Rob and Kristen - Taking Out The Trash...

Happy New Year to one and all...
Sydney in all it's glory...
Yeah, I'm back - did you miss me?
let's just say while i was enjoying downtime with my family and friends; ringing in the New Year - Aussie style (see photograph) other less fortunate (those that pine the hours away, plotting Kristen Stewart's downfall and how to get into Robert Pattinson's pants...) have been extra whiny and whingy!

Oh yes, they have been very active with their tall tales and manipulated lies, false sightings of Kristen in LA (when she appeared in London) and false sightings of Rob in LA (when clearly he was in London with Kristen) and then we get this;
Just a typical friends night out...
Yeah creepy is creepy, especially in the middle of a tube station on London but well, the onlooker at least was a little respectful and didn't post the photo until 'after' the posse of 'American and Brit' pack left the station to enjoy their night out in the city. This also proved to the washed out haters that; yep, Kristen went to London and no, she didn't go there to have a 'girly weekend' with her best friend...she went to be with Rob - end.of.story!

The haters in the hidey holes crawled around annoyed and squirmy 'if she was there to be with Rob, then why surround yourselves with other people - talk about not wanting to be alone with each other - much?'

hehehehehe... (desperate and twisted)
You see a gal cannot turn up to me her boy, without there being some stupid drama made out of it. for YEARS now, the same routine has been happening; Rob goes home to spend Christmas with his parents and sisters and immediate family members and then spend the New Year with...wait for it...Kristen and his friends. Because nothing sounds more fun than ringing in the New Year with your loved one by your side and friends, who have remained true and committed and who have never looked at you any different - despite your fame and fortune.
Trolling in their little dungeons...
Trolls just have to troll...
"It's impossible, they are not together, this is just another PR excuse for the DVD to come out!" That's right, keep dreaming those dreams troll princess!!

Kristen and Rob went M.I.A and enjoyed time with their friends and all hell broke loose. Cries of 'just one photo please go out and be seen!' followed by the worries and concerns of 'shouldn't Rob be in Australia by now, you know because of his work on 'The Rover'?'

So...we have the self-entitlement of the 'ROB and KRISTEN' fans; love Rob and Kristen together, but hate the paparazzi. But at the same time, want them to go out in the open just so a photo could be taken of them together?!?

Then we have the self-entitlement of 'HIS' fans; love the fact that he's been home to see his family and then hang out with his friends until Kristen arrives and then it's all 'shouldn't he be in Oz, shouldn't he be back in LA' shouldn't he be anywhere away from Kristen and her claws?

Not to be outdone of course is the self-entitlement of 'HER' fans who simply complain and grouse, because Ben Affleck has pulled out of 'Focus' due to other commitments that clash and all of a sudden they are breathing fire and brimstone 'it's because of her relationship with Rob and that 'incident-that-shall-not-be-talked-about' that's ruined her career. No one wants to work with her...

If they are not stalking the living arrangements of Rob and Kristen, the 'self-entitled' fans are then stalking their friends tweets and photos they put up. Friends who are entitled to post and tweet without some 'obsessed' fan commenting with 'tell Rob and Kristen i love them, ask them to go out and get photographed, can you take a photo with Rob and Kristen?'
Self-entitlement, they believe they deserve it!
It irks me that people just can't be respectful fans without the persistent, obsessive need to know everything about them. Like their lives are so boring, so mundane, so lonely they can't just simply sit back and enjoy the moments we do get that are at times when Rob and Kristen are not hounded by the vultures taking photos of them together....oh wait, there clearly is a bunch of people sitting behind their computers every day...trolling.

Here's a thought, a New Year's resolution; concentrate more on your life and leave Rob and Kristen to theirs - okay?
Self-entitlement does not mean you own them or their friends, therefore you are not privy to what goes on in their lives or the lives of their friends either. By some misplaced fan following hoping one of them 'slips and posts a photo they shouldn't have!' Why not try some decency and stop with the obsessiveness?

Oh that's right it will never happen, because somebody somewhere believes that's being a fan; stalking and tweeting and liking and reposting.
Rob and Kristen rewarded their friends with something. After nearly a week of 'Where is Kristen or here she is, walking through an airport bound for London snapped by vultures once again' we got this;
Rob and Kristen pose for the New Year...
Chants of 'photo evidence, suck it haters' and 'OMG' filled the air and spilled all over the social networks. At long last Rob and Kristen posed for a photo that would hopefully appease the fans...but it didn't, as greedy as ever they wanted more.

"Friends post photos of them together please..."
"Rob and Kristen please put each other down and show your pretty faces please..."
"are they or aren't they still in London, let's stalk ..... and ......'s twitter to find out!!"

The lengths and hyena stupidity...
So, taking out the trash. Throwing away the remains of Christmas and the New Year and opening the blinds and windows, letting the fresh air of 2013 in.
Be thankful for what you have, be less obsessive of the things that you can never have or that will never be yours and just sit back and appreciate that life is too short mooning over your short comings.
Love this photo...
If you need reassurances in the shape of a photo that they are together...
If you need tweets and little hints from their friends that they are together...
If you need media covered full of shit reports that they are together...
Or rumours of travelling together...
Hope that they turn up at a red carpet event together...
Kristen doing car pooling after an event just to make sure Rob gets home in one piece together...

then you are no better than the people you ridicule and poke fun at, because they hate anything to do with Rob and Kristen being together. You believe your self-entitlement puts you higher up the obsessive list of fans, who need to know everything and if either are not seen in a week you are panicking, bored stiff and need Rob and Kristen to pull you out of your depressive life. Their happiness should not be the only thing that holds your happiness together and if it is...then you have a lot of emotional problems that need sorted out. Not by Rob and Kristen, but by yourself!

My New Years be twice the bitch i was before and hold nothing back. So, same resolution as last year then :D

tempest x
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