Rob and Kristen - A Spooky Kind Of Love...

Well hello there?
Silence is golden, absence makes the heart grow fonder...
The fans of twilight and Rob and Kristen are feeling the pinch of the final twilight movie and seeing their favourite couple step out, all glamorous and happy arm and arm...

While the hateful witches and deceitful hags are filling their trick or treat bags with all kinds of nastiness.

Halloween is a time - when kids dressed up all spooky and scary, grabbed their empty pumpkin bags and knocked the doors of their unsuspecting neighbours crying 'trick or treat?'
It's also a time of year when people get a little crazy, let off some sinister steam as they prepare for 'Santa coming!'
We are all ready for this, to see the powerful 'Cullen' family as they stand together, stand protective of their daughter as the Volturi approach. We are going to see some really fantastic things from this final movie, as well as stunts and love and apparently a bit of humour (sans the wigs of course)
I am so looking forward to this, so excited to have this movie NOW! Yes i am a little bit melancholy and a little bit whimsical at the saga coming to an end, but we will have it on DVD and we will be able to watch the movies over and over and recall this wonderful love story of Edward and Bella...

Theirs is a romance that will live on forever, the couple who play the fantastical characters will do so too, for theirs is a much loved, much talked about (despite their reluctance to have that happen) and much watched relationship.
I can't wait for the promotion to really kick off and by kicking off i mean to have Rob, Kristen and yes even Taylor along with the legend that is Bill Condon take over Europe. I want to see funny guest appearances on chat shows now that the 'elephant has left the room and behind it, a nice little stinky gift to scrape up!'
I want to see a giggly, happy Rob and a happy, giggly Kristen; as they appear in NYC but not on the same chat show together (you know protective Rob is out in force)

Fans have been complaining that Kristen is not doing enough for this promotion; that she is not tied to many chat shows, or that her name is not appearing on any at all - well let me clue you into something here!

The shit-storm that Kristen endured over the Summer proved one thing - there are some really shallow, hateful people out there. All full of self-righteous twaddle, yes - twaddle. There are some really bonkers people out there as well, and i am being polite, because this is meant to be a funny post. So i am not surprised her name is being kept strictly on a 'need to know' basis, until the very last minute. To stop the likes of...oh i don't know - batty hags who are threatening to bring placards with stupid photos (you know the ones i am talking about) and think they will be the voice of the fandom, as they really show how mature they are (rolls eyes)
Did i mention protective Rob?
This is a side of the handsome actor that has materialised since July, a very dominant side that very few have had the misfortune to meet (unless you were in NYC during Cosmopolis promotion?)

He protects what is his - a bit like his alter ego in the twilight movies. He despises the media and its cause in making 'people' stupid. He hates the roaches who stick their cameras in celebrities faces; hurling abuse as they walk through airports or on the street. He has no time for his so called 'super fans' who really need to get a life, rather than trying to tell him how to control and live his.
Oh yes those poor, depraved human beings who think it's acceptable to bully and abuse his other half (yes his other half get it, remember it!)
Rob is not interested in the media's need to 'find out about his personal life' he is bored shit-less of the fans who believe he needs to 'find some other pretty girl who will love him for who he really is (pick me, pick me)'
He has found the person he wants to live with, spend time with, go out with and just simply be happy with - warts and all.
This isn't a perfect romance, this isn't a Hollywood happily ever after cliché, this is real life and real life does not have other people giving them directions.

If you believe they have the romance of Edward and Bella; keep watching the movies and reading the books - for they are characters and are not real.
If you believe they have a romance that is just for PR; just to sell the franchise until the bitter end - keep dreaming those delusional day, they will NOT come true.

If you believe they have a romance that is real; that is a working progress, that is filled with the usual anxieties, worries and concerns. That is mutually understanding, filled with moments of happiness, companionship, lots of love and lots of..... you get my drift :)
Rob loves Kristen, Kristen loves Rob - get used to it.
Theirs is a love that is built to withstand, a love that is worked at and proved to be solid as ever, if not more so.
We will be seeing this really soon <3
Theirs is a spooky kind of love
Happy Halloween!
Tempest xx
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