Rob and Kristen - "You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch..."

Grinchy time once again...
Ah yes, in this festering excuse of the bowels of hell called - haters and drama llamas, there seems to be no end of hilarity.

In one corner we have those who see photos of a certain young woman; squeal and shout with large shouty caps 'OMG, OMG' and then proceed to question, debate, analyse and talk each other down. In other words, they need the drama in their lives to be able to function. Then we have the haters; those who persistently don't have anything nice to say; all green and grinchy as they criticise, dissect, with brains full of spiders and souls full of garlic - their daily drudge of hate. Makes you wonder is there a place on earth that is as black as tar where all the green meanies live?
Mr. Pattinson and Mr. Gere...
Hysteria number 1;
"OMG, OMG, the smile, the hair, the sexiness just rolling of him..."
Sorry that was me talking about Richard Gere, but the other guy is nice to!
Rob turns up at the a luncheon for the movie - Armitage and all hell breaks loose; 'what is Rob doing there, what is his connection. Why isn't Kristen with him, why does he look so scruffy - WHAT does this all mean?'

Yes it seems Rob's appearance at a luncheon for Richard Gere's movie caused quite a stir from those of the fandom who are very skittish. Those who jump from one drama or rumour to another like a twitchy spider. Look for confirmation, look for reasons, look for questions but essentially, look for drama. so Rob was out solo without Kristen - big fucking deal! Last i checked it is perfectly acceptable to go out and do other things, network or simply show up as a guest to a important networking function, without the other half. But you see in this fandom the best case scenario is always drama, always panicking, always worrying - chomping and biting of nails. Where's Kristen, why wasn't she there with him, why are they doing things separate...
Ah, they have always attended things separate, so what's the fuss now?

One thing - uncertainty.
There is a certain smell of 'bullshit' that follows you everywhere. Those who want to believe that Kristen is clinging onto Rob hopelessly, because any second now he will realise she is just not good enough for him to stay with...
Yes those who don't possess common sense and would rather live in drama and lunacy. Those who think that Rob deserves better and because of that, Kristen can't be trusted to stay at home while he is out 'socialising' with other people.

Richard Gere, *sigh* his name takes me back. He was in his heyday (much younger) like Rob; loved by women all over the world; dreaming and lusting after his boyish charm and good looks. He was the epitome of professional courtesy and no one had a bad word to say about him. He wasn't a 'womaniser' he had a good wholesome 'image' and women simply LOVED that. Not to mention he also played an 'Edward' in a pretty famous movie, you might have heard of it 'Pretty Woman'
Yes it seems 'dear' Rob turned up casual at a pretty formal sit down lunch in honour of the silver fox Gere, as speculation mounts as award season approaches that he might be in line for a Golden Globe or even better - an Oscar. Personally speaking, i was more interested in what kind of doggy bag Rob took home for Bear and Bernie?

Hysteria number 2;
'OMG, OMG did you see the dress Kristen is wearing - takes deep sexy!'
Stunning in silver and black...
Hot after the slap down some idiotic members of the fandom gave Kristen, for turning up at a Variety Awards function casually dressed in pants and a t-shirt, Kristen appeared at the 'Governors Awards' looking stunning in a full length gown by Talbot Runolf as she stood and posed beside the infamous 'Oscar' statuette. This was quickly followed by; 'What is she doing there, OMG is she up for an Oscar, a Golden Globe? Why is she at such a prestigious event, what has she got to to with it. Is she presenting, accepting and why isn't Rob there? He has more talent than Kristen!!'

The whining was comical, the hysteria laughable and the lunacy of 'why wasn't Rob with her?' followed the 'why wasn't Kristen there?' for him the day before, incredibly stupid.

It seems you can't have one without the other. As if they should be freakishly joined at the hip; not going anywhere without the other. At least that's the theory according to the unstable people in this fandom.
naturally beautiful...
The drama that gets stirred up in this very 'bi-polar' fandom, is caused by those no better than the insipid haters they constantly put down and criticise. Unfortunately they don't see that they are no different. If Rob is seen out on his own 'drama' if Kristen is seen out on her own 'drama' if they are both seen out together 'PR'

Not a day goes by where there is not some 'pot stirring fantasy' is being stirred up and bullshitted about. There are times (more recently than not) were i have began to avoid the Wonderful world Wide Web of stupidity, because how much more can one person take in a 24 hour period, before the need to question some people's 'sanity?'
Remember this?
The photo that sent a lot of people in this fandom over the edge. A typical 'Christmas card pose' with members of the family all wishing those across the miles a Merry Christmas. A photo that was unfortunately 'stolen' from a facebook account and now everyone has it. I am not one to complain much (sides eyes everyone) although to be frank and honest, keep your photos in a locked location and no one should be able to get at them j/s. Pap photos on the other hand i detest, so you know my opinion on them. But this one was all kinds of win. It was a bit like this years Halloween photos; once loaded up online everyone and their granny had them. This is the photo that sent the haters into a hate filled coma; 'why was Kristen there with Rob and his parents at what looked like his family home - could it be?'

Yeah it really gets up some people's knicker elastic that Rob's parents and indeed Kristen's parents, approve of their relationship and they and only THEY should be allowed an opinion - fans not so much, haters even less.
Everyday is another twist in a plot, another reason to believe that people spend way too much time worrying over absolutely nothing. Too many invest WAY too much of their time over analysing a relationship that is not theirs.
Haters are like the Grinch on both sides; they don't have a good word to say about anyone;

"Your sole is a appalling dump heap
Overflowing with the most disgraceful
Assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable,
Mangled up in tangled up knots."

Haters, drama llamas and naysayers alike!
Rob and Kristen are together - embrace the reality.
There is no drama, no panic, no insecurity and no uncertainty.

Tempest x 

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