Rob and Kristen - An Amazing Journey...

Rob looking at his world...
It's been an amazing journey...
from November 2007 - when Kristen signed on to play the role of Bella Swan, followed closely behind by a young British actor. Who once he was told the name of the actress playing the role of Bella Swan - got on an plane and came to Los Angeles, for an audition that would change both their lives.
So many sweet, sweet memories that as fans, we will hold onto and always remember. Because Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, brought them into our lives. Many see this as the end, but it's not really. The final story, most of you by now have watched with a lot of sappy sadness and hopeful aspirations, that Bill Condon has done the Saga justice. I see this only as the beginning for the two main actors; who gave up four years of their lives and dedicated each one to this epic journey, for this was a personal journey for both of them as well.

Not many can say they have found their soul mate - their other half who they can't live without. Not many can believe that in an industry that makes stories; where people fall helplessly in love and live happily ever after - until the camera stops rolling - Kristen and Rob have found that kind of love in each other.
Twilight; Nov 2008...
Breaking Dawn, Nov 2012...
Theirs is a love that is legendary; two of the most gracious of actors find a common ground on which to forge a relationship. Two people who don't live their lives as Hollywood expects them, but live it as they want to. Of course, we have had over the years the haters; the unwell wishers who simply see this as a ruse - PR - a scam, to suggest this is because of the movies. The need to sell a relationship an ever lasting love that doesn't exist in real life...

Of course those that believe that, also wish that Kristen is a lesbian and Rob is gay. Or Rob sleeps around like some porn star and Kristen is a washed out druggie - sleeping around to pay for her fix. These people are immature and unbelievably stupid. Their lives are filled with hate as they fixate on the male actor; for his love is only good for one person and that is them. They, like the media simply love to stroke the drama, feed the frenzy about ever aspect of Rob and Kristen. They also believe that the actor they fixate upon, would willingly sell his entire life just for PR - to make his career bigger by living his life in a false daydream.
Because selling it would make it more believable right?
They are the most talked about couple in show-business, because even when the media spins stories and they do love a good spin, unlike other couples like Kim Kardashian and her next PR induced fling. Or actors who like to jump on couches and confess their undying PR love for a girl, who when she was growing up admitted she wanted to be his wife...Rob and Kristen have done nothing like that and yet forever are they targeted by mean little hags and their 'once
twilight is over...'

Well guess what? Seems they will forever live their lives according to that delusional theory. What's next, a PR wedding, then PR babies? Or will it end when their PR children have PR babies of their own and thus become PR grandchildren?
Stunning in LA...
Sultry in London...
They kicked off this final instalment looking every bit together as they have always been, if not actually more. As media outlets still drag up the past; plant stupid 'break up questions' in a bowl and prove once and for all - how moronically obvious all of it was...stupid is as stupid does. Oh and Kristen was onto your pathetic attempts in trying to gain a response out of her. Rob's bite into the media has grown more teeth. He doesn't care if you don't like his responses or not - he's not some PR trained puppet to do as he is told, never has done and never will. If the super fans of Rob don't understand his 'double meaning' in his words, then they will forever live like mushrooms (sit in the dark and feed on shit)

Their love and respect for each other shows clearly on both their faces. They have prepared themselves for the ending of one movie chapter in their lives. I have every confidence we will see them working together again. For ironic as it might sound, there have only been a handful of actors who have fallen in love on the set of a movie together and been able to work again more successfully. But i suppose, five movies under their belt gives them a much better start in knowing what to expect of each other. Rob has often praised Kristen over the years for her acting; laying it on as thick as he can that she's still by far the best of her generation and he hasn't come across another actress quite like Kristen.

Kristen on the other hand, has always been the strongest advocate when it comes to Rob's acting - that she would simply 'kill to work with Rob again.' He's a very intense actor and has the same work ethic as she does. They get each other in more ways than one and that is very rare indeed.
Happy and glowing...
There is no denying his love...
When a man is in love he shows it.
When a woman is in love she glows.
There is a calmness in Kristen now, as if she has taken a moment to appreciate life around her. The media spot light has been cruel over the last couple of months, forcing some really ugly people into the light. Kristen and Rob have won many battles and fought many wars and as you can see by the photos, videos and indeed press junkets - they have both come out the winners.

You can say what you want about Kristen Stewart; boo her name whenever it comes up on the screen like pathetic, spoilt, little children. Write up blogs and post hateful comments about her; citing she is ugly, she is a cheater, she is a home-wrecker and has duped Rob into entering a PR showmance with her. The fact that you are wasting all this energy on one woman, proves without any doubt, that she owns your asses!
Kristen owns all the haters...
As much as some have felt the need to be horribly stupid, to be pathetically idiotic, the fact remains today as it did since 2008 - Rob fell in love with his co-star and has remained in love with her, still to this day.
He doesn't care who knows now, he's not interested in the ridiculous attempts of making him think otherwise. He's not bothered about the media's hashed up reasons why he should "think twice, before letting his heart get broken again!" Yeah their stories really are a feast for the stupid minded - he knows what he wants...
Staring at her 'man'
and he is with what he wants - end of story.

tempest x
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