Rob and Kristen - Some Kind Of Bliss...

Seems i have missed a lot of bullshit and mayhem from the usual drama llamas and hysterical hyenas, running around panicking and foaming at the mouth?

Rob attends a work related dinner in NYC - where is Kristen is she with him? Maybe she went all 'ninja' and got into New York without being seen?
Rob is seen with Tom Sturridge at this dinner, which incidentally On The Road apparently was featured at it and - OMG why isn't Kristen there, why isn't she promoting and sitting with Tom (her co-star) along with Rob (her boyfriend) at this event. It's not fair, it's not fair...oh something must be up for Kristen to not attend a 'work related' event?

Tom and Sienna are seen with their daughter Marlowe, strolling happily in NYC - why did he bring her and Rob not bring Kristen, what is up with this picture?
Rob stays in NYC over the weekend, whispers of him out with Tom and Sienna with no hurry to get back to LA - oh no, he's with his super sekrit girlfriend the imaginary Jessica, the super sekrit girlfriend of 4 yrs, who happily sits and waits for his visits to NY and watches as he leaves to return into the arms of his 'public girlfriend' Kristen, because they understand the need to keep their love private and super sekrit!!
Kristen is seen out with friends in LA and her loving father John at a Florence and the Machine's concert, looking all awkwardly pensive as she tries to get past the ever annoying roaches. No doubt shouting abuse at her once more, because like the drama llamas and hysterical hyenas of this fandom - they can't leave the past where it belongs - in the past!!
OH NO, why is Rob spending the weekend in NY and why is Kristen in LA and they are NOT together, something is not right here, something is really, very wrong??

Uh how?
Because they are meant to be together, doing things together, watching concerts together and generally acting like a supposed couple who have 'just got back together' interesting.
You see, the way i look at life is very simple - why are so many sticking their noses and their overly dramatic imaginations in where it's not needed?
Because they lead such empty and unfulfilled lives that's why. They flood every social medium with their tales of woe 'something is wrong between them' they post it all over the place and then DM and make contact with the saner of the fandom, to talk them down from the drama llama edge 'i can't take anymore!'
Maybe Rob hasn't been able to forgive her and that's why he has spent a weekend with his old friend and his super cute family. Maybe he can't look at Kristen the same way he looked at her before all of this - maybe the media has been mistaken...

I wonder how some people in this fandom sleep at night, with the amount of unnecessary drama running around their heads?

Kristen was out with friends and what? She saw a band that she likes? But this band played on the Snow White and the Huntsman soundtrack - how dare she betray Rob by attending a concert of a movie that, that...MAN directed!!
Correct me if i am wrong, but wasn't Florence and the Machine on the Eclipse soundtrack. A band that both Rob and Kristen like? If so then, where is the problem with Kristen attending the concert with a bunch of friends and her father?
And what is wrong with Rob attending a few 'work related/networking events in New York where his friend, fiancée and baby are there attending their own events? Spend a few days with them and then fly back home, am i missing something significant in all of this?
Why can't some people stop and think, before they engage their brains in another round of 'look who's stupid?'
It doesn't take much honestly.

Try ceasing with the niggling drama; the need to make something out of nothing. The compulsion to post up your concerns which really, are just 'over thinking' too much, instead of accepting the easiest and most basic reason - couples spend time apart.

NO, they don't?

Well then you live in a world, where your significant other is attached to your hip 24 hours a day and never leaves your side. Trust me when i say this, but that kind of relationship never lasts long. Suffocating your other half with your need to be in their life all the time, leads to resentment and hate and then you find yourself on your own wondering what you did wrong? With a gaping hole in the wall where your significant other was last seen screaming, as they made their escape.

That might sound funny to you, but for me half of this fandom is filled with people exactly like that. They represent Kathy Bates in the movie Misery; their need to control someone else's life so that they never leave. Or worse still - they want, no, they NEED to control Rob or Kristen's lives; he is not allowed to be anywhere near her and she should suffer for all eternity!
Some kind of bliss;
the kind you can get wrapped up in, surround yourself in and forget about the real world outside.
Rob and Kristen - they are living their lives their way and no one else's. They don't need to make excuses on how they conduct it, nor do they need to look for some kind of 'permission' from their fans - not your lives so get over it and stop meddling in something that isn't yours.
The amount of completely bat shit crazy theories running around, is enough to make you want to throw yourself into a padded cell. Not because you are mentally unstable, but because those around you are. Everyone has a theory, everyone has a story, everyone has a rumour, but no one has the truth.

I for one will be glad when the Twilight Saga is over. Sad to see the stories come to an end, but not sorry to see the back of the madness of this fandom.
Their perfect bliss is together - despite recent, reconciliation, long drawn out talks, forgiveness and tears - they are together.
Read it, understand it, take it in and mull it over - fact is fact.
The only drama that is happening, is the one inside an over-active imagination.

In Rob and Kristen's life - only bliss.
Tempest xx
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