Rob and Kristen - One Love, One Heart...

Solidly together...
I seemed to have confused some people with my last post, sorry if i did it was not my intention. When i made the comments of 'selling an image' and how they (Rob and Kristen) are now 'after' July, i didn't intend to sound as if i was less 'secure' about their future together. The 'selling the image' was broadening my thoughts on how some couples in Hollywood exist and not by any means, did i tie Rob and Kristen to that. It's what some of this fandom believe is the case and they are the ones who eat up every single piece of journalistic hogwash that is published.

If anything my thoughts and feelings believe that Rob and Kristen have come out stronger since July. The very fact that they did the right thing and remained tight lipped, despite some journalistic integrity of 'tell the truth and shame the devil' to cleanse the soul, to seek enlightenment when all they were hoping was higher ratings for their show/blog/trash magazine. Yes they both looked thin, they both looked as if they had gone through an emotional roller-coaster. I am not denying the fact that this couple went through the wringer personally and privately, but you simply can't point the finger at Kristen for the mass disgrace; the media, the fans and the revolt played a huge part in that as well. Kristen for all intents and purposes, had the wrath of hell laid personally on her shoulders, while Rob had the insipid, saccharine sympathy of women, eager to keep the space warm in his bed after Kristen 'apparently' vacated it.
Post scandal far behind them?
It amazes me still that this fandom is so full of 'insider knowledge' the lending of a 'fandom voice' depicting what actually did happen during those 'tension filled weeks' where people laid the blame at one person's door and rallied around in sympathetic deliverance of 'poor Rob!'

That to this day we have those who still try to analyse the damage; pick over the bones of gossip and forensically piece the evidence together, coming up with their own conclusions. When all you really have to do is look at the evidence NOW not THEN.

Kristen and Rob's relationship is their own and they make no apologies for that. They don't have to do what they are told to do and they most certainly would not be in this relationship if it was just for show, they are not that kind of people. Fame is not everything and the image means nothing if it's not real, if it has no feelings. If the fans of this couple understand this, then they will understand that Rob and Kristen would not be in a relationship just for PR purposes; to sell the image, to sell the brand and that is what i meant by my previous post.
Not together for P.R.
As for their status now?
You only have to look at the images and videos from the final movie promotion, as well as the candid moments that have been caught of the two of them together, to know that they are closer than ever before. That this public 'interest' in their lives has only strengthened their belief of wanting privacy more than anything. While tied contractually to the Twilight Saga; their faces adorning every movie magazine with the romance between their two characters on every fan girls lips - they were obliged to allow a small piece of their lives to be used for the purpose of 'promoting a movie' but this is not the case anymore.

What matters to them now is each other. The movies will sell themselves; if people believe in their acting and conviction in a character then they will watch their movies and support their projects because of this, not because they are romantically involved. Kristen does not apologise for who she is, because who she is has faults and is human and makes mistakes. People need to stop putting celebrities up on such high pedestals, that way they won't get disappointed when the celebrity doesn't live up to their expectations. Rob is not without faults of his own; he is far from perfect, far from making his own mistakes and far from having human moments of his own.

But's their lives, their relationship and they should be allowed to live it their way.
A touch is all that is needed...
The romance between Edward and Bella is a wonderful thing and will forever live on in the pages of the books and the movies that will constantly be replayed, capturing the love story and retelling it over and over again. But Rob and Kristen's is more tangible, it exists outside the realm of fantasy, because it is theirs. A real fan understands that and supports that belief. They would neither interfere or try and change that, but simply sit back and enjoy the moments that sometimes are giving to them freely. Neither Rob or Kristen are circus performers; they don't need to show their faces and appear somewhere where the paparazzi lay in wait, just to reassure some insecure fans, who believe out of sight means there is trouble.

You may be one of those fans who believe Kristen did a disservice to you; that she doesn't deserve Rob's love, compassion or time. You may think she deserves to constantly be on her toes with regards to her current relationship status. That any minute Rob will change his mind and there you will be, waiting in the wings with 'I told you so!' You may think that the world evolves around your opinion and your opinion needs to be heard 'Rob doesn't need her in his life' because you are a fan of his.

But it's not your life - it's his.
It's not your opinion - it's his.
It's not your choice - it's his.

And he chose Kristen - why? Because it will always be Kristen.
One love, one heart...
I have seen two people go through an emotional, public scrutiny and come out of it stronger than ever. I have seen a girl pulled apart by the media and the haters, as she struggled through it with dignity and acceptance to their hate;

"I apologise to everyone for making them so angry, it was not my intention." - Kristen (daily beast)

Yes she knows her haters she knows there are women out there who hate her for what she has or hasn't done. Heck they hated her anyway, so why does it matter?

Because they hate her and they don't even know her. But Rob does, and he accepts her, he has forgiven her and he understands her better than anyone else.
One heart...nothing else matters.


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