Rob and Kristen - Love Changes Everything...

When words are not needed...
As we run about our lives; kids, work, real life and preparing for Christmas...
sometimes a photo can just stop you in your tracks. You stare at it, lost in the moment; a smile sits upon your face...

It's been a strange kind of year, full of surprises and disappointments. The world has been through a crazy ride too, with heartache and pain more recently, it's as if people are preparing themselves for the worst (yeah Mayan's and their post apocalyptic curse) so when good things happen, a huge sigh of relief happens.
Fans of the twilight saga have been blessed with 4 yrs of wonderment, delight, excitement and the bitter realisation it has finally come to an end.

There has also been the pain of an incident that robbed some people of common sense as they reacted loudly; bitterness and twisted worry. The two people in the centre of the first photograph, their lives have moved forward when events could have so easily pulled them apart. The media and its twisted words, fans with their expectations and the publicity 'three ring circus' that likes to control people.

But love is everything (true love that is!) Oh we can have a couple; a brand, an image that looks good. The epitome of a Hollywood fairytale romance. It's not unusual for two actors to fall in love on the set of a movie or tv show. It generates good ratings; spins a nice story, creates a 'buzz' around the industry of the new 'power couple' with 5 movies under their belt, a legion of followers who believe in the 'hype' of the happily ever after. Fans adore them and want to be like them; go and see their movies and buy into this whole image. - if it's just the image that you are selling that is? Every media outlet wants an exclusive; the 'tell all' story of how they met and fell in love. Follow them around and capture every moment. Year after year it's always the same - Robsten this and Robsten that. They become more of a brand and less of themselves.
It's stifling, it's all consuming, it's suffocating...
to constantly be on your guard, to constantly have to promote an image if that's all your are to each other? Because you are hardly in the same country, never mind the same time zone. Flying in and flying out, collecting frequent flyers and clocking up more air miles than time spent just being in the same place at the same time. Always apologising when you can't make it to an event you were both invited to, due to work obligations, because it's all about the career, all about the brand and how many doors it opens.
Hollywood 'darlings' are meant to behave a certain way. They are meant to conform to what their PR's, Agents and Managers tell them to do. They are meant to sell this 'image' that makes them the most sought after and most successful couple of them all. They are not meant to do their own thing; to not bother in going out when their fans demand it. Hide their relationship as much as possible, ensuring it's privacy is more important than getting their faces seen on the front cover of 'People' They are meant to be puppets; controlled by higher powers and told what to do; 'it's good for the image, you're a team, you're a brand now go out and sell it!'
His love for her always shows...
"And most people, you know when they love each other and they have a problem, they work it out. They want to work through everything together. They want to be together and they're willing to fight to be together. It's not like they have this love story, where they're in love and everything is great every single minute of the day. I don't think that exists, but i definitely think people need each other and they want to fight to maintain a relationship for the rest of their lives." - Rob.

I have often found Rob's moments of clarity to be very refreshing. Here is a man who knows what he wants. He understands that relationships a far from perfect and that you have to constantly work at them. He has always seen the parallel universe between himself and the character he played in 5 movies to be very similar. Similar as in he believes in love and fighting for it. He has always been the first to speak of his parents successful relationship, because he wants that for himself. He is a forward thinker and that forward thinking is down to the person who shares his life and where he wants his life to be.

Q: "You know, people saying; 'they're romantic relationship' is being used as a marketing tool for the films."

Pattinson pauses (then laughs) "for one thing, it would be a terrible marketing tool, and it's not utilized very well at all. People will say anything. I'm still amazed that people even believe anything (that's said about us) I mean, it's one of the craziest things about the whole situation, where you can see the whole - it's paradigm the right word? Of celebrity gossip, celebrity culture type stuff that's literally, entirely made up. There's a story line. You have a set character and your story line is written for you. And it doesn't matter what you do. I talked to Reese Witherspoon about it a while ago, and she was the person who really told me you get given a character. I mean, I've literally tried to do things to throw people off and it just doesn't get printed." 

This sums up my post perfectly, Rob and Kristen are not a marketing tool. They are not following the basic principles of being a 'power couple' They don't go out to the right places; attend high profile events, holiday is the most sought after papped and be seen in the most auspicious of places. They instead go out when they want to, places and people who mean more to them than papped hangouts of the rich and famous. Their work is separate from their personal life, they don't believe in always being 'on the clock' and they only get found together when people reveal their location through the need to be notorious. They function happily in not being seen; turning up when least expected and floating constantly 'under the radar' - blending into a crowd so that they are barely recognised. They are not together because of an image, the brand and attention that will give the movie they are making a much needed boost. Instead they network as separate identities, at least that is how they want themselves to be seen. 
"One solid thing I can say is that fear is not necessarily a bad thing. It's something that as you get older, you can get a bit more comfortable with. Fear is a very motivating thing in life. You should not be crippled by it - use it instead." - Kristen.

Without sounding contrite, the summer that so many want to forget, showed a level of fear. It is the very reason so many see Rob and Kristen as a marketing tool or a brand. They believe that a powerful couple such as this, faced with a scandal that rocked the fandom, should stay together to 'protect the image'
IF they were just an image and nothing else would work. If they had egos and listened to the 'puppeteers' who want to control them; do what they are told, say what is scripted for them to say; 'it's image darlings, nothing but the image'

Not when you are genuinely in love, not when you don't give a damn about what other people think. The 'image' Hollywood built up, fans worshipped and magazines sold millions of copies to their subscribers, is not worth it if it's not real. Sure pretence is nothing new in tinseltown; celebrities hide behind a cloak of well placed lies, but if you care more about the person and less about the brand, the success, the career then you will understand the feeling of fear when you came so close to losing them.

I will leave you with this;
Q: "What is your biggest lesson so far? Has something happened that made you change the way you see things forever?"
"I believe in keeping your family and friends close, because they treat you the same no matter what. Real relationships are not affected by whatever happens in life. Knowing that you'll always keep something special no matter what happens, is something that has made an impact in my life. That's one of the biggest lessons I've received in life." - Rob.
When a relationship is genuine and honest and can withstand anything. If it's not pretentious and false, it can weather whatever life throws at it. No relationship is easy, it takes patience and tolerance and above all, it takes time. If you live your life by the 'fame code' you will never truly find happiness, because you will be forever seeking out the unattainable. To expect too much only to be let down eventually and predictably.

Love changes everything, because it's the one thing that keeps you alive - makes you believe there is a purpose for your existence.
Your love calls me home...
Rob and Kristen don't live by a code; they are not in a relationship for the purpose of the image. They're together because they want to be together.

As we look towards Christmas and the ending of the year, keep in mind those who are important to you. Live each day surrounded by happiness that you find in those, who care about you. Embrace the family that means so much to you, and protect and surround them in with love.

Take care
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