The Natural Order of Things..

Oh Internet, how you entertain me so...

The Lunatic Fringe never ceases to amaze me; how they can walk and have an actual intelligent thought at the same time, simply boggles the mind. It's as if they have been left alone with all the dangerous objects they are not allowed to have and someone removed their restraints!!
Okay let's start with the obvious...
Desperate, they are among us. They cling to every tabloid speculation, every snapped pap photo, showing a certain handsome celebrity OUT on his own with the speculation he is 'eating' away from his girlfriend. They CLING to the hope that he is seeing someone different, someone dumb and blonde (they have to be both and only interested in the relationship simply to earn a name) they spin the stories that are loosely threaded from the bowels of the hysterical i.e. HollywoodLife. They turn to their exalted leader (horse-face aka CK) for some kind of explanation 'oh dear goddess of all things insane, please tell us they are still in that PR contract? Please tell us it's still all go for the end of this farcical relationship?'
From the blind to the completely ridiculous. From various 'so called sightings' who thus so far have suggested that, Rob has flown back the UK and has spent some time in Glasgow at a Whiskey refinery - on a tour no less of it's aged, splendid history!?!
I mean, i know scientists are still in debate over the actual fact that they could very well unlock the mysteries surrounding time travel in the next ten years or so, but steady on ole fan fiction ones - a global hopper Rob might be, but he's not that bloody quick!

Easter was a particularly hysteric and clinging time as Rob was seen in a wet suit, paddle boarding in Miami and apparently there was no Kristen in sight. In fact, some unreliable and not quite stable sources say she was seen filling up on petrol in Hollywood and then dining with friends, while Rob soaked up the spring sunshine and got ... wet ...
Now that i live on one of the most sought after coasts where surfing, paddle boarding and kite surfing are a big thing here. I can appreciate the calm and serenity you get when you go out onto the water and be one with everything. It's not only very good for you cardio-exercise wise lol, it's also a very good for de-stressing. You would be amazed how many i see who have jobs where they sit behind a desk all day long and once work is finished, hit the beach, slip on the wet suit and take to the water when it's a lot cooler and put in a few hours before sunset - de-stressing.

So, seeing Rob out on the glorious ocean near the beach house that is well known to be owned by none other than the mother of Kristen, my guess is that Rob was NOT there on his own.

But of course the lunatic fringe see it as something else...they see it as Rob needing time away from bitchy, whiny and clingy Kristen (pick any trash-toid and they have it up on their columns) 'Kristen has changed so she can keep him, Kristen is smiling more to win back her man, Kristen is being too clingy, too desperate, too superficial' - seriously there are teens out there subsidising their meagre allowances by posting their 'stories' to the desperate for any kind of made up scandal media sites and boom - another ludicrously painful story for the likes of 'attention seeking' Gossip Cop to debunk when really, common sense, less desperation, less need to know everything about their lives people, had already debunked the funnier than fiction story, anyway.
Here's the thing, i find those who constantly go looking for drama, worse than the ones constantly creating the drama in the first place. They complain and whine and bitch and cite where they saw it and link the article or social site they saw it on. They fill pages of rants, complaining about the nonstens, PRstens and Looneystens - giving them the attention they are looking for. Surely you don't think half of the world is surrounded by people who are that mentally insane? Oh wait...

Drama does not surround Rob Pattinson and Kristen Stewart's lives, so don't let it surround yours. I keep repeating this over and over but STOP with this insane need to believe everything a tabloid or entertaining site puts up as gossip. Half of the time they are pinching off each other and making a bigger drama out of a very small headline. They love to stir the pot and they know these two names create attention, no matter what its about.

At the end of the day...
Do they look as if they care?

It's kind of funny that so many are running around trying to debunk a relationship, tweet apparent sightings in various parts of the world, including so called Rob and Kristen look-a-likes, looking all creepy and very stalkerish.
Stalking their friends on the social networks and begging for the photos that their friends took on their phones, to somehow make it onto the internet - WTF!?

Kristen and Rob - out with friends, doing everything normal. Having fun, chilling out, being themselves. But, of course it's all PR, it's all for the good of the movie, the image, the money making cash-cow, that is still spitting out cash. The never ending drama of the need to promote a relationship that isn't there.
Yep the lunacy and hysteria will go on, while people allow it into their lives.
Thank god one couple doesn't let it affect them, doesn't let it into their bubble of happiness. Yes happiness as they don't need a camera and make up to make them look happy - it's the natural order of things when it comes to being together.

Have a lovely weekend everyone x and remember this about me;
tempest x
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