Gossiping Giraffe's Have No Common Sense...

If there is one thing that will set me off on a Monday morning, it's the stupidity of some people, who need to learn the difference between believing gossip, because if it's reported in a newspaper, blog, webloid or simply by weak minded people. Or using common sense and assuming that once again, bullshit is flying in all directions.

My little geography lesson, certainly raised some hackles. It also taught a few people that Australia is the largest continent in the world, (yes the largest not the smallest and it's not simply a tiny island in the Southern Hemisphere) and
that the OUTBACK is a desert for miles and miles and not simply a place you go to for a holiday i.e. Grand Canyon or a Hollywood movie backdrop. Oh wait, because 'The Rover' is being filmed there right now, that means it's like any other location shoot - go schmooze with the locals and get put up in 4 star accommodation.

So Rob did a lovely little 'hello' recorded video, along with a very manly looking Guy Pearce for Tropfest 2012 (Aussie film Festival) and everyone ooh'd and aww'd at seeing his lovely face. Webloid's upping their ante with fictitious suggestions, that Rob and Kristen have completely split and that he's consoling the forever seeking attention Liberty Ross on Valentine's Day of all days. While Kristen sat on redial getting an engaged tone - seriously this shit is so dumb, even stupid people are embarrassed by it!

Topping it all is the lunatic fringe (aptly known by their name) attacking a Robert Pattinson blog for, 'supporting' his decision to remain completely loved up and together with Ms. Stewart? That it's a Robert Pattinson Life blog (hence the name) therefore, it's meant to be about him; his passions, his work, his socialising with everyone else in the business. It's not about his 'entanglement' with that ........ her name should ONLY be mentioned when posting up information regarding the 'twilight movies' and nothing else.

Please give me a fucking break, get off your high horses for once in your tiny immature lives and grow the hell up! I think you will find that @RPLife is singularly one of the finest Robert Pattinson blogs on the 'net' it gives the most concise updates and loads up the newest photos and information, regarding Rob and his career. Making sure his 'fans' are up to date with everything he does.
If that also happens to include photos or information dealing with his connection, friendship, career and indeed relationship with Kristen Stewart - so fucking what?

Is he meant to live in some kind of monk-lifestyle? Forever pure and untouched just for the obsessed 'super fan' of his fandom? Or whore himself out just like any other eligible hot blooded male his age. Or save himself for those fans who would literally cut off their left arm, just to say 'i tapped his ass' and sell the story to the highest bidder (a war that would be fought between the trash mags and webloid's - namely Hollywood Lies and USW)

You will find that any self respecting blog/website will not enter into an argument with the childish and surly attitude some haters, harpies and hags have, when it comes to making their 'opinions' voiced and heard. Fan sites are generally created to offer the fans of that particular celebrity an outlet, where they can go and read up on what is happening in his or her life. If you disagree with their choice in who they are currently dating, that is your prerogative. But to laughably suggest the owner of 'said' fan site, is not a fan of the person they have spent 4 yrs writing about or collecting information for. Spending long hours, sifting through countless 'press photography agencies' contact sheets to get Rob's public appearances up as soon as they are released - do yourselves a favour and shut the hell up. You are not a fan you are a hater, plain and simple. Rob is not a celebrity you follow and appreciate, but an idol you stalk and obsess over.

His choice in who he does or does not share his life with, is as i have said many times before, none of your bloody business. it doesn't matter what you think, or your opinion on what he should be doing with his life. You are one of a handful of spiteful, hateful people, who have nothing better to do, than pour your scorn on anyone who supports Rob and his life choices - romantically or professionally.
If Rob is happy in his life, then i am happy for him.
If Rob has chosen to stay with and live with, love and be happy with Kristen, then i am happy for him.
It's not my business what he does or does not do in his life; he's a big grown boy, i think he can tackle and handle his own, just fine without any outside interference.

If you want to run your mouth off at a fan site; try and at the very least act like a mature person, instead of an angry child, throwing a temper tantrum.
If you feed the gossip and believe the gossip, you are no better than the morons who write it. And if you feed the gossip simply for a little bit of attention, more fool you, when you get called out on your bullshit. There are a lot of haters around; they hunt in packs, because they're too shit scared to be individual and different. It's these kind of muppets, Rob and Kristen's teams are fully aware of and have been watching for some time and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that.

Common sense is invaluable - it's about time some people started using it. If you think what you do, gets you the kind of attention you crave. That somehow Rob will suddenly come to his senses and do what you tell him to do...
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