Rob and Kristen - Hall of Fame...

2007; was the beginning of something special. When those who had already read the books, bounced around excitedly at the rumours of a cast line up for a new movie called 'Twilight' The success of this movie would tip the balance of whether subsequent movies would be made from the trilogy of books, currently available from Stephenie Meyer's young adult love story. A story where a 17 yr old human girl, falls in love with a mysterious 17 yr old at her school.

The movie brought together a cast of some notably known actors and some, not so well known. Kristen Stewart who had moderate success as a young indie actress, was cast alongside a young actor from the UK; remembered for a well liked part in the fourth Harry Potter movie - Goblet of Fire - Robert Pattinson.
As with all movies, the chemistry between the actors was important. More so for this movie, as it told the story of forbidden love, and not the kind that tells of a boy from the wrong side of tracks who meets and falls in love with the vicars daughter from the right side. We are talking ghost stories - vampires, werewolves and humans, oh my!

We all know how it went - Rob had previously seen Kristen in a movie called 'Into the Wild' and had been impressed by her acting, even though her part was quite small, it left an impression on the young actor from London. So when he got the call about an audition and was informed Kristen had already signed on for the lead as Bella Swan - he hopped on a plane bound for LA and never looked back.

Well technically that's not true, but for the young 17 yr old actress meeting a young 21 yr old actor for the first time at the director Catherine Hardwicke's house - their fate was sealed. By the end of 2007 - contracts had been signed and Rob and Kristen began filming Twilight as Edward Cullen and Bella Swan; two characters that literally changed their lives.

5 yrs later...and the fans are embarking on the beginning of the end for Twilight. The years have been kind to them; they have watched and fallen in love with the love story of Edward and Bella. Smiled and laughed at the satirical wit of Chief Charlie Swan and his popular moustache. Loved the unity of the vampiric Cullen family and the compassionate bed side manner of Dr. Carlisle. Enjoyed the deeper spiritual connection of Jacob Black and his family of wolves and of course, the little moments stolen by the 'humans' Bella's friends; who have watched the 'dull little dormouse' get the man of her dreams, as finally she walked down the aisle towards the man she loves.
While there were those, who happily sat back and enjoyed the canon character ride, others sought another addiction and that was the 'real life' romance of Rob and Kristen. Yes, as nice as it was to fall in love with the fictional characters, the real romance was hidden in the smiles and touches and not so subtle declarations of attraction, when the first movie kicked off it's promotion. Rob was more than willing to share his thoughts and ideas of how he saw his character Edward developing and how his 'crush' on Kristen helped him make a very important decision in his life - to audition for the part of Edward. Following it up with a pleading email to Catherine Hardwicke, who was already getting an ear full from Kristen with pleas of 'It has to be Rob'

Can we say the 'fates had sealed their fate?' Because really if you were to believe in an ideal world that 'sealing of fate and meant to be' were dished out simultaneously for both actors that day, then you can guarantee they most probably thought the same. Their 'hidden romance' was really the worst kept secret - everyone knew about it. Try as they might to put a professional head on when it came to shooting the movies and promoting them, one could not hide the obvious affection they had for each other. Kristen was the perfect girl; she understood him, got the crazy way his mind worked, his shyness and protectiveness and gave him the confidence to see his potential. In turn, Kristen was able to be with someone who didn't judge her, supported her decisions and loved her for who she was, deep down inside.
The man has his own hysterical fan base; one that Kristen is fully aware of, despite their sometimes 'unwarranted' hate of her, because she is with him. They have been successful in keeping most of their private life away from prying eyes, unless they turn up somewhere were they are recognised. In the age of mobile phones and social network accounts - wherever they do end up doesn't stay peaceful for very long. Theirs is a romance that has touched many hearts, as well as create it's own wave of hostility from those, who see them only as a money making commodity or objectifying the male, because he should remain faithfully single for the women who fantasize about him.
Rob and Kristen's names will be forever synonymously linked with the 'Twilight Saga' and each other. For they carry a compassionate and very human side to their natures; both forgiving and caring for the work they do, the people they touch the lives of and a love they found in each other from the very moment they met. With each movie that has been done, with each promotion they faced, they have carried the fans to their hearts and thanked them back for being devoted to the work they have strived to make as believable as possible. Although their private lives have always been a subject of speculation and of course ridicule, because they don't see the reason to sell it to anyone.

With the events over the summer well and truly behind them - for the media to stop beating the dead horse they keep insisting is still alive - Rob and Kristen; both equal in their own right, look towards the end of the Twilight era with melancholy that it is coming to an end and thankfulness that they have done it together. Sealed the fate of Edward and Bella; two much loved characters who found love, despite the wrongness of it all (they can look at their own love that way perhaps?) and lived happily ever after.
They are each other's greatest supporters, greatest friends and found a connection that despite some people's hopes, has survived from so much. In an ordinary world - two people find each other and fall in love. When you are in this business, the outside world always wants to interfere in that love or try and ruin it. Their need to keep what is 'theirs' is a reminder to those who are willing to jeopardise it, that nothing is forever, unless you are willing to fight for it.

Their names together and separate will grace the halls of fame, because they deserved it. They want to work with each other again but not just yet. The craziness of the Twilight Saga will eventually die down - female and male admirers will eventually move onto the next big thing. Age and wisdom will grace Rob and Kristen and memories will collect where memories often do - the years will be kind. They deserve happiness, they deserve peace and they most definitely deserve each other, as far as i am concerned. Good things will happen for both of them, i have no doubt in my mind. They have a strong unit of friends who keep them grounded, families that love and care for them - the outside world doesn't matter - it's just noise.
For Rob and Kristen - it all started with Edward and Bella...
and they lived happily ever after.


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