Rob and Kristen - In Walks Love...

Sappiness is the kingdom of Rob and Kristen fans. The kind of fans who find the precious idea that two people who found love; rolled with the dice, fought through good times and bad, hellish fans and hateful cougars - to be together, no matter what. In the kingdom of Rob and Kristen, fans are awarded with epicness, showered with happiness called unicorns and rainbows.
Well now...
where do i fucking begin?

Kristen on Jay Leno; personally speaking, i have no time for his less than lukewarm satirical wit. He just plays to the audience with the dredge of humour that was semi-acceptable 15 yrs ago. Of course he was one of many who found 'pathetic delight' in a person's personal hell and decided to poke fun at it. Be careful what you find humour in Mr. Leno, one person's anguish can rub off on you. Let's hope there are no hidden skeletons in yours or your wife's closet?
Kristen rocked in stripes...
She looked absolutely fantastic, glowing in all manner of calm and completeness. Yes people she looked relaxed, friendly, open and talkative as she sat in front of Leno and answered his less than interesting, repetitive questions.

A gorgeous Kristen is a happy Kristen, who wows the audience with her happiness, sits and chats with boring show hosts and catches up with past co-stars; Dax Shepard starred alongside Kristen in Zathura :)
While Kristen was knee deep in nostalgia and indeed past reminisces - Rob was on the other side of the studio lot in LA with Taylor as he sat and chatted on Ellen. Now there is a host that is both respectful and funny!!

Ellen has always been favourable to Rob each time he has been on her show, promoting whatever movie he so happened to be starring in at the time. And as this is apparently 'twilight week' on her show; yesterday Peter Facinelli and Elizabeth Reaser guest starred, it was Taylor and Rob's turn. Now i know, some fans where disappointed that Kristen could not be there, or even better, could not be there instead of Taylor. But with the obligations for OTR, that would have been 'planned out ahead' in advance and the fact that with the amount of televised coverage that Breaking Dawn will be getting - all cast will be spread out between chat shows. Kristen and Rob have Europe along with director Bill Condon, so stop whining and just enjoy the pretty epic stuff that's happening.

Speaking of epic...
A wave to the crowd as Rob arrives for the taping of Jimmy Kimmel. Fans chanted and waved as he arrived, happy to see their 'favourite' twilight actor. Those luckily enough to get tickets for the show were seated inside, waiting patiently. So they possibly didn't know of the commotion; the fandom screaming and shouting as a rumour moved quicker than Usian Bolt with a pair of new running shoes - Kristen Stewart had entered the building!
Haters grab onto your knicker-elastics, because shit has just got real.
Kristen, stopping by at Kimmel to hang out with her boyfriend
She had a Q&A session for OTR already pre-arranged at the Pacific Design Center, but she took a detour LOL and visited Rob instead, hung out backstage and stayed during his taping...
She did a terrible thing, she did a really, really terrible thing...
Kristen decided to show the 'haters' paps and fans of Rob alike, that she wasn't going ANYWHERE. Despite the revulsion that seems to be ever present in dark and soulless hearts, despite the jealousy that follows Rob around like a bad smell. Despite the putrid abuse that is thrown at her daily by robsessed cougars and ever present roaches, who she won't give the time of day to - Kristen showed the world that she can and will do what she wants and she wanted to be with Rob.
I believe the term used is "no more hiding" no more scurrying around hoping Rob's 'super fans' don't catch wind and ruin their fantasies. No more keeping their relationship under cover and behind closed doors, they already admitted to the fact they are together through actions alone and i do mean 'together, together'

Everyone wants to know about the Halloween Party and why they wore masks? Everyone wants to tap into the relationship - reconciliation never looked so good (they reconciled?)
Everyone is just plain nosey, looking for an excuse to ask the stupid question - 'are you okay?'
Creepy, fangirling smile...
Do they look okay?
Do they look like there is anything wrong?
Oh, i know so much foam and fuckery has been thrown around, so much angst and bitter denial. So much pathetic wailing and gnashing of teeth - 'this can't be true, why has he forgiven her so easily!!!'

*Giggle, Chuckle, Snort*

Of course they're okay, they're better than okay, because they don't give a fuck anymore. They couldn't care less what the media writes about them, they couldn't give two damns about those who claim to be 'fans' of Rob and their pitiful cries of 'PR and sold out!' They are doing things their way and their way suits them just fine.
It's been an epic couple of weeks for the fans of Rob and Kristen; the pain of a few months ago has been effectively removed by love. When love walks in, it walks in the shape of Rob Pattinson and the girl who stole his heart from the moment he met her in 2007 - Kristen Stewart.

And we all know that a giggling and happy Rob and Kristen, is a much loved and cherished couple, who have found love and vow to keep it.

And epic hasn't ended yet, it's going to get SO much better ;)

tempest x
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