Rob and Kristen - Dreams...

I have so much to get through, so bear with me...
Yeah, the picture is cropped - get over yourselves!!
Rob's smile says it all, he's all 'in your face haters, I'm standing beside the woman i live with - no Bill or Taylor to stand in-between us, just in case there's any tension!'
It was a pretty hectic and brilliant weekend eh?

The first press conferences and photo calls for Breaking Dawn - Part 2 and the world watched for the first time since 'TSTSNBN' (you will get it eventually) as Rob, Kristen...and Taylor, sat down with a handful of media for the press junkets. Of course the one everyone was rooting for was Josh Horowitz for MTV First. He has always been a decent journalist; cryptic at times but always respectful and of course, you get a sense of pride and admiration as he has interviewed Kristen and Rob together and separately for other roles.

There was so much happiness, so much giggling and sly smiles. So much collective calmness around as the trio spoke to a heavenly host of journalists - trying to avoid stepping in the huge pile of elephant dung in the room (read previous post) talked about the final instalment, a bit of nostalgia and a host of questions about the ending and what do the fans need to prepare themselves for.
And what's an interview without some good old messing around by the boys?
I am only finally catching up with the huge amount of recorded interviews - a huge thank you to RPLife and KStewartNews for being absolutely brilliant at covering everything and getting up videos, photos and basically everything to do with the BD2 conferences and press junkets. Both sites have been monumental in keeping the calm, being respectful and avoiding 'getting personal' they have covered both Rob and Kristen's careers with dignity and integrity and that is why they are successful fan sites and very well received by those, who look after the two actors both professionally and personally.

The countdown to the final movie has begun and everyone is looking forward with bright eyes, hopeful expectations and a lot of glam for the Red Carpets. Tension, what tension? The only tension i believe there is, will be from the knicker-elastic that is pinching way too tight on some haters round asses, as they try with all their might to make a mountain out of a molehill - but hey, four years and all they can come up with is 'PR'
Sitting pretty...
Kristen appeared relaxed as she sat in a room full of journalists and photogs. She answered her questions eloquently and not an ounce of nervousness in sight. I believe she has grown over the past few months; addressed her issues about herself and put the old Kristen to bed - figuratively speaking. This is a new Kristen, a calmer Kristen, a more thoughtful Kristen - a most definitely in love with the guy sitting next to her Kristen.
Rob on the only hand, was more a giggly, babbly and adorable as ever as he went through his press junkets and media snippets without a care in the world what came out of his mouth, because he doesn't take himself seriously anyway and knows that the media will just edit and print whatever they want anyway.
THIS pretty much sums up Rob's opinion of the paparazzi, who go around taking photographs, sticking their cameras in your face and hurling abuse. If they are not half way up a tree, photographing you in your backyard without your permission that is! Or if they are not embroiled in some staged idiocy of publicity for your own selfish, fledgling career (USW, your cards are marked by Mr. Pattinson)

Let's just say Rob is not taking any prisoners when it comes to speaking his mind, telling it as it is and if the media and their little band of roaches, formerly known as paparazzi don't get that by now, then they are as dumb as they look, with their selfish jobs and lust for money to fill their pockets 'hey it's just a job right?'
Verbal filter - Rob doesn't have one and Kristen, well she fully understands what it's like to be on the receiving end of such fine non-filter Rob :)
After a day of press junkets - Saturday was when Kristen glammed it up for the On The Road screening in LA, where she was joined by Garrett Hedlund and Amy Adams. But it was Kristen's stunning outfit and eye popping make up that took precedence over the movie;
Balenciaga - figure hugging with just the right amount of style, black pants and Christian Louboutin heels finished her Red Carpet look. She looked relaxed and in a good mood, as she stood and chatted with the media, posed for the photogs and signed and signed and signed for the fans, who turned out to see the actress.

With whispers of a possible movie role alongside Ben Affleck in 'Focus' being put about, fans can hopefully hear a confirmation soon. Along with a confirmation of Dior for Rob as the face and spokesperson for the new men's collection perhaps?
Absolutely stunning Kristen...
The night wouldn't be complete without a certain tall, dark and handsome man by her side now would it? Yeah, rumours were abound and this time by the worlds press, as anyone with a twitter account announced that Kristen walked into the after party (avoiding watching the movie) dressed in flats, black shirt, jeans and bomber jacket (Balenciaga of course) with Rob, both wearing a huge grin...

Fans took to twitter, they wanted photos or else. They wanted proper confirmation not a photo with red circles (yes they have returned) indicating a very grainy image where Rob and Kristen are in it!! They wanted to shove it in Kristen haters faces, make the Rob sites post up a photo of him at one of ..... Kristen's events and all kinds of childish behaviour. Well, they were awarded as such - they got their photo, slightly fuzzy, but a photo nonetheless...
Rob with Fileena Barhis - OTR After Party...
He stood beside Kristen, smiled and chatted with everyone. He stayed by her side and looked happy, smitten and all kinds of unicorns and rainbows. Yes kiddies, the word on the street from the media's mouths is 'Rob looks smitten' the kind of smitten that suggests a man very much in love. Not with her for PR's sake, not there through obligation to his best friend Tom Sturridge, who could not be there for the event. Not there to somehow gain points or publicity for the final Twilight movie - he was there to support his other half and a movie she is very proud of.

Some members of this fandom need to understand this, despite your black souls with even blacker beliefs - Rob is with Kristen, Kristen is with Rob.

Read it, learn it and accept it.
Tempest x
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