Bah Humbug! (Not so Grinchy, more like Scrooge!)

For anyone else wanting to take a pot shot at myself or this blog; i don't force anyone to read my rants or posts *shrugs* makes no difference to me if it doesn't get read. It's my personal views and as most who know me will have already worked out, i can be very 'cut to the point, straight shooting' person, who doesn't mince her words. I have sat through this summer of hell, when the fandom pulled itself apart literally and i saw a lot of people show their true colours and it wasn't a pleasant sight.

I stood still and defended a persons actions, because i have no delusions of the kind of person she is and that is human. We all make mistakes and we all learn to grow from them (well some do) and for that, i stayed firm and stayed strong and tried to encourage others to do the same for Kristen. Because deep down inside i believed she was not a bad person and wouldn't go out of her way to hurt someone deliberately, someone she cares about a great deal. Despite what 'some people' believe and like to voice constantly, because they have very narrow minds and believe in their dogma/opinion that she should be cast out like the ***** that she is. That attitude, that kind of person is the person i point my strong views at; the first to cast a stone, the ones who constantly either bash her or over dramatically panic at a moments notice. Those who feel like that actually cause more drama than it's worth. If you don't approve of my posts, if you don't like what i 'pick apart' then why read it, why come into blogs you have no interest in, get offended and click the 'reply' button?

Those who bash Kristen do so, because they believe they hate her. They have to make sure their opinion is heard or read, when in fact they spend all that pent up energy all that free time on one woman, one insignificant person and that shows she owns them more than they would ever freely admit. The fact that those people need to make their opinions heard, shows that it's not hate, but jealousy. They believe they hate her, but they hate themselves more. Hate in any stretch of the imagination is a passionate response to a person, a memory or object of their obsessive desire to feel offended. That and an energy zapping waste of time. YOU think Kristen doesn't know her haters; those media icons who pulled her down, the legion of women who scathingly attacked her. Those chat show hosts making fools of themselves now, as they grovel, embarrassingly for their 'attention seeking idiocy of the summer'

Every dog has it's day and Kristen knows the tide of hate has turned and she has done nothing, but watch those who were so quick to condemn her suddenly find nothing but humility for doing so. Her prize was holding her head up as much as she could and keeping her silence as respectfully as she could. Why try and convince those who damned her? The truth always finds it's way of getting out and it will.

You can choose to criticise this young woman for her clothing choice, the movies she makes, the person she is with and the mistake she made and freely owned up to and for that, earned more respect from the peers that see the real Kristen and not the person the media attacks. You can choose to condemn her actions, hate her for her apparent lack of respect to Rob, when you know absolutely nothing about what went on, have no business trying to find out what went on and have no right to accuse her of some of the vilest things imaginable when you were not there but seem to think the media knows everything when they DON'T. 

If you think you know everything, then more fool you. Yes the passionate, obsessive, compulsion to hate on one person for her human faults, the need to believe the man who is in her world doesn't deserve her love, her attention and her desire to have him in her life. Her work and why she chooses it and the clothes she puts on her back. Whether you like those things or not. It's not your life, it's not your love and it's not your choices, so get off your high horse and try putting all that pent up energy into your own lives for a change.

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