Rob and Kristen - Thankful For What They Have...

4 years ago...Twilight was unleashed on the world...
There are so many things to be thankful for...
So many people who touch your lives; intertwine and interweave through out it. Reaching into the corners, lighting up the darkened spaces and filling it with laughter and happiness - never forget that.

Even if you don't celebrate 'Thanksgiving' it is after all an American tradition, it still bears reiterating that no matter what the day, week, month, occasion or holiday season - you should always be thankful for what you have. Look around you, take in your space. Really look at the people who have touched your life; parents, partners, children even household pets - families that fill your home with noise and excitement as you enjoy the time you have with them.
Love is universal and unconditional. To comes into our lives and leaves it's mark...on all our hearts.
Remember the flirtation at Comic Con 2008?
It takes hold of you and doesn't let go...
Love means so much to so many people - family love is a strong bond that is always there, even when there are oceans between you...

The love for your children is unconditionally powerful and encompassing - it fills parents with a force of protection, to protect the ones you love.

Love between two people is both passionate and frustrating. The need to find your balance, find your place in the relationship. The connection, the need for the other person...the want of having a 'happily ever after'
Fairy tale romances belong in the pages of fictional books, to loose yourself in once and a while. The happy ending with flowers and hearts and 'they all lived happily ever after' tag line at the end - nice and sweet.

Real life is not like that; the love that lasts forever is a love that goes through good times and bad. The easy with the not so easy, the pain with the pleasure. It matures and grows with each passing year, it has understanding and patience that comes with time and it's that time when you finally understand 'acceptance'

When you find that kind of love in your life...hold onto it and don't let go.
I finally got to see Breaking Dawn - Part Two!

*Major spoilers ahead - do not read if you still haven't seen the movie*

Yeah i loved it, that has to be said - but i didn't cry like some fans who went to see it in their droves...strange?
Edward, Bella and Renesmee...
I did feel a little melancholy at the end of it - it's final, complete, full circle.

Finally the Edward i wanted to see; less stiff, less in pain and less wooden. Rob played the part of Edward to his fullest and what better way to end the series, than to come into his own and show the man in love with the girl, who is his whole world and the family they created together.
Bella as a vampire - she was stunning, feral, protective and powerful. Kristen was absolutely fantastic in this role; finally teenage Bella was left behind and in her place, a sexy and alluring vampire and one in which Kristen showcased perfectly.

Okay so yes, the CGI baby was a bit comical. You kind of expected it to suddenly malfunction in Edward's arms, with springs and coils and acid smoke smouldering out of it, as a shout of 'Surprise!' comes from Bella to a shocked Charlie's face. So forgive me but i wasn't annoyed with the Stepford babies, i just found it funny.
The introduction of the Covens was a nice touch. I know some people didn't care much for them - The Cullen's or nothing right?

Personally speaking, for the final showdown it was nice to see that it's not just the family we have all grown to love who exist in the world of the fantastical. After all, we have had to put up with the satirically wooden Volturi for 3 movies, so forgive me for the little indulgence that i loved - especially Dracula one and two LOL.

Mackenzie Foy (when she finally appeared as herself) stole my heart. She was gorgeous and so cute - having a daughter of my own, i felt the maternal instinct kick in as Bella became the protective mother; grabbing Jacob by the scruff like the dog that he is and throwing him out of Chalet Cullen.
Schemxy times ahead for Edward and Bella...
The battle...
Anyone who had never read the books where for me, the only people who should have been shocked at the twist. I didn't get the 'horrified' reactions of some who had been both fans of the books and the movies, to not see what was about to happen?
*Shrugs* I guess the twist was more of 'who was killed and who was spared' rather than the battle itself.

The audience i was sitting with where mainly there to see Jacob take his clothes off one last time or Rob strut around as Edward. In other words, a majority female crowd. Luckily for me there was not one girl/woman there who booed or hissed at the screen when Kristen's name appeared. But then again, there are actually respectful women out there who don't obsess about Rob's or Kristen's personal life - they were there to simply enjoy the movie and enjoy it they did :)
People who feel the need to be spiteful and mean and make rude comments, show just how childish and immature you are. To hate on a woman who has done nothing in your life to warrant such hate - other than fill the other part of your obsessed, delusional existence with the knowledge that while you pour your hateful emotion out for everyone to see - Kristen Stewart owns you!
Rob and Kristen - together, somewhere out there...
For those who still roll on the PR train, this one is also for you. Yeah i guess Rob and Kristen are still on the PR Payroll; even after all the promotions, press junkets, guest appearances and finally the release of the movie - there are some people out there still believing that this couple are what PR romances are all about.

Where are they?
Who the fuck cares?

If you are one of those people who have to find out every single detail of their lives together; where they are, when they left, when will they be back? The name of the supermarket, what they bought, where they are staying?

GET A fucking LIFE!

You don't own them, you are not their parents or their security so do yourselves a favour and stop with the whole 'So any sightings, does anyone know what part of ........ they are staying in?' Followed up by of course the whole 'Please don't tweet their location it's disrespectful'
If you are a fan and you support these two wonderful 'private' people, then you wouldn't care where they are or what they are doing, because they ALWAYS end up together.

Always have done and always will.

Happy Thanksgiving (to those who celebrate it)
Love the people who are around you and take time to appreciate what you have.

Tempest x

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