Rob and Kristen - Do You Hear What I Hear?

Listen to the Llamas and desperate Nonnies...
It's been a great couple of days; spending time with the family, opening presents, eating way too much and sweltering under Australian heat...

Of course for those not filled with Christmas cheer and downtime with those who mean more to them than cyber-bullying and hack-filled hate, it's been a desperate twitchy time.

"OMG, Rob flew to London to be with his family - there's something bad going on, why are Rob and Kristen not together?"

First off; Rob has...for the last 4 yrs always flown home to be with his family. There is nothing unusual about his preferences - Christmas means holiday tradition and holiday tradition means - home for the holidays. If YOU see anything else in that 'simple but traditional' reason why Rob flew to London, then you are one of the many who 'read too much' into things.

"There have been sightings of Kristen in London, then LA, then London again, which one is real? Do you think Kristen went to London ninja style?"

Desperate times call for desperate measures and there are 'desperate' people out there who just simply have to know, need to know, cling desperately to the hope of knowing, if Kristen is with Rob. Hint at the above 'home for the holidays' this means 'family time' and family time means spending it with mum and dad, brother and sister, aunt and uncle. Rob's family live in the UK, Kristen's family live in the US - what do you NOT see in this picture? Now colour me 'not' surprised that some people made so much out of this tiny detail, it's as if they had never heard of people spending the holiday season with their families. As if somehow Rob and Kristen need to be joined at the hip...oh wait?
Conjoined twins...i think not!
"There are so many tweeted sightings of Kristen seen with other men, what does this mean, is she cheating on Rob again?"

You know as strange as this might sound, but i don't hold a lot of faith in twitter accounts that have just been created to stir up drama. In fact, i could honestly place bets on the accounts that claim such 'thinly disguised hate' as being hyenas with too much time on their hands. Obsessives as i have decided to call them from now on. They are either obsessive about Rob or Kristen's life and they need to know 'everything' about it, or obsessive and filled with hate over the relationship of Rob and Kristen and will do anything to prove they are not together. Either way the obsessives are 'committed' to cause drama where there is none needed.

"What is Gossip Cop doing, doesn't he know Rob and Kristen didn't split up. Why is he saying they did?"

"HA, once again GC is on the ball he knows the truth, he knows they aren't together its just a smoke screen - suck on that one!"

There are times when i think to myself 'thank god i have a life' because the shit i miss (until i find it in my in-box) is unreal, the drama and bullshit never ending. We have a Nervous Nelly and a Blindyena, both vying for attention. Gossip/entertainment blogs are simply that, they post up gossip purely for entertainment and the gullible fools eat it all up like it's the only food they will ever get. Yes Gossip Cop states they 'bust bad dish' and 'police the entertainment' industry but they are no better than E! News for creating drama unnecessarily, purely for hits and hits they get. Including stupid people, replying with idiocy in their comments section. It's become the new Awful Truth blog; filled with hate and vile contempt.
Some things never change...
Thanks to the media and a whole lot of hysteria; those who stick their noses in where it's not needed or wanted - Rob and Kristen became the most sought out names on the internet following 'the incident' over the summer and good ole Gossip Cop was there to play out the 'sordid details' which were not really all that sordid, other than the drama that was derived from it and spoken in Chinese whispers, i.e. blown out of proportion.

Let me see...what was it Rob Pattinson said 'post incident?' Oh yeah "the media makes people stupid"
no kidding!

If you want to read into every single thing an entertainment site puts up as the gospel truth or feel the need to comment on it either with stupidity or in defence, then all you are doing is keeping the drama and bullshit alive. If you want to make something out of nothing then you are no different than the gossip hacks you complain about. Will polls and announcements affect the status of Rob and Kristen? Hell no, i believe they couldn't give two 'fucks' what Gossip Cop or any other blog has to say about their 'relationship status'
Put your arms around me...
Kristen: "I'm just going to live my life."

I think this sums it up perfectly; too many invest too much time of their lives entertaining themselves with the need to know every single thing about Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart. They can't simply be happy for two people and their successful careers; the movies they make with dedication and love. They can't be happy with the fact that their successes have allowed them to then work on movie projects with depth and emotion they would normally not be allowed to have, because Studios are only interested in making the next huge buck at the box office. They can't be fans of a relationship that was put to the test, but came out stronger and more determined than ever, because it's what was important to them, not the fans.

Kristen: "People think they knew a lot about me before, they know even less now. People will project whatever, it's a huge form of entertainment."

Some fans and haters see their relationship as a HUGE form of entertainment, they need to feel as if they are an important part of their lives when they are not. Support Rob and if you want Kristen, but leave their personal lives where they are meant to be - personal.

People want to live their lives through Rob or Kristen's eyes. They want that kind of life and by projecting their own insecurities they get swept away with it all. Start living your own lives and protecting what is more important to you and let Rob and Kristen live their lives the way they want to.

"Where is Kristen?"

There is only one place Kristen will be found, the one place she calls home...
...with the one she loves.

Happy New Year everyone!

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