Rob and Kristen - Together - Forever...

It's been a really long journey;
One that has had it's ups and downs, it's good moments and bad with a sometimes, maybe, happy ever after ending, stepping precariously towards the ledge of life.

A young actor at the point of almost giving up, gets a second chance.
A young actress determined to make a name for herself with the big girls, takes a chance on a young, hopeful actor.

And history in the movie world was made.
So many scowled at the belief that a good, clean and wholesome housewife, would create a story so fanciful, so fantastical, so romantic and despite many people's views, so famous. To have two actors take the helm and not only make it the stuff of legends - the Twilight Saga, will forever be remembered as that 'vampire love story that starred Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart - a real life couple, who met and fell in love on the set of their movie franchise'
Neither had a clue what they were letting themselves in for; the super twilight fans; with their obsessive need to know absolutely everything about them. The media's interest in their personal life and the love story that was told by many, discussed at length and analysed to death. Rob became the male pin up for every teenager's fantasy, while some housewives looked upon this young man as a cougars dream. He was the golden boy; once seen as the least person to be cast as the forever young Edward Cullen - fans believed that no one could be as perfect as Edward, until Rob showed up at the 2008 - MTV Movie Awards, and finally Edward had a face to match the perfect physique. With the perfect lines and the perfect love for his human counterpart. Kristen on the other hand, was seen as a threat; mainly to the twilight super fans, who wanted Edward to themselves. This young actress got to kiss perfect Edward, she got to hold his hand, sit in his car, go on adventures with him. She got to flirt with him unashamedly during Comic Con, press tours and magazine shows. She got to travel the world with this Hottie that was theirs - she had to go!
This too hot to handle couple, tried to deny the attraction between them. But it was like trying to survive a stampede of angry bulls - near impossible. Despite some fans disbelief that they would ever be anything other than friends/co-workers - Rob and Kristen fell in love. Keeping it away from the press was hard; considering rumours had already began surfacing since they started working together. It was hard to do an interview when the reporter was more interested in whether you had a crush on your co-star or not?

As one movie went into two, and working closely together brought them even...closer, more wanted to know about what happened behind closed doors, off set than on. Sure they had their romance on the silver screen, but what about in real life. was Rob just as romantic as Edward, was Kristen more Bella than Bella?
They tried to keep it low profile, but it was near impossible. Especially when you had such a devastatingly handsome young co-star as your boyfriend. The more the media wanted to talk about it and fans wanted to support this budding romance, the more haters took to blogs and sites, condemning it. Thus was born a band of 'PR conspiracy theorists' - Nonstens. A name derived from the 'pet name' some media outlets had given Rob and Kristen, by joining their names together - how...intelligent of them *rolls eyes*

Kristen had many haters (all women i might add) those who just could not accept/stomach or watch Rob look at Kristen, like he wanted to gobble her all up. His eyes found her in a crowded room even with other people around them. Tender touches and adoring looks, where just too much for some people. In the celeb world when you have those who follow and have crushes. When the centre of your world - your crush, is having a relationship with someone you disapprove of, you don't like it. Now magnify and multiply that by hundreds, maybe even thousands and make the dynamic more 'older women' than actual young, fanciful and flighty teenagers - and you have got yourself a coven of Robert Pattinson 'super fans'
Theirs is a romance, everyone wants for themselves. To have a man who looks at you in the way Rob looks at Kristen - to feel that kind of love so intensely. To know he has only eyes for the woman he is in love with - gives many a fan a wonderful feeling, as they watched them grow with each movie. Others have just got indigestion from all the loved up feelings, they assume it's for the good of the franchise; they are acting all the time, it's all PR and nothing else matters.

Three movies turned into four and pretty soon it was evident that Rob and Kristen grew in confidence - Edward and Bella was planted firmly in the hearts of their supporters. Like it or loathe it - the Twilight Saga had gone where only one other franchise had gone before in its success (Harry Potter) the movies and books had fans from all ages wanted to see the happy ending. When the wedding came around, it was as if the entire world was invited to witness the marriage of Edward and Bella.
Of course fans were more interested in the wedding night, never mind the pomp and ceremony of the actual wedding. Yes from leaked (sex scene) images to closed down sets for both the wedding and the honeymoon (Kristen in a wedding dress would have fetched a lot of dough for the first photog, who could capture her in it) hence the Volturi cape she wore when she was not filming and added security around the area in Vancouver. With no cameras or cell phones allowed on set, Breaking Dawn would finally show the much loved couple together as they became man and wife. Before he impregnates her with a demon seed and has to make her a vampire before she dies - scenario!
The gorgeous couple, became a pretty striking Bride and Groom. Moments where you really thought they were doing it officially (or so Rob kept telling everybody) all was missing was the rice and well wishes. As fans fawned and sighed over the wedding of the century (movie style) the other side began it's countdown to the very end. An end where they believe it will come out - all of this has just been for show. Rob and Kristen respectfully carried on with their careers post twilight, with Breaking Dawn - parts one and two, shot back to back, it left room for Rob to expand his credentials by making movies such as Cosmopolis - a gritty and pretty surreal story directed by David Cronenberg, while Kristen became a fairy tale Princess with attitude in Snow White and the Huntsman - directed by...

