Rob and Kristen - The 'Fandom' Drama Card Has Exceeded It's Limit!

I will not excuse this post, as it comes with a lot of heightened annoyance and a large bitch-slapper. So you have been warned!!

I have been exceptionally quiet and some people have began to worry??!!
Real Life tends to do that to you, and reading stupid people's posts/emails; panicking and worrying and gnashing of teeth - why oh why?
It seems that this fandom cannot go a day without some kind of hysteria, some kind of fucked up opinion as to why the world around them is not more important than a couples personal life?

I get it, fans will be fans. They follow the movies, buy the merchandise. Register with fan blogs and message boards. Form little communities, have twitter and facebook social groups, but for all that is holy, please stop with this over-obsessive need to know every single thing about Rob and Kristen!
I have sat back for over a week and watched so called 'fans' argue and bicker amongst each other. Over-obsess and over-indulge in everything to do with 'what's Kristen doing, what's Rob doing?' The last time i checked they didn't need a 24 hour security team to ensure their personal safety and whereabouts. But in this world of social networking - everyone wants to know everything and that is wrong, so very wrong.
There seems to be an increase of drama queens recently. Those who simply go around encouraging other like minded people, to panic and worry unnecessarily over stupid things. To then complain when they are picked on or made fun of by the haters, who see their hysteria as a source of great entertainment.

I have seen so much of this recently and taking a break from this mad, mad fandom has done me personally the world of good. Sometimes you have to take a step back, look at what is happening around you and decide 'is this worth my time?' The answer has been 'No' because real life is much more important. People may not like my views; i didn't create a blog for people to always agree in what i post *shrugs* it's my blog, my views. If you don't like it, don't read it. And the same can be said for twitter and other social media outlets. If you don't like someone's post or tweet - don't read it.

Yeah but it's hard, i know that - hence there is this little button that says 'unfollow' and my mouse has been hovering over it for quite some time now.

Don't believe me? Well how about i give you a run down of the drama that has been floating around over the past 2 weeks.

Kristen has a private screening for 'On The Road' in LA;
'Why is she doing another one? Why is this movie getting so much publicity - Rob's 'Cosmopolis' didn't get as much publicity as this? She was ill and had to pull out of some events i hope she is okay, they say she has the flu but i don't know, she could be pregnant? Rob where is Rob, why isn't he there by her side, surely he is proud of his 'girl' and should be supporting her...' - DRAMA

Kristen announces she is to work with Ben Affleck in the movie 'Focus';
'Is it really wise to be doing a story about a young woman who falls for the charms of a man in his 40's? I mean, look at what happened to her over the summer, hasn't she learned anything from that? It seems like a good movie although Affleck is a bit of a sleaze, i hope his wife keeps tabs on him while he is working with stunning Kristen? Love it, but it's set to begin filming in the spring of 2013 when Rob is in Australia and Kristen hinted at going to visit him in Australia. I hope this hasn't put the trip off, they really need to have some time alone. It's not going to help their relationship if she is in LA and he is on the other side of the world?' - DRAMA

Kristen attends a private screening for the movie 'On The Road' at the Skywalker Ranch in LA;
'What, another one? How many does this movie need and why is it being tipped for a possible Golden Globe or an Oscar? Rob's 'Cosmopolis' should have got the same recognition as this movie for Kristen, he was sublime in it - better than the Marylou character in this movie. She's got recognition because she took her clothes off in it. Love the shoes, love the leather leggings but lord girl eat you're too skinny. How can you possibly conceive The Golden Child when there is no meat on those bones?' - DRAMA

'I heard Rob was there with her, there were sightings and tweets suggesting he was there with Kristen.' No he wasn't, he's currently back in LA, NYC, London - anywhere but with Kristen. Why was there no photos of them at this event, do people not possess a mobile phone with a camera!!!' - DRAMA

Kristen is heading to NYC for the World Premiere of 'On The Road' and subsequent TV show appearances including; Jon Stewart and Craig Ferguson;
'Another premiere, how many premieres does this movie need for gods sake!! OMG she is going to be on a show with Jon Stewart! Remember the skit he did with Rob and kicking Kristen to the curb while eating ice cream, i hope she doesn't buckle under the pressure? Aren't they the guys who really went to town over what happened? You know the affair she had with Rupert Sanders? - DRAMA
Saving the worst for last!

Kristen; rumours and insinuations. Fandom freedom of speech, conspiracy beliefs, cloaked organisations behind locked and unlocked twitter accounts. Coded words, lengthy twitlongers and a 'give it a bloody rest!'
Takes a deep breath...
It has come to my attention that some people just don't know when to let things go. There seems to be this persistent need to 'justify' Kristen's actions in July (5 months ago) so much so, that it's become a daily dredge of 'newest theories, conspirator beliefs, half baked delusions' followed by 'but i know what really went on that day....'


I am a patient, open minded person. I understand some 'fans' need to get Kristen's name cleared of whatever happened - the cause and affect of that sequence of days involving a certain director, but the facts remain the same. And digging into so called 'accountable information' does absolutely nothing, other than dredge up a part of Kristen's life that she has put firmly behind her. Not only has she put it firmly behind her, but the 'most important thing in her life' Rob has also put it behind him and they have moved on - TOGETHER!

