Reality 'Bites'

"If you're an honest person you'll make mistakes, but it'll be okay. The most interesting things happen after making mistakes." - Kristen Stewart.
Grab your ankles haters!!

I have spent literally months now eye rolling so much, one of these days they're just going to roll back and not come forward again!
The theories are becoming so confusing now; so many names, so many reasons, so many shits and fucking giggles.

You just can't fix stupid!

If you are going to continiously bang the ''PR" theory drum, change the bloody tune. Get a bigger drum, throw in some whistles and bells, hell even a tamborine or two to lighten it up a little. Because your music, your theory is getting dull...

hell it's been dull for 4 yrs now!
Rob and Kristen do everything for PR, including selling photographs of them together at their new 'home' the home that the media is bragging about being Kristen's new 'single girl' pad. Yes, because the painful shit of July was not bad enough, that both their lives were subjected to a living hell as paps chased down friends and family, to find out where they both where? Camped outside the Los Feliz home they had shared and 'staged' a U-Haul truck to park and reverse; giving the impression and media shit-stirring pot, that Kristen was 'kicked out' following their saturation of the 'Scandal that's not worth talking about, but the haters and media play it like a broken record!!'  

The hung around her family home looking for glimpses of a 'broken Kristen inside' and then spent a good portion of Rob's 'Cosmopolis NYC promotion' trying to talk about the elephant in the room? The only elephant in the room was the big assed journalists, with their big assed ideas. That celebrities personal lives were way more important, than talking about the movie they were there to promote!! 

SO, yeah - Rob and Kristen contacted the media and said; 
"Hey there good buddies, we are going to be at our place with a few friends. Kristen is going to take a dip in our 'awesome' pool and i am going to make her a cup of tea and bring her a towel. If you are not going to be doing anything, fancy popping around with your wide assed lenses and taking a few lovey dovey shots of us together, just to prove to the world what PR bitches we are?" Rob.
This is what a PR theory looks like ^
If you believe that shit, then clearly you were born on your head or dropped on it one too many times. Hell chewed on a few lead lined cot bars, is also a possibility? 

It seems the media right now doesn't know what to believe and what to print. We have the theorists arguing with the spin doctors; let's drag this out longer than is necessary, let's see what gulliable idiot will believe the next instalment of 'Rob and Kristen - the PR years'

If you think i am poking fun at you, you should see the things i keep to myself?

Nonstens, Hatestens, ninnies, blindyenas, harpys and hags - whatever you want to call them, they are still fucking breathing. They spout the same crap daily and then post it, lick and stamp it. Even write it with colourful crayons to the webloids that put their shit up as fact! When they are not sitting in delusional world themselves that is. Scandal gives them hits; the more salacious the more credible they will try and make it be - if the shit sticks - it stays!   
The countdown has begin...
It's about time some people accepted that just because you don't agree in something/someone or a relationship - does not mean that it's PR! 
So what, you are not happy Rob has 'chosen' the person he wants to stay with - boo-fucking-hoo! 

Get over yourself and get on with your own life. He is not asking your permission, he is not pleasing the media, he is not selling himself or his private life, so leave him the hell alone!

I have seen the beginning of the Breaking Dawn - Part 2 promo, that kicked off in Sydney (on the east coast and i live on the west :( ) and i have never been more proud of Rob being as simplistic, sarcastic and direct self, when it came to talking about the shit the media makes up and the stupid fans that believe in it. 

He has no time for those that want to spin a story to sell his life. He knows that he and Kristen are only two people, facing the coglomorants that believe they have the right to invent, fantasize, photograph and factualise the wrong way, his relationship and private life. The worrying part of it all, are those who have always been the first to shout 'we are his true fans!'

True fans DO NOT spin stories for the media.
True fans DO NOT obsess about his private life.
True fans DO NOT hate the people he choses to spend his life with.
True fans are supposed to be RESPECTFUL! 
Protecting what is important to him...
Kristen arrived in Japan, all glowing and happy - she is at peace with herself and moving forward with her life. Both look happy and relaxed, that happens when you are in love. Oh the word no hater wants to accept - Rob and Kristen are in LOVE and love is never stunt or PR (true love that is) 
You can argue into you are in a coma, that he should not take her back, that she doesn't deserve him blah, blah, blah - Charlie Brown!   
Not your life, not your relationship and not your decision, so when reality bites, make sure your ass is not in it's way. 
The countdown has begun for the beginning of the end. I can hardly believe that 4 years ago; fans eagerly anticipated the movie Twilight; the story of a mortal teenage girl, falling in love with an immortal teenage boy - with fangs (well no fans, but he sparkled lovely in the sun lol) 
We watched in anticipation as Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner took to the promo stages/tv shows and premieres and into our hearts. We wanted to fall in love with the forbidden romance and hoped that it carried through to real life...

That a certain tall, handsome, young British lad, would fall head over heels in love with the petite, whismically, lovely young Amercian girl...
Wishes sometimes do come true - despite a few hiccups along the way :)

The quote from Kristen at the top of the post is most fitting - we make mistakes. We all make mistakes and it's what happens after you admit you have made those mistakes that's most interesting. Honesty in yourself, being who you are is what makes you a better person. Believing it will never happen to you...

Reality BITES!
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