, has stoked the fires of fantasy in women believing he is attainable, despite his 3 1/2 yr relationship with Kristen. And therein, lurks the deep seeded hatred.
She has been the brunt of jokes, taunts, sexual preference and drug abuse. Kristen seems to bring out the worst in those, who want Rob single and all to themselves. It's bad enough, they make up stories just to fuel their hate; accusing Rob of having multiple affairs or 'hook ups' that seem to be the modern equivalent of a one night stand.
Such is their disrespect of their 'idol' to insinuate he doesn't have much 'respect' for women. Instead, he uses them for his own selfish needs and has no desire to actually settle down with one person - monogamy is simply for the weak minded?

Those who feel he should be this way, will never understand - nor do they want to. They won't believe that Rob could walk into a movie franchise and immediately see the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. They are not willing to understand, that the person they hate - no matter what they say, will always be protected by him. What lies they spread and the countless hours they spend, pouring scorn over everything she does, including watching her movies just so they can criticise them - has his heart. Because she understands, loves and respects him for who he is, not what he is.

A love that can be seen and felt with just a look or touch, is an emotional response...
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, wear their hearts on their sleeves. Their love shows, because it's genuine. It's not scripted or orchestrated with a studio contract. It's not promoted through publicists and agents, or agreed upon through managers and handlers. It doesn't need media attention to endorse it, or watchful, hate filled eyes to lie about it. It's there and it's private and it's between two people and only two people.

They may have signed their 'public' lives away to studios and marketing, with an assurance that they are promoted professionally. But the little bit they do have; that tiny fragment that is theirs and what they like to call 'private' is the part, they won't share with anyone.

Some people may hate them; decide that the lies the media invent are more believable, than understanding the truth and will simply continue to walk around with blinkers on, hiding what is really there. The hate and lies have no impact on Rob and Kristen, their outcome does not change a thing - they are together, because they want to be together.
Because their love shows, all the time.

Tempest x
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