It doesn't matter what your opinion believes, your detective work has uncovered or your far-fetched theories can come up with. Dragging something that was a really emotional, private and painful experience, because unfortunately the media and some members of this head twisting fandom of haters and naysayers kept bringing it up over and over again (and still do)

I can understand this need to express your opinion, but these two individuals; this couple who are just trying to get on with life, do their own thing, spend their time together - have to face this kind of intense scrutiny when no one has the right to treat them this way. Leave them alone, leave Kristen and what happened in July alone. She owned up to her part, she had the balls to admit to her mistake (whatever large or small it was) the man in her life, her family and his family have moved on and accepted whatever was said PRIVATELY. So as far as i am concerned the gate is closed, the story over and done with. If digging is your only justification for proving there was a conspiracy, a plot or coup taking place, then you are no better than the media you criticise and complain about - a dog with a bone, a shark with the scent of blood.

Cable Guy, Golden Child and please Rob and Kristen go out and get papped somewhere, anywhere so we can see your lovely faces?
If there is one thing that does grate on my nerves, then it has to be so called 'fans' and their need to see Rob and Kristen out together. To be robbed of any privacy they have, to be annoyed by the persistent flashing of cameras and shouts/cat-calls of abuse, as they go to whatever event, dinner or social gathering of friends. To then spend time trying to sit out the mass hysteria of fans waiting outside or photogs with the manners of Warthogs, before unfortunately having to make a mad dash into a vehicle. To then bury their heads in their hands and countdown in their heads how long they have to endure it, before the photogs/warthogs/cockroaches leave them alone.

Has no one learned from what happened to Kristen; how she was hounded for a week by an insipid pestering liar of a photographer? The barrage of the roaches at LAX airport recently, pushing and shoving and eventually provoking a response from Rob, for not leaving them alone?

I get it, i understand this is just part of their lives, part of the whole 'public image' of actors and being snapped wherever they go. Even if it is to go out and get something to eat. But this 'please go out and get papped' obsession is ridiculous (remember my comment on the unfollow button for twitter?) I don't agree with it and while i can tolerate people's need to see Rob and Kristen; even though if they support and admire them, they would understand that they are not 'PR' and need to be seen to be remembered. We are not talking the Kardashian's who so many put down as attention seeking ............. so while you sit and criticise other celebrities for doing just that, do you have to tie people whom you 'support and follow' with the same opinion?

Rob and the cable guy that called upon the home he 'shares' with Kristen. As in a home that sleeps several AND not just one! Is beyond ridiculous, it's bordering on stupidity and there is a lot of it about. Someone retweets a random person's post, who coincidently only posted it for attention - and all hell breaks loose. People delete twitter accounts and name calling begins. The very reason for my silence is the bullying in the playground attitude, some people have. That and the childish behaviour that i find personally boring and repetitive and this is from supposedly grown women?

The so called 'Golden Child' conversations are another embarrassing ingredient to add to the drama queen mix. When will Rob and Kristen have a baby? If she puts on a bit of weight and wears baggy clothes - she is pregnant. If he talks about wanting to be a young father - they're having a baby. The pressure for a young couple who decide they want to start a family is stressful enough, without being a celebrity and your 'fans' demanding you have one so they can be part of the whole experience. As Kristen rightly said, the day she becomes pregnant she is telling no one the name or even when the baby was born. In other words; it's not the media's business nor the fans business, so keep out of it!!

DRAMA that is all it comes down to, people needing drama like they need oxygen! if it's not something Rob has or has not done, it's what Kristen has or has not done. The stalking of friends and families facebook, twitter or instagram accounts, looking for information. Hacking into personal email accounts, but that's alright, that's acceptable. It's when the media does it that certain so called 'fans' disagree and complain about - LOUDLY!
These two young, fine, talented people, have a dedicated fandom who care, they know that. They also know they have a legion of haters, who enjoy spending their time being nasty and vile about either of them as well. They understand the media's obsessive attention; focusing on anything that will make a story scandalous and noteworthy enough to fill column inches and gossip segments in their entertainment shows.

But what they don't need is the possessive part of this fandom; those who feel Rob and Kristen owe them the right to go out and get papped; sit in places where their private moments are not private anymore. Attend each others events all the time, because they should be joined at the hip. That not one movie should over shadow the other person's movie, because it will cause friction and tension. That going to work in another country means your other half just HAS to go with you or else the relationship is in trouble. That the woman has to be constantly reminded of something she has made peace with, because some people haven't and if they haven't, neither should she! That pregnancy means they will stick together. Give Rob the child he craves for, it's not fair that she still isn't pregnant! That stalking is acceptable; because you care about Rob and Kristen and the fandom have the right to know who is doing what? Whose house, photos have come from. Rumours that Rob is here or Kristen is there, but as long as they are together then there is no drama!

^ Drama comes from all of that.
Drama is made by people; who believe they have the right to do all of the above. Obsessive people, obsessing over other people's lives. Stalkers of the cyberspace, where no one's private accounts are safe and whatever you post, will be snapped, snagged and posted everywhere for everyone in the fandom to see.
I will not excuse this post (i mentioned that already LOL) for i feel that sometimes the things i read just boggle the mind. That there are people out there who believe their daily dogma and reasoning to be who they are and say/post the things they do, is completely acceptable. Don't get me wrong, there are some pretty awesome, sane and supportive fans out there, who don't agree in the obsession. They are fans of the couple - individually and together. You don't have to be a fan of Rob and like Kristen and that goes the same for Rob, but be respectful. And being respectful is also knowing when to draw the line between being a fan and being an obsessive stalker.

T x
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