Rob and Kristen - It's Elementary...

I have had one of those weeks, where i wanted to spend time with all you lovely people...and then real life got in the way. So i dropped in every now and then to look at the pretty (Rob and Kristen in NYC) and then shake my head at the stupidity of some journalists/co-anchors who just don't know 'when to quit' Savannah Guthrie - the Today Show. Look i am not going to sugar coat this particular 'co-hosts' reason to ask the question;

"So are you and Robert Pattinson back together?"

She was after all doing her job, if you can call dive bombing in an interview and blurting out the question, hiding behind 'fans want to know' as a way of making it alright - but hey, congratulations Ms Guthrie, for making yourself look like an absolute stupid human being.
Kristen's face says it all right here!
The events that happened during the summer, happened - GET over it!
Rob and Kristen are solidly and completely together - ACCEPT that as fact!
Do they want to discuss it with anyone? NO!
So why bother asking then?

"Funny you should mention...that...Umm...I'm just gonna let people watch whatever little movie they would like to think our lives are and go know...Keep 'em guessing I always say."Kristen

Does this sound like someone who wants to discuss her private life? She was on the early morning magazine show to 'promote Breaking Dawn - Part 2' not to have a coffee and tell you her cares and woes. She did not want to go on air and have to explain to anyone the state of union between herself and Rob. AND as for suggesting the 'fans are dying to know...' Who, you a handful of haters and some desperate housewives? 

Anyone who is anyone and a fan of Rob and Kristen - already know, so why do they need some verbal confirmation? Neither Kristen or Rob have ever answered that question in the 3+ years they have been together, so who expects or assumes they are going to open their hearts up now? Just dumb so called presenters, who want to make an ass of themselves, that's who?
Meanwhile on the Kelly & Michael Show; Kristen looked elegant and sophisticated as she wore a Victoria Beckham bright orange fitted dress and spoke about the greatest loves of her life (next to Rob) their two dogs - yes THEIR dogs.

Introducing Bear to Bernie;

"I raised Bear, WE got her when she was like… 
She (Bernie) was emotionally manipulative and really milked it,
and I got her home and she was like ‘I'm fine’. 
She was taking Bear’s stuff, I was like ‘you' need to slow your roll."

I can imagine Kristen being a tough 'mama-bear' when it comes to their children. The fact that she speaks so lovingly of them, shows just how much love they both give to two adorable little creatures who share their lives completely. You can tell a lot about a person who loves animals and spends every precious moment with them. I have no doubt in my mind that when either has had to be away due to work commitments, the dogs get spoilt rotten and then lavished with love when either get back home.
Bernie and Bear...
This programme was a complete contrast to the Today Show, at least the presenters were respectful and didn't encroach on Kristen's personal life, they rolled with it by making her feel comfortable - because you get more respect if you give it in the first place - Take note Ms Guthrie...
Kristen finished off her NYC interviews with Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Now i love Fallon; he's an all round good guy and yes, he did have a little 'dig'  at the 'situation, Kristen and the mess we would all like to forget' (can't imagine how Rob and Kristen feel?) You can forgive him - just, as he's a comedian and they tend to make 'satirical light' of every situation in 'celeb-land' He most likely apologised to Kristen for his part in her 'public flogging' and she seemed perfectly at ease with him. Suffice to say, Jimmy is one host both Rob and Kristen possibly look forward to meeting, when they have to promote their movies. Of course Fallon of of the 'bothered' sketches; mixing humour into his chats with his guests, or little games like 'toss the coin into the cup' consisting of a large coin and a large paper cup - rules; whoever doesn't get their coin in the cup has to chug down a glass of beer...
Yep, bare footed Kristen tossed the large coin and got hers in first time, but lost to Jimmy and had to down a glass of beer very quickly (beer breath anyone?)
It was a delightful interview, a lovely relaxing chat with a host who likes to call himself 'bestie' with Kristen that ended her press filled day, which started off rather shakily on a high note. It was Rob's turn the next day and he didn't disappoint ;)
Make a fool of yourself once and you're an idiot...
but make a fool of yourself twice...well you're just a pathetic little attention seeker, who wants to be the one who over steps all the 'no personal questions rule' don't you cupcake? 
Same host, same question - but a totally different response...
I give you ladies and gentlemen - Rob 'i am taking no bullshit from you' Pattinson!
So the dumb box of spanners, because she clearly would not take no for an answer, and Kristen's response didn't reveal anything 'juicy' to the nosey muppet, who just went in for the kill with Rob instead. Only i think she bit off a bit more than she could chew with his answer to the 'same question'

“What I want to ask, because we get asked it all the time. It’s funny ‘cos everyone always asks for like four years. It’s like, who is actually asking? Is it in your contract?” - Rob.

