Let's Play The P.R. Game...

I have seen some shits and giggles today...
Well, more shit than giggles, but you get my meaning.
Rob and some shady/fuzzy camera shots (apparently) with a group of people in a bar in New York...talking to a 'female other than Kristen Stewart' and all hell breaks loose.
Then a photo of Rob being kissed and hugged by Paul Giamatti's wife in Cannes, as in earlier this year, as in co-star from Cosmopolis - and all hell breaks loose.

What is missing with this picture, oh yeah - common sense!
Now i am a patient person, i have all the time in the world for logical explanations and well thought out theories, but Lord give me strength, because the crazy-brigade has hit town and all it's playful pranksters want to come out to play.
People are losing their shit left and right and what's worse is that the constant bombardment of bat shit nonsense is like a epidemic - and spreading fast!

Rob is seen talking to a girl at a bar - STOP the press!!!
Kristen is seen out with friends at a concert - HOLD the phone!!!
They are not seen out together - SPLITSVILLE here we come!!!

If Rob is out on his own, he is seen by the harpies who circle his fandom - as single.
If Kristen is seen out ANYWHERE it's PR for her failing acting career and desperate need to cling onto Rob!

Magazines and entertainment sites are now announcing they are 'back together' (when really they were never apart) but hey "tomato, tomato."
I love this image so fucking much!
Everyone is jumping on the 'let's make as much money as we can off the back of these kids' reporting 'feud's between Rob's friends and Kristen'

*eye rolling is never ending in this fandom*

Do people really believe this made up shit? Wait, don't answer that one, because seriously, it's completely fucked up in the head.

If Rob is out without Kristen, they have had a bust up and have split. No wait, they are no longer together and this comes from the camp, who have vocally damned this PR relationship from the very beginning. How can they no longer be together, when you never believed they were together in the first place?
The crazies are the loudest - they spread the shit and then the panic people talk about it.

So, Kristen goes out with a bunch of her friends, or slips in and out of France as stealthily as she can and avoids any media exposure. With the exception of her Balenciaga obligations and she is desperate for attention? She is seeking approval from her fans again, she is playing the PR game and speaking to magazines like People and US Weekly - because she owns their asses, or is a glutton for punishment?

Rob = single
Kristen = PR fame-whore
Wow when does the Merry-Go-Around stop, because i am feeling nauseous!!

Don't people understand that this drivel is the stuff of media wet dreams?
They get off on publishing bullshit, because stupid people read it and buy into the drama!
Rob and Kristen are the number one favourite couple, for printing ludicrous stories about and then they (media) sit on social networks and watch the fandom explode in 3...2...1

Scarcely a day goes by without some 'drama' unfolding from the haters or the fair-weathered fans - they aren't seen together it spells trouble, they are seen together it's called PR! 
If Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are playing the PR game, then they are doing it 'very wrong'
They should be going out everywhere so that they can get papped - don't you know the price for a photo of the couple together is like the golden ticket to get into Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory?
They should be seen strolling hand in hand and looking adorably at each other. They should be seen eating in the most exclusive of restaurants, those that don't have a 'no cameras' policy, that is.
They should be calling the mags and selling their love story, writing songs about their love, sharing their reunion on national Television.

But instead they are being really stupid. They are not going out anywhere where those annoying roaches called paps, can see them. They are doing things separately just like they have done for nearly 4 yrs. They are having 'private' parties and 'private' dinners with friends. Don't they know how really inconsiderate they are being?

The media print bullshit, the stupid people believe it and spread it around. Get other stupid people talking about it and elaborating the stories more. The media reads the hysterical ramblings of the not so bright kind and print the bullshit. 

*Around and around and around it goes*
The hounding of this one young woman will continue, while stupid people feed the media their bullshit PR theories and fame-whore lies. Do yourselves a favour and stop pandering to those, who clearly have nothing better to do with their time and live such empty existences.
Rob will forever be seen as the perpetual bachelor, because that's the only status the robsessed, robdelusional, robsexed can cope reading and accepting. They will forever make up 'wet dream' stories about their idol to the media, because in their world, he is saving himself for them.

As for all the rest...
If you choose to believe every single thing that comes out from the trash mags, gossip sites and entertainment blogs - then you live in a very insecure world, full of bullshit, drama and mayhem.
There is no known cure for stupidity, no reason for the drama.

Rob and Kristen have NEVER played the PR Game and i don't see why they should do it now, just because their 'fans or haters' want them to. No amount of pressure from the media is going to change that. No amount of panicking drama from those, who need to make something out of nothing, is going to make them suddenly change their minds - they do what they want to do and that is that!
Take heed of my warning!
Tempest xx
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