Rob and Kristen - It's Just That...

Yep, pretty much!
Never underestimate the power of drama llamas, for they have this habit of throwing a hissy fit at the most inappropriate times. It's been a strange kind of week for me; elation that Rob and Kristen successfully spent a week and was hardly recognised - except for one person who decided to tweet her 'chef husband was cooking them lunch' or they had been seen buying supplies on their way to wherever they had been staying.

Life was good - Rob and Kristen had gone under the radar to enjoy some quality time together post Breaking Dawn promotion. And then the stupidity happened. I am not a lover of the paparazzi as most of you know. Yes i know they are doing their job and they get paid for doing so and as part of their 'public life' Rob and Kristen have to endure the whole 'airport three ring circus' that greets them whenever they have to travel.
Walking together - NYC...
I can take respectful paps, who keep their distance and don't hurl abuse at them but allow them to go about their business and get their shots. Here, Rob and Kristen are walking together - all is calm...

My mood soon turned to disgust when they got to LA and following my rant from the other day, they were besieged by idiotic hyenas, with the scent of blood hanging thick in the air. When finally they got out from the angry, blood thirsty mob and safely driven away to their home - once more the fandom returned to normal as normal can be...that is.
OMG Kristen girl, what are you wearing?
Cried the unsure members of this fandom. Straight away, my mood then turned to astonished hypocrisy, as blithering idiots shot off complaints about Kristen's wardrobe/clothing choice 'what on earth where you thinking girl?' It's as if the nanny fashion police had taken to criticising her dress sense, as if it was their god given right? Not the fact that Kristen was invited to the Variety Awards Studio event. That herself and Garrett Hedlund (also dressed causally BTW) where there for 'On The Road' which is picking up a lot of attention and could well be seen as a movie of choice or supporting acting choice for the Golden Globes. A nice little award like that can do wonders for your established career, especially when you have such greats as James Gandolfini (co-star in Welcome To The Riley's) singing your praises and he has every right to. But oh no, it was what Kristen was wearing that caused more attention, the fact she was 'dressed down' for such a high brow event. She should have been in something glamorous, with heels and lots of glitz and sparkle.

Really, says who?
Kristen has always been about comfort over style. She has always worn what feels right for her with an edge and is uniquely Kristen. This was not so much a high brow event, but more of a case of showcasing her talent as an actress and that doesn't mean having to turn up over dressed and looking desperate. I found nothing wrong with what she wore; she's a 22 yr old female who is comfortable in her own skin. If you don't like it that's your problem, but beating it about and firing off tweets to her stylist with 'have you seen what Kristen dressed herself in?' Come on people, life is too short to argue over clothing choices - she is simply being true to herself - get over it!

I am actually more impressed that Mr. Gandolfini spoke so affectionately and proud of Kristen, she is a unique person who touches everyone's heart who works with her. She is a shining example of someone who will go very far in this business - her fans should be happy for her and less worrying about 'what is she going to wear next?'
Happy together...
There is an air of completeness whenever i see photos of Kristen and Rob together. Of course there are going to be idiots, who will criticise this woman over basically everything. They are the ones still damning her for this past summer of madness, they are the ones still banging on their little drums and disapproving over everything she does, Rob is after all, staying with that .......

Here's the thing, i will say this once more - if Rob didn't want to be there, he would have walked away.

There is no need for him to put up pretences, play some kind of 'clinging' game until they are old and grey and even then, some unstable people will still cry it's all "PR"
Their love is a wonderful thing to watch, to feel that they have found the missing piece to themselves. They are together because they love each other, it's just that. Nothing more and nothing less.
There is a quiet tenderness whenever he is around her, a serene smile is always present on her face. She becomes the blushing female who is the object of a males attention and she blooms under his gaze. Rob looks at Kristen at times as if she had hung the moon. In his words it's as if he is amazed she is with him, for all his faults and habits. He is gifted with the knowledge that she shares his life, shares his passions and shares the moments when there is no craziness in their lives. They have spent so much time together, been through so much together good and bad. Yet in moments when he is captured by a photographer, when he is looking at Kristen, i firmly believe he thinks he is the luckiest man alive.
His love for Kristen...
Is written in his eyes...
Whenever they are together...
he knows he's found his home...
It's just that - together...
Tempest xx
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