When i read what he had said, i literally fist pumped the air 'take that Ms. Guthrie' you and your comrades in arms; those who are more interested in what goes on in a person's private life rather than actually talking about the movie or show they are there to promote. Your call of 'fans want to know' throwing Kristen's answer to the same question in Rob's face, really didn't score you very many points in his favour, why? Because he would have been fully aware of your dumb tactic the day before, if not watching it himself Kristen would have given him a full account of what went down when she got back.

Way to go, everyone now knows your 15mins of fame accounts for nothing, especially from someone you were gushing over, just like every other cougar and hater of Kristen out there.

Which brings me swiftly into the Kelly & Michael Show, where just like Kristen the day before, Rob hopped across to the next show directly after Today; hair, make up and another change of clothing and he was ready.
Yet another great interview where Rob revealed he still believes in 'love at first sight' yes we all know who and when he is thinking about LOL and that his first kiss was from his 'grandmother' he thinks. That his favourite tipple is a pint of 'Guinness' :D and he likes sandwiches - go figure. But, he does like a 'tight fitting dress' and failing that - a 'tight pair of jeans and a tee-shirt' will suffice...
I guess you could say Kristen does love a tight fitting dress too!...
And as for tight fitting jeans and t-shirts, Kristen's stable wardrobe :)
Finally it was onto Jimmy Fallon, where it has to be said Rob had the most fun. As well as meeting up with Fallon and discussing all manner of twilight and how he feels about it all coming to an end, they played a water game with playing cards and personally speaking, i don't know really who won? As far as i am concerned they both did at the 'wet shirt' competition; as they came out at the game at end, soaked to the skin, with stupid grins on their man-child faces.
Rob walking on stage, is always a good thing...
At the beginning and they're looking pensive...
This looks as if it's going to be messy...
Bringing out the big guns there Rob?
Looking more like wet dogs...
It brought to closure Rob and Kristen's guest appearances in New York City; a city they both love to visit and spend time in. Even if that meant fans not being able to catch a glimpse of the couple from wherever they were staying.

Apart from a private screening of OTR, where Kristen stepped out with Director Walter Salles and co star Garrett Hedlund. Dressed all in black with evocative make up; hair pinned back away from her face, she looked as if she just stepped off the set of the new Matrix movie. Rob was rumoured to have met up with her afterwards and as far as i am concerned that's pretty much a given. They do everything together - always have, always will.

My final thoughts as we prepare for the LA Première (Monday) and what to expect. To the journalists who feel the need to stir up drama; constantly talk about the so called 'scandal' of the summer have really nothing better to do with themselves, but get out the crayons and make up stupid stories. Oh that's right, they're not stories; they're concise, investigative journalism...

On Their romantic relationship being used as a marketing tool to promote Twilight;

Pattinson: (pauses, then laughs) "for one thing, it would be a terrible marketing tool and it's not utilized very well at all. People will sat anything. I'm still amazed that people even believe anything (that's said about us) I mean, it's one of the craziest things about the whole situation, where you can see the whole - is paradigm the right word? Of celebrity gossip, celebrity culture type stuff that's literally made up. There's a story line; you have a set character and your story line is written for you. And it doesn't matter what you do. I talked to Reese Witherspoon about it a while ago, and she was the person who really told me, you get given a character. I mean, I've literally tried to so things to throw people off, and it just doesn't get printed."

If you want to fill your head with so called 'exclusive' headlines, from the many rags and newspapers, who make up theories and assumptions. Sometimes, rely heavily on readers comments; as they email in their thoughts that can then be translated into the many 'sources' the reporters name when it comes to putting up their fairy story - then go right ahead. As far as i have always been concerned, i go for the words that come out of the horses mouth. In other words; unless Kristen or Rob have sat down in front of a journalist, spoken to them directly - no amount of 'sources' are going to make me believe the media's take on their relationship. And that includes those 'celebrity bloggers' who spend most of their lives pretending to be something they are not.
2008 - even then they didn't care...
Rob and Kristen make their own path, choose their own destiny and whether you believe they are PR or not - they simply don't give a damn.

Tempest x
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