Rob and Kristen - Precious...

"That night, you really became a couple." Catherine Hardwicke...
Can i say 'i hate airport pics' yeah you know the kind, where the roaches invade your territory and get right up into your face and what's worse, they actually talk and that's just a no, no. They believe if they hurl abuse at you, stick their cameras and their flash lights in your faces to distract you enough - they will get the money shot. The instant gratification that they 'pulled one on you to get a photo'

It amazes me the understanding of some people in this fandom; the cries of 'we are having a drought' to 'just go outside Rob and Kristen and get photographed for me' to 'what they were spotted and no one took a picture, what's wrong with these people. Don't you possess a phone with a camera?' To 'stop invading their privacy, stop stalking their homes/hotels/restaurants they are eating in for fucks sake!' And my personal favourite 'if they didn't want papped they should have used the private entrance. Why are people getting all riled up - it's what paps do. They know it, Rob and Kristen know it - get over it!'

Ah, no i won't!

The life of a celebrity; you give up a certain portion of your life, but unlike a fame loving reality TV star - the cameras are not on you 24/7. You are not commanding attention when you have to catch a domestic or international flight, because you can't go around flying private all the time - it's too bloody expensive for a start. You understand that the photographers have an obligation to take photos of you coming and going - it's part of the way of life. You are after all a household name and with the dawn of the social media, anyone who is anyone will post up a blurry image and advertise you have just got on their flight. Or you are in the line at check in, scratching your plums or picking your nose and "OMG YOU ARE .......... in real life!!" It's just one of those things. BUT, you do not try and engage in the act of saying something despicable just to get a rise out of them, so that you can post up your money shot to the highest bidder. Sell their souls, because you have the right to do so. It's 'your bread and butter' taking photos of celebrities as they try and go about their lives just like anyone else.

Anyone who suggests the whole 'well they are celebrities and when you decide that's your job, expect this to happen - you put yourself out there!' Shut the fuck up! You know nothing of their lives and if the shoe was on the other foot, how would you like it if you were followed by a 50+ wall of flashing idiots; screaming your name and hurling abuse at your partner who you are trying to protect, but the muppets wielding the cameras are in your way.
So you, back to the beginning...
I have said this before and i will say it again - Rob is very protective of the people in his life. Of the family who brought him up, of his friends he has had since school...of the woman who shares his life. When that woman's reputation, emotional or physical well being is put to the test - the real Rob, the alpha male protective Rob, is going to come out to play. Set aside your differences for one moment and think with logical heads (try to) the franchise is over - the twilight saga is finished. No more obligations, no more appearances to promote the movie. No more selling the product of Edward and Bella - so what now?
From the beginning of this final promotion; from the crap of the summer, a different kind of Rob has materialised.

Gone is the man who goofed around and acted silly (he still goofs around just not as silly as he used to) there is a bite to his words. An underlying threat hidden in his voice to the media and to the photographers who hound celebrities down. To the insipid fans who believe he belongs to those who tried to destroy his family, his home, his privacy. He has come out fighting the only way he knows how. Of course he can't do anything physical, the roaches would have a field day if he so much as laid a hand on them. He knows that he is one person and is defenceless against their disgusting tactics. He knows to give them what they want, it's a small price for fame right?

Wrong, so wrong.
Protective Rob - Madrid...
No one deserves the amount of disgusting hate one woman has been subjected to over and over since the summer. Everyone knows that Rob and Kristen are together; it's final, it's definite, it's real and it's not going anywhere. Those with only half a brain will believe that it's for the soul purpose of PR, but then again, they also believe in the Tooth fairy and the Easter bunny. Rob is doing nothing that is PR related, we saw them together somewhere in England AFTER BD2 promotion wrapped - yes together. They went off for a week long 'vacation' to unwind and relax after a whirlwind of press and appearances, to then get on a flight and end up being subjected to the kind of disgust, that they would rather was not part of their lives.

My rant is over; if you choose to believe that getting 'riled up' over the roaches despicable behaviour' does nothing but club a dead horse over the head - again and again. It's worth repeating that this is the kind of life that frightens Rob and Kristen and that NO ONE should have to go through it or even accept it. If you feel that the attack on Kristen; suggesting she is going to "cheat again, that if she is pregnant then who is the father?" Is one of those things they have to endure, because they are celebrities and of course the roaches are going to hurl abuse like that, just to get their attention. It's not right and they don't have to accept it.
The final 'movie' appearance - Berlin...
It bears repeating, but family means everything to Rob. whether it be his or Kristen's, the dogs they have together or each other - it's what he looks forward to coming home to at the end of the day. The fans are a noisy distraction. He is humbled that they take time out of their lives to support him, watch his movies and take an interest in his 'acting' life but they have little impact in what he wants for his 'private' life. The media is a means to an end; they promote his movies, talk about his projects and try and probe a bit into his private life, which he only gives out when he feels like it. (dogs and homes are limits he can work around) The paparazzi...he has no time for at all. They invade his life, they hurl abuse and they clog up airports and outside public places. When they are not doing that, they are trying to hurt his family.
Hold on tight...
Kristen Stewart is part of Rob's 'family' and she is very precious indeed.

Tempest x

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