Yes, the one bit of controversy, that still leaves a bitter taste in people's mouths. This year started off good; Kristen went to Paris for a Vogue shoot, a perfume campaign and a movie about to open to the masses. A role she worked hard with all that was in her. A long assed shoot where she spent a great deal of time in London. SWATH premiere's; meant more trips internationally, as well as holding a Birthday for the man in her life in London - before heading off for more press for SWATH. She also had 'On the Road', which went to Cannes, around the same time as Rob's 'Cosmopolis' A double delight for the fans, as it saw their two movies competing at the same festival where so much epicness was witnessed by all.
Their strongest support was in their union, a union that would be tested. A battle that would be won, and a fandom that ended up more divided than ever. Comic Con came around the corner again, with Kristen only back from global success - already hedging her bets for a new role as Rob had already several projects under his belt - it was shaping up to be a pretty busy year ahead for both of them. Where would they fit in all the time, who would look after their two dogs? (As it was reported then they had two) Rob was heading off to Iraq to begin shooting 'Mission Blacklist' and Kristen's name was linked with a pretty controversial story 'Cali'
The bottom then fell out of the fandom; people went into shock. Fans revolted, cried, screamed, didn't eat, didn't sleep and either refused to believe what had happened or turned their backs and anger towards...Kristen.

Despite people's opinions; the months of July, August and September - became pretty much forgotten in their lives. It was if a light had gone out - they became Bella, when Edward told her he no longer wanted to be with her and she slipped slowly into a depressive state. So much hate, so much vitriol, so much bitterness surrounded this once happy fandom. All eyes turned towards Rob, how would he cope, how was he feeling, how does he look?
Thinner, tanned and reluctant, to share anything of what had happened - Rob took to New York for the premiere of Cosmopolis, with an air of decorum and silence. People wanted to see him broken, so they could mother him and protect him. Haters wanted revenge for the pain they could see clearly etched on his face (??) And others...well they never really liked Kristen anyway.

It was weeks of worry, weeks of self satisfied hate. Weeks of anguish, as positive thinking was never needed more as in this case. Those who held onto the belief that Rob and Kristen could work this out where in a minority, as fans became haters and haters became even more bitter. A small band of fans didn't give up; those who had felt the emotion of love, had experience in blips happening in relationships. Or simply believed in the power of love, overcoming all obstacles - stood by - arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder and never gave up.
Kristen re-emerged just as thin as Rob (stress) just as pensive as she appeared in Toronto for International Film Festival. It marked her first public appearance since July. It also became almost referred to a Phoenix rising from the ashes of her former life, for there were rumours of a possible reconciliation. Could this spell a light at the end of the tunnel for the Rob and Kristen fans?

Fans took to cataloguing the keepsakes she had always worn; gold band ring, necklace, bracelet and yes even clothing once worn by Rob. Indicating a good sign, a relieved sign and much needed sign - as still some fans wandered around in shock, not building up too much hope. Others laid claim that of course they had to get back together, the final movie was relying on it. The truth of the matter? I firmly believed they never broke up. Rob put it across as eloquently as he could - the story that was spun for the world, the media crucifixion of Kristen Stewart; "The media does terrible things to makes them stupid."
A large breath was released into the fandom - as if many had been holding it for far too long. When photos emerged of Rob and Kristen - together with friends, the weight of the world was lifted of so many people's shoulders. Together meant, they had sorted out the mess of July and worked through whatever problems they had. Together meant, they would not settle for anything less. But for me, together meant, Rob was the bigger man - the more important man as he forgave Kristen and only HE had that right, that decision, that need - no one else. No super fan, hater of Kristen. No media site, who had nothing better to do with themselves, but spin stories and cause drama where really there wasn't any.

If anything, the middle of the year proved one thing; if you choose to believe every single thing the media writes or discusses on their daily shows - more fool you. Everyone has an agenda and the media is no different. The wealth of interest this couple generated over the few months, lifted a lot of news sites, blogs, column inches and indeed wages, out of the dustbin where they were heading. The more the media could spin and keep topical, the greater the need to fill that pay check to the brim. it didn't matter that the so called celeb blog/magazine site, should have been held accountable for their less than believable story they spun - it was played out in the public and the public tried, convicted and sentenced only 1 person throughout it all. But that 1 person had the last laugh. Not a belly-aching laugh of delight, but a 'fear makes you wake up' kind of laugh. A laugh that makes you appreciate what makes you stronger and that is having the living daylights scared out of you. Fear is your greatest weakness, but can also be your greatest strength.
Coming full circle...
In 2008; a young actor and a young actress stood together, shoulder to shoulder and took a deep breath. They didn't know that what was about to happen would change not only their lives, but their careers and indeed their anonymity. For they would be forever remembered as the actors who breathed life into two characters adored by many. But they are also remembered as the couple who fell in love, despite trying not to. Worked together on 5 movies and with each one, saw the fruit of their labour come to life on the silver screen.

Tomorrow (today) sees the final instalment of the Twilight Saga - full circle. All eyes will be glued to the world premiere as Rob and Kristen appear one last time in Los Angeles, to a throng of fans who have camped out for the last time for such an auspicious event. It's been a jam packed four years; tears and tantrums, pain and heartache, but above all, there has been love. A love that is not fake, a love that has withstood a testament of time. A love that has been through a crazy roller coaster ride - but has always remained true to the two people it was meant to be for. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and i believe that with all my heart.
When you find someone you can call home - you don't let go of them. Even when the fates want to pull you apart - you hold on tight and never let go.
You only get one chance in life, you either let things pass you by or you decide you are going to live your life like there is no tomorrow. We are born, we grow up and we make mistakes. But it's the mistakes that make us stronger, make us appreciate what we have. We are all tested no matter who we are or what life we are born into - Rob and Kristen are no different.

Good things come to those who wait, greater things come to those who work hard at the choices they are given. I can see a brilliant and bright future for Rob and Kristen.

This is not the end, this is just the beginning...

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