Rob and Kristen - "Time Has Brought Your Heart To Me"

When words are never needed...
While my dear friends are enjoying left over 'Thanksgiving' turkey and pumpkin pie, others are Christmas shopping and preparing for the festive season. are like me, living in a country whose seasons are the opposite way around (35 degrees in the middle of November when i was always used to putting on extra layers and turning the heating up a notch...) and feeling very warm in this 'almost summer balmy, heady heat' i thought a little sappiness was needed (as if i haven't been sappy enough) where is my cold, dead heart? Who stole it, because i want it back!!!

It's said that when a woman is in love, you can tell it in her eyes. When a man is in love - it just shows.
It shows in a lot of ways, but mainly in how he looks at the woman he is in love with.

It's been a wonderful journey for some of us. A fantastic reflection on four years supporting a book/movie franchise. Devoting our time online in blogs, message boards of the social medium. We have gone through countless photo shoots, press junkets and interviews. Laughed or cried at the premieres (New Moon; LA, NYC - sucked) and fell in love with two book heroes who hold a place forever deep in our hearts. We saw an epic journey for two people; meeting for the first time, the right time when everything began falling into place. Giggled mirthfully, as we saw the tell tale signs of those very same people, falling in love (sappiness again)
The way he looks at her...
I have wrote about this couple since 2008, since Comic Con; when there was most definitely a hint of UST in the air between them. Of course many did not want to see this; they wanted the fact to be known that Kristen was already in a relationship with someone else (same people who revisited this excuse a few months back, with the idiotic assumption that history was repeating itself) Despite that, the tension between them was palpable, it hung over them like a fog until finally...depending on whose theories you believe of course - they became a couple. I have felt a protectiveness about them, the need for them to have a normal life, a normal relationship in a crazy existence they live in. So many have felt the need to try and control their lives when the only people who have that right are themselves. Despite the hate that has filled many a persons selfish beliefs and the media's sanctimonious reasoning of 'celebrities are there to be gossiped about and photographed'
His entire world...
I have seen a love that has been present since the very first moment we got to meet Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. From the not so subtle comments of admiration and attraction, that seemed to spill so freely from lose lips. From the long, lingering gazes that held as mischievous smiles followed. The secret meetings, the hidden messages and the excuses that could not be believed anymore. Many of us saw the love right from the very beginning. Saw the happiness that just rolled of both of them, whenever they were around each other. In the years that have followed, we have been blessed with their happiness. Content in the knowledge that they have found each other in a world, where so many want to rip them apart - through jealousy and resentment.

Life is full of choices and decisions and sometimes we make mistakes and we learn from them. We live in the hope that as we get older, we will get wiser and more content with life. Stop rushing around so much and stop trying to hurry up tomorrow. Sometimes we just need to stand still, catch our breaths, breathe in deeply and let it out slowly. Open our eyes and look at what is around us. Stop searching for things that are not there, appreciate what we have and hold onto it, love it and cherish it...

To all those who believe in love; who have come together and met through that very belief - that love is the strongest and most forgiving emotion.
This is for you <3
The day we met,
frozen i held my breath.
Right from the start,
I knew it, i found a home for my...
Heart beats fast,
colours and promises.
how to be brave,
how can i love when I'm afraid to fall.
But watching you stand alone,
all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow...

One step closer
I have died everyday, waiting for you.
Darling don't be afraid, i have loved you,
for a thousand years...
I'll love you for a thousand more.

Time stands still,
Beauty in all she is.
I will be brave,
I will not let anything take away
what's standing in front of me.
Every breath,
Every hour has come to this...

One step closer
I have died everyday, waiting for you.
Darling don't be afraid, i have loved you
for a thousand years...
I'll love you for a thousand more.

And all along, i believed i would find you.
Time has brought your heart to me,
I have loved you for a thousand years...
I'll love you for a thousand more.

One step closer
(one step closer)
I have died everyday, waiting for you.
Darling don't be afraid, i have loved you
for a thousand years...
I'll love you for a thousand more.

And all along, i believed i would find you.
Time has brought your heart to me,
I have loved you for a thousand years...
I'll love you for a thousand more.
Tempest x <3 x  

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