Rob and Kristen - Breaking Hearts, Part 2..

Rob and Kristen - Twilight World Premiere - 2008
Rob and Kristen - Breaking Dawn 2 World Premiere - 2012
What can i say...Rob and Kristen brought Hollywood glamour to the black carpet with their stunning, glowing, happiness.
It's been a long journey since that fateful night in November 2008; when the whole world and some fans watched in anticipation, as Rob and Kristen took to the red carpet to the sound of screaming fans. A shaky and bewildered Rob gazed on in fascination, as strangers chanted his name and wanted his autograph - citing him as the new romantic hero to their dreams.

Taking a deep breath...
It was a fairly emotional roller coaster ride yesterday; so many took to twitter, thankfully it didn't break like the last time LOL, as the live stream went up and the constant tweeting of 'Is Rob and Kristen there yet?' Could be seen everywhere.
When they finally arrived, they arrived together - separate SUV's as was the order of business for the night, despite some worrying fans and over-zealous haters had imagined.
Kristen in a gorgeous nude sheer gown, not even bothering to remember the name of the designer - she looked more Rita Heyworth as she brought old Hollywood to the final twilight premiere in Los Angeles. I have always liked the dresses on Kristen, she has a good sense of style and likes what is comfortable. So this dress was all kinds of wow factor; including a very revealing back to it, showing off those long limbs in cream coloured very high Jimmy Choo heels.
Rob is all bottle green...
The suit apparently, he had a dream about and contacted Gucci, who made it to order - hounds-tooth (says someone who knows nothing of material and men's fashion styles) but it suited him (excuse the pun) perfectly. But then again, he is like a clothes horse and nothing looks bad on him...
----> except this, this was bad, this was all kinds of wrong...
the colours complimented each other, no doubt about it. Could he have been dreaming of Kristen's 'big green eyes that are as wide as the moon' when he thought of his suit - he he.

The cast came out for the final time together, before heading off in their respective promotional obligations and television appearances, all making the effort to look absolutely stunning, one last time. But by far, leading the way in everything glamorous and there is nothing more glamorous than having your other half on your arm - was Rob and Kristen.
No other words to describe them, except stunning. It had been four years since they took to the infamous red/black carpet for Twilight; when both had no clue as to where all this would lead them, never mind the subsequent movies that followed. Yet here they were once again, greeting and signing with the fans who had stood by them since the first movie and the love story that unfolded both on and off the screen.
To prepare me for this, i have been sitting going through old photos (I've been doing a lot of that lately) because with each photo, it tells a story. A story of a young couple who conquered the world with the tale of forbidden love. Those who have been here from the very beginning; the speculation of a romance, boyfriends caught in the middle, young British actors wooing young American actresses - all heaved a collective sigh of relief 'we made it'

Kristen and Rob have everything to be proud off, they carried a franchise on their very young shoulders; the millions of fans all over the world and the countless air miles they have clocked up visiting each country. To a rousing welcome with banners of Edward and Bella - it's these moments that will forever, be ingrained in their hearts. They can take a step back now; take off the golden/brown and even red contacts, never to go through that gruelling process again - but it's their characters that brought them together...
That obsessive love story of a man in love with a woman he shouldn't be in love with. But can't help himself falling in love with her - has a certain familiar ring to it doesn't it?
The characters of course written by the wonderful Stephenie Meyer. Like her or hate her, but it's because of her books that this fandom exists. She created the most perfect man to fall for the most imperfect woman and thus create a franchise that has grown and grown. It's hard to think that this is the last movie, i have so many wonderful memories discussing the books at length and pouring over chapters of important relevance. I have also had a ball writing this blog and posting up images of the stories as they unfolded. Premières and press junkets have always been a favourite of mine; hoping that this time Rob had brought his verbal filter with him. As with exhaustion, words just seem to slip out undetected to the chagrin of his team. Shaking their heads at the mess they might have to straighten up with the ever greedy, ever persistent, needy press.
There has never been a moment when Kristen has looked at Rob in any other way but adoration. Her smile lights up her entire face whenever he is around. There is a tenderness in her look that says 'I love you' without the words. And that's not even going into the moments when Rob has turned to her with the exact same emotion, spilling from his face.
It makes my sappy heart squeeze with delight in seeing two people in love and facing the world and all it's challenges.

This is not the end for anyone. This is a time when fans will go and watch the movie multiple times, laugh at the good bits, cry at the sad or just cry at the fact that this is the final instalment. Five movies and the ending is said to leave us all...breathless.
This fandom will live on, as will their beloved characters Edward and Bella. Love is forever; the fans who have become firm friends will remain solidly together as the sun sets on another day. Rob and Kristen along with Taylor and their loyal and wonderful King of Twilight - Bill Condon, are in London right now for the premiere to hit Leicester Square. Fans have already began camping out in freezing, damp temperatures for the party.
Let's look at this as a happy, positive time. Rob and Kristen have so much greatness lying ahead of them. They are looking forward and not back and so should we. The movies will live on in each of our homes; the countless devoted fan sites, will either say goodbye or keep living on just like the actors themselves.

I will forever be a fan of Rob and Kristen; you got a love this determined duo and their strength they find in each other. I look forward to great careers, careers that were reborn in twilight.
This isn't goodbye, this is just saying...until next time. A next time that is going to be filled with so many wonderful things. So don't be sad, be happy and enjoy this experience for as long as it will live, and i believe it will live for a very long time to come :)

Tempest